
It was an average day at Mount Justice.

Kaldur had just returned from visiting Tula and Garth in Atlantis, and was chatting with Raquel in the kitchen. Robin (the Team had yet to learn his real name) was on his laptop, editing some blackmail footage of the Team's resident speedster, who was making a sandwich with multiple layers of meat, cheese, vegetables, and condiments. Conner was watching his favorite TV show-static. M'gann and Zatanna were cooking dinner, chatting about whatever came to mind and using telekinesis and spells to make the cooking less time consuming. The only thing out of the ordinary was the absence of the Team's resident archer.

As a matter of fact, Artemis was in her room at the mountain, standing in front of a full length mirror and trying to decide on the perfect way to break a particular piece of news to her teammates.

'What if they don't like her?' Artemis thought, staring at her reflection and sighing. She'd assumed that the difficult part would be convincing the league this was a good idea. As it turned out, she also had to convince the Team (and herself). Taking a final deep breath, and deciding it was now or never, she went to the common room, hoping that everything would go as planned.

'I can do this. They'll love her. And she'll love them.' With that in mind, the archer cleared her throat.

"Team, I have an announcement to make. It can't wait." Curious, the rest of the Team gathered around Artemis, a million different possible ideas to what said announcement was running through their minds, not all positive.

"We are going to have a new teammate."

"We're getting a new teammate?" Robin interrogated. "Then why didn't Batman say anything?"

"Because Robin, she's my sister. So I wanted to introduce her."

"You have a sister?" M'gann questioned.

"Yep. Her name is Raven Roth, and I'm sure you'll like her. "

As Artemis spoke the name of the Team's newest member, a cloud of purplish-black smoke appeared next to her, swirling until a shadow could be visible in the center. When the cloud dissipated, a petite figure stood where it had once been. Contrary to Artemis's blonde hair and blue-grey eyes, Raven had the most stunning violet hair, and sparkling amethyst eyes. While Artemis had a tan complexion, Raven had a pale, ashen grey one, wrapped in a black leotard and azure blue cloak that was fastened by a red gem. Three more of these gems were on a golden belt that rested on the newcomer's waist. The Team stared in silence, observing their new teammate and taking in her unusual features.

Artemis nudged Raven, motioning for her to speak. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth, the words coming out in a monotone.

"Hello Team, I'm Raven Roth, your newest member."