edit: the sequel has been uploaded; it's called IN IT TOGETHER. check it o u t! :)

I have chosen to end this story, but that does not mean that it's over. I've been feeling like getting back to writing lately and have decided that I will be creating a sequel. I'm not sure when I will get the chance to actually work on it honestly BUT IT WILL HAPPEN. I've just been really busy with family stuff (my sister is pregnant with her third baby, I'm usually visiting on weekends and don't have much time (if any) to write).
Thanks to everyone who reviewed and followed this fanfic (LADYRES- if you want to read a story where Sophia doesn't die, check out the I Am Bulletproof and I Am Titanium fanfics I wrote), I probably would not have had much motivation to write more than the first six chapters.
As I have mentioned previously, I update much quicker on my Wattpad account - my username is ilikecheesetoomuch - and post more there. So check it out!
Anyway, I'm going to go. Have a good day/night! :)