AN: finderlov pointed out that I rushed the first paragraph on Akihito telling Asami he pregnant and wanted to know what Asami's answer on whether or not he wants children and Akihito's reaction to it. This whole part I kind of skipped because I had no idea what to do with Asami an how to write him in character during this discussion. I have given it some thought and to fill in that gap I decided to write this Omake.

I hope you like it and I still don't own Finder Series.


"Out with it already, I am quickly running out of patience."

"Asami, have you ever thought about having children?"

Whatever Asami was waiting for Akihito to say, this was definitely not it.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden? You have never mentioned wanting children to me."

"Just answer my question Asami, please, for once just give me a straight answer."

Asami let out a heavy sigh wondering why would Akihito want to ask him such a strange question, practically out of nowhere.



"No Akihito, I have never thought about having children, to tell you the truth I have never wanted children and I never want children." Asami took his chin and made their eyes meet so Akihito would understand he was being serious and giving him a straight truthful answer.

"Why?" Asked Akihito looking away from Asami as his eyes started to fill with tears.

"Because I live a life where children are weaknesses I cannot afford to have, I do not want to be a father and I don't like children. In my position, it's just not possible."

With his arms wrapped around Akihito's waist he felt something wet touch his skin. Once more he turned Akihito's face toward his and saw drops of salty liquid as they ran freely from the hazel eyes. It was the first time he saw his lover cry in such a heart wrenching way, what had made him so sad? Did he want children so much?

"Akihito, what is wrong? Why are you crying?"

The blonde tried to get up from the bed and walk away as his tears continued to fall and small sobs escaped his mouth. Asami grabbed his arm before he could leave and pulled him toward himself while Akihito continued to struggle without looking at him.

"Let me go Asami."

"Not until you tell me what is going on."

"Just let me be, please I need to calm down a bit. Just let me go."

The photographer looked so distressed and his soul shattering sobs were so sad for once Asami decided to back off and let his young lover be. Letting go of the boy while he looked so miserable was one of the hardest things he had ever done but he understood that at this moment that was that the blonde needed.

Akihito crossed the bedroom to their private bathroom and locked himself in it. Asami walked to the closed door and sat on the floor next to it, he wanted to be close when Akihito needed him. From the other side of the door Asami heard the sobs come out louder as Akihito stopped containing them. It could not be that Akihito had slept with someone and was feeling guilty because she was pregnant –Akihito would never betray him, he would never cheat. He knew Akihito loved him and would not hurt him in such a way. But then, what had gotten Akihito so distressed?

"Akihito, come out, talk to me."

The sobbing continued and he continued to wait until half an hour later Akihito had calmed down and he tried again.

"Akihito, whatever it is we can fix it together. I will help you, come out Akihito." He coaxed in a low soothing voice.

The boy came out, his face tearstained and his eyes red from crying. Asami pulled him to his lap as soon as he came out of the bathroom and Akihito did not resist him. He held the smaller body in his arms and kissed him softly on the cheeks and neck and small kisses on his lips as the boy sat on his lap without saying a word.

"Asami, if you could have a child with me… would you do it?"

"Why are you asking about that?"

"Because I am pregnant."

"…" Asami looked at him like he had lost his mind, after all men could not get pregnant. When Akihito saw his expression he attempted to leave his lap and go back into the bathroom.

"Wait, Akihito. Explain to me what is going on?"

"I did not want to worry you, so when I started to feel sick I pretended that nothing was going on. You leave before I wake up and come back really late at night, sometimes we don't see each other all day so it was not hard to do. When the sickness wouldn't go away I went to the doctor and they ran some tests, the blood test they ran said that I was pregnant. The doctor and I, we were so confused, he ran the test again and it was the same result."

Asami stayed quiet for about twenty minutes and Akihito began to get nervous, dread filling his mind and heart. Asami tightened his arms around the smaller body in a way to reassure Akihito that things would be ok. He needed to think about things before he said anything to his lover.


When he finally spoke what came out of his mouth was the question that had been bouncing around his mind since the revelation was presented to him.


"How the hell am I supposed to know? I did not plan this and was as surprised – if not more - when I found out than you were when I told you. Is it ok?"

"Yes, it is. Because is you, anyone else and this discussion would be very different and end with a trip to the hospital."


"What did the doctor say?"

"He ran some more tests and will give me the results next week Monday."

"Akihito, I never wanted children but this child is already on the way. This is my child…my child with you and I will treasure and protect our child with my life if that is necessary."

"I love you Ryuichi, I never planned this but I will love our child with all my heart."

"I… me too."


The TV was on and playing a movie no one was paying attention to. Asami was sitting on the living room couch and Akihito sat on his lap as large hands rubbed small circles on his stomach. The golden eyed man was not even aware of the caring caresses as he unconsciously touched the place where his child was now growing.



"We have to tell our families."

Asami lifted an eyebrow and looked at his lover as the boy shifted nervously from one foot to the other.


"I was thinking, we could tell our mothers and let them break the news to our fathers. I don't know about you but this is not the kind of conversation I want to have with my dad."

"Fine, I will talk to my mother tomorrow then."

"Could we invite them over and talk to them in person? I would like to meet your mother if that is ok with you."


"I will ask my mother to come over for Mother's Day dinner this weekend, ask your mother to join us. I will be home at five and we can have dinner at seven."

"Thank you."


Akihito was pacing around the penthouse as he waited for his mother to answer the phone.


"Hi, mom…"


I hope this fills the gaps on the previous chapter. R&R
