Disclaimer: I don't own anything about Total Drama or Kingdom Hearts










These two forces are purely opposite and have been since the beginning of creation itself. Some say one side is weaker while others would act like they above such labels. But regardless of these reasons these two forces exist and they exist everywhere, even in the Hearts of living beings. They are opposite so naturally they oppose each other.

Darkness reaches out to devour everything in its path while the Light shines bright, unwilling to be snuffed out by the Darkness. The Light seeks to bathe all of existence in its glow but the Darkness hides in the shadowy shades beneath the Light's reach. Neither can exist where the other cannot reach and neither can exist without the other. That is why beings have tried to harness the power of both sides for their own desires, even if those desires would lead to the destruction of entire world.

People have fought, bled, and died struggling to maintain this delegate balance that has kept all of existence alive since its creation. And the cycle continues with new people attempting to use Light or Darkness for their own goals...

And new beings are given weapons and powers that lead them down a path without a choice in the matter. How could they say no when their home was in danger of being destroyed and swallowed in Darkness or Light? How can they say no when the possibility of an apocalypse happening and threatening all of existence?

Or when something worse, much worse endangers them, their worlds, and all of existence?


The people trapped inside the eight orange balloons screamed as they were sent flying off in the sun's direction.

"Love is a fine, fine, thing." Alejandro said as he held Heather in his arms.

Mike and Zoey kissed followed by Alejandro and Heather while Gwen shrugged and kissed Cameron on the cheek.


Gwen, Cameron, Mike and Zoey stood in front of the fake castle set up with Mike holding the sword.

"THE ISLAND IS SINKING!" Cameron screamed.

Heather and Alejandro screamed as they swam for their lives with Fang chasing them. Mike, Gwen, Cameron, and Zoey floated away on the roof of a cabin.

Everything that happened after Camp Wawanakwa sank to the bottom of the lake became a dark blur for all the remained.


Five young teens watched a shooting star in the night sky.

An armored figure walked towards set of key shaped weapons embedded in the ground.

Four warriors covered in armor watched as an old man and a younger man wearing a black and red jumpsuit with his face covered by a black visor approached them in a vast desert littered with key shaped weapons embedded into the ground as eleven figures in black cloaks appeared behind them. The middle armored figure charged at the pair as the old man raised his right hand. Suddenly the ground between them shot up which the armored warrior slammed into and skidded across the newly created miniature mountain.

Gwen stood in a great hall, dressed in dark clothing watching as someone charged at her, holding a key shaped weapon tightly in both hands. They both clashed and were enveloped in a bright light.

You're giving me too many things
Lately, you're all I need
You smiled at me and said

Mike found himself standing a pure white void and turned around to see an elderly man and someone in a black and red tight suit with a black mask walking through a pair of opening doors. The doors and the elderly man vanished and black suited man held out a hand to Mike. Mike's eyes widened as the man's black mask suddenly enveloped him. He was standing in a dark void with something shining in his hand. He opened it up to see a golden heart keychain shining in the palm of his hand.

He dropped it and it fell into the dark.

Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?

Suddenly he was standing a barren deserted area surrounding by key shaped weapons with Gwen and Zoey standing a few feet away from him. The golden heart keychain rested in his hand while a Red Flower keychain glowed in Zoey's hands and a Silver Star keychain glowed in Gwen's hands.

When we are older you'll understand
What I meant when I said
'No, I don't think life is quite that simple'

The keychains shot out into the air and came together as the images of several people appeared.

A girl with long red hair and pink eyes dressed in a pink shirt with a black stripe across the middle.

A girl with red hair that had a flower on the right side of her head.

A girl with short black hair and purple eyes dressed in black and purple clothing.

A woman with cat like characteristics in a black dress.

A girl with dark skin and blue colored hair and orange eyes.

A girl with blond hair wearing a white-shirt over a black T-shirt and purple pants.

A girl with pale skin, long black hair, with fangs for teeth.

They came together and formed a key shaped weapon…

When you walk away
You don't hear me say

The old man raised his right hand as a man wearing armor attacked him with a key shaped weapon. He released an icy blast that froze the armored man's hand and traveled up his arm. A smaller armored warrior leapt at the old man while his back was turned but he vanished as the key shaped sword slashed at him and appeared right behind the warrior, grabbing him by the back of his head and lifted him over his shoulder despite his age. At the bottom of the mountain a red armored warrior stood up as the helmet shattered, revealing it was Zoey.

'Please, oh baby, don't go'

She froze as she found herself in a white void and Mike walked right past her. She brought her hands to her chest over her heart and a tear shed down her face as she felt like she had lost something precious to her.

Simple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

The smaller warrior was engulfed with black flames for a second before being replaced with by an icy blue mist that froze the warrior completely. The old man released the frozen warrior and dropped him off the cliff.

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a latter later
Regardless of warning the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

The brunette ran down a white colored hall with a mist of darkness chasing at him. He was then replaced by Cameron who wore a black T-shirt under a white jacket with dark baggy pants and white sneakers who ran down a dark hall with images of different places and people appearing on the wall. He ran into a white light where Gwen was waiting, wondering with a fearful look on her face. She was then transported to a desert littered with key shaped weapons, holding a frozen Cameron with both wearing armor and small bruises seen on Gwen's face.

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a latter later
Regardless of warning the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

A flaming orb that was colored purple and white appeared in palm of the smiling old man's hand as he lifted up over his head. It launched from his hand like a rocket and vanished into the clouded sky. The clouds were parted as bright light shined through it. Gwen looked up with Cameron still in her arms while Zoey who was lying on the ground opened her eyes to see what was shining down on them.

A gigantic bright shining Heart.

The brunette looked up with a look of hate as his eyes turned yellow. Suddenly the brunette fell into darkness with multiple key shaped weapons surrounding him as he seemingly slept. He turned into Zoey who then changed into Gwen, then Cameron, and finally Mike who opened his eyes to see himself landing on a glass shaped mural. The blades all landed on the mural surrounding him as he looked around with a confused look.

He watched as there was a bright light and then…



"This is the best you could gather for me, Mclean?"

"Hey, it was a lot of hard work, all right? But yeah, these losers are the definite guinea pigs for what you want."

"Very well. One or two of them stand out already." The mysterious man was looking at multiple screens lined along the walls. "It's nice to see you did your work in separating the strong from the weak but even then there's no guarantee this will work."

"I could always make another season with another batch of losers."

"And wait a whole other year? I'm a busy man, Mclean. I don't have time to wait while you search for more amusement."

"Fine by me. Wouldn't want to keep the boss man waiting or the billions waiting for me." Chris chuckled.

"No, we wouldn't." The man chuckled. "Wake them up and begin the procedure."


"Ugh..." In a large room that was full of heavy sacks a feminine voice groaned inside one of them.

The girl inside slowly opened her eyes seeing only darkness and tried to move her arms. She felt the sack wrapped around her entire body and started to try flailing her arms and kicking her legs out. She tore through the sack easily, ripping it open and standing up. She gasped and took a deep breath of fresh air before she looked around.

"What the hell?" She looked and saw the three other bags around in the room around her, each one probably having someone in them.

She knelt down to the bag closest to her and slowly ripped open the bag revealing a girl with red hair in pigtails and with a flower.

"Whoa!" She gasped, waking up the person she found.

"Ah!" The other person shouted in a higher pitched feminine as she sat up. "Wh-where am I?"

"Got me on that one." The other girl replied. "I just came to... Zoey?"

The girl looked up at her when she heard her name. "Gwen?"

Both Gwen and Zoey had competed in the fifth Total Drama season; Total Drama All Stars which had ended when Camp Wawanaka was destroyed on the final episode of the season.

"Where are we?" Zoey asked as she ripped the bag off and stood up.

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was...waiting for the boat to pick us up. We were on piece of debris because Chef used a hydraulics machine and caused the island to sink." Gwen ran a hand through her hair. "That was probably the best thing to ever happen to that place."

"Now I remember!" Zoey gasped. "We were just getting on the boat and then...I blacked out."

"Zoey?" A male voice asked in a bag next to her.

"Mike!" Zoey ripped the bag open to reveal her boyfriend.

She hugged him and he hugged her back. They had been through so much during the latest Total Drama season, battling Mike's evil personality named Mal who Mike defeated when he reset his own mind and absorbed all of his personalities into himself.

"Hello?" The final bag asked.

"Cameron?" Gwen opened the bag and saw the young boy inside the bag.

"Gwen?" Cameron found his glasses and put them on. "Where are we?"

"We're still working on that." Gwen replied.

"What happened?" Mike asked as he stood up.

"What's the last thing you two remember?" Zoey asked.

"We were sitting on that roof when the island sunk, waiting for someone to rescue us. There was a boat...I can't remember anything else after that." Cameron slowly answered.

"Me neither." Mike agreed.

That was when the door opened, making everyone go silent as a familiar person walked in.

"CHRIS!" Everyone shouted.

"Hey, you're awake. About time and on schedule." Chris chuckled.

"Chris, what the hell is going on?" Gwen growled. "Why are we here? I thought we were off your stupid show for good!"

"Oh you are. As for why you're all here that's simple. A buddy of mine needs you for an important project."

"Yeah right, you can't just drag us back in!" Zoey glared.

" Actually I can. But don't worry; it's not for another season." Chris chuckled again. "Like I said, a buddy of mine has asked for you three because he believes you guys are special, different from the rest of the losers who have been on my show. Cameron was just along for the ride."

"What are you talking about?" Zoey asked. "What do you mean special?"

"Don't really know." Chris shrugged. "The point that you're his problem now. Be sure to be on your best manners. Oh wait, you won't have to leave this room for what's he planning."

"Are you mad?!" Mike demanded. "Are you nuts?! Are you bonkers?! Are you-are you-"

"He's Chris." Gwen interrupted. "Enough said. And we're not staying here."

"Sorry, Gwen, can't let that happen." Chris held out a remote and pressed the big red button.

Suddenly the four teens found themselves unable to move as a strange light covered them.

"I can't move my feet!" Zoey cried out.

"Me neither!" Mike replied.

"Relax. This won't hurt a bit." Chris put the remote away. "But...it might be just as life threatening. I'll have to ask later."

Chris stopped and stared at Cameron who was sweating with fear now. "Hm...he did say only three...but one more couldn't hurt."

Chris then pulled out what looked like a keychain with a ruby red heart at the end with wings wrapped around it. The heart slowly started to glow brightly.

"Let's get the show started." Chris laughed.

"Okay you have officially gone in-sa...wha..." Gwen trailed off as her vision was engulfed by a bright light.

"Gw..." Zoey tried to speak but a bright light covered her vision too.

"Wha..happ..." Cameron groaned, struggling to see through the light.

The next time they opened their eyes they were not in the room with Chris anymore. They opened their eyes to see themselves falling through the sky towards an ocean.

"WHY ARE WE FALLING?!" Zoey screamed out.

"ZOEY!" Mike screamed and reached out towards her.

They didn't have a chance to touch as they landed in the water with loud splash. They all thought they were going to die but instead they didn't feel a thing and managed to stand up with their clothes and hair dripping.

"What happened?" Cameron rubbed his glasses.

"Chris must have shot us through that catapult he had in the third season." Gwen shook her head and turned to see... "No way."

"What is...Whoa!" Mike yelped.

Standing before them was Total Drama Island.

"I thought this stinking island sank." Gwen said as they walked onto the beach.

It was obviously night with the dark sky, the shining stars, and the blue moon.

"The blue moon. Just like before." Gwen trailed off. "When all the animals became the opposite of what they were."

"Hey! Look!" Cameron pointed to the sky.

They looked up to see a yellow colored planet sitting next to the moon.

"Is that a planet?" Zoey asked.

"That's a little weird." Gwen commented. "All right. That's it. This is officially a dream."

"Why does it have to be a dream?"

The four turned to see the rest of the Heroic Hamsters except for Sierra and Duncan with Owen and Dawn standing with them.

"Isn't it wonderful, Gwen?" Owen asked.

"Guys?" Mike asked. "What's going on?"

"I thought nothing would surprise you guys by now." Sam said while Lindsay giggled. "It's just like a big online game with all sorts of surprises."

"The universe is truly diverse with so much we have yet to see." Dawn said with a peaceful smile.

"What do you mean?" Zoey asked.

"A universe with infinite worlds, so different, so diverse, with people we never imagined existing unless we saw them with our own eyes." Lindsay said.

"Lindsay?" Gwen asked.

"What is it you guys are afraid of?" Dawn asked.

"Huh?" Cameron asked.

"I asked what are you it you guys are afraid of." Dawn repeated.

"...Okay, who are you guys?" Gwen narrowed her eyes. "You are not our friends. They wouldn't talk like this."

"Wise as always, Gwen." Owen chuckled. "But you never answered the question."

"Why do we have to be afraid of anything?" Mike asked.

"Everyone is afraid of something. They may say otherwise but they all fear something and they never move past it until they confront it."

The four shared looks with each other.

"Okay..." Mike stepped forward. "I was afraid that when Mal made me think he was the real personality and not me. It meant everything I felt for Zoey and anyone else was not actually...me."

"Mike." Zoey put a hand on Mike's shoulder. "I knew you were the real one all along."

"Yeah." Mike smiled back at Zoey who stepped forward.

"I was afraid I would be alone with no friends. I didn't any growing up when I tried to be friendly with smiles and nice manners." Zoey answered with a confident smile. "But that all changed when I came to Total Drama. I met Mike and everyone else."

When the last two didn't answer for a second Gwen sighed. "All right, if we answer will you tell us what you guys are?"

She considered the silence her answer.

"I'm afraid of people judging me for the mistakes I've done for the rest of my life. I don't want to be labelled as a bad person even if I might have looked the part. I never trusted anyone new easily... but as bad as life on that stupid reality show I don't regret going on it, meeting all of the others and the few friendships that I made and probably lost. I'm not a bad person, a villain, or even the New Heather, I'm just...someone who screws up a lot." Gwen let out a sad sigh.

She had it a little rough through the years. Her friendship with most of the original Total Drama cast was strained, because of her relationship with Duncan or because they pretty much moved on from Total Drama. While some like Cody, Trent, Harold, and Justin continued their little boy band most of the others were going off to school and such had very little time for friendship. She kept a good friendship with Cody and Owen for the most part but for most of her friends she rarely saw them anymore. DJ moved back to Jamaica, Bridgette and Geoff went off dating, while LeShawna went off to dance school.

She would have moved on too, if not for wanting to patch things up with Courtney and finally stop feeling guilty for her mistake in Season Three.

Cameron and Zoey each put a hand on her shoulders.

"We all make mistakes." Zoey offered comfortably. "They don't define who you are even everyone else says otherwise."

"Yeah, you don't see us calling you a villain or New Heather." Cameron said with a smile. "If you were a villain, would you have protected me when I joined the Vultures?"

"Or save us when Ezekiel trapped us in the mine?" Zoey asked with a smile.

"Or help Zoey try and stop Mal?" Mike said, smiling with the others.

Gwen smiled happily with a look of relief in her eyes. "Thanks."

"I guess I'm up now huh?" Cameron asked as he stepped forward. "I could say I'm scared of a lot of stuff but I don't think that's the answer you are looking for. The truth is...I'm scared of being useless. I'm not strong like Joe, Lightning, or Zoey, I'm not brave like Mike or Gwen and I'm a midget compared to my friends. All I got is my brain and there are times when I think it's not enough."

"Even when you helped me control my personalities?" Mike asked.

"Or when you sacrificed yourself to help me stop Ezekiel from killing Chris?" Gwen asked.

"Or when you defeated Lightning in the season three finale?" Zoey asked.

Cameron blushes from the praise he was getting and rubbed the back of his head.

"Someone's shy." Gwen snickered.

"I guess I'm up next." Zoey looked at the group watching them. "I'm scared that any friends I make might find me…weird. I tried to being friendly and nice but I never exactly…fit in. I was never invited to parties, sleepovers, or trips with anyone. I thought coming onto Total Drama would change things and it did and I'm afraid that it'll go back…and I'll be alone."

"No way. That'll never happen." Mike stepped up and hugged Zoey. "Not while I'm here."

"Me neither." Cameron walked up and put a hand on Zoey's shoulder.

"Count me in." Gwen smiled as she laid a hand on Zoey's other shoulder. "We may not have known each other for long but I've learned to hold onto friendships."

"You guys…" Zoey smiled tearfully as she grabbed all three in a hug which they returned.

"I guess it's my turn." Mike pulled away from the hug and looked at the watchers. "I got scared a lot when I couldn't control my alternate personalities. People would think I'm a freak because I was one person one minute and then another the next. Then there was Mal, because of him I was thrown in Juvie where I got help but Mal came back and I spent every second trapped in my mind worried that he might kill anyone close to me."

"But he didn't." Zoey held Mike's cheeks in her hands. "You won and he's gone."

"Yeah Mike. You made it." Cameron said and Gwen nodded in agreement.

"Are they all so bad?" Dawn asked, earning the group's attention.

"What's the matter if someone has an opinion about you? Or if you can't help everyone?" Owen asked.

"If you guys try your best and it's not enough than is it really your fault?" Lindsay asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Gwen asked as she frowned. "We answered your questions so tell us what's going on already."

"Very well." They all said at the same time just as another bright light blinded them.

All four of them closed their eyes and seemed to fall backwards. The odd thing was that they did not fall back onto the floor of the room they woke up in. All they could feel was themselves falling through what looked like a dark void that they saw when they opened their eyes. They could see each other which was odd because you're not supposed to see through complete darkness.

They tried to speak but they couldn't hear each other. In fact they couldn't hear anything at all. All they could do was continue to fall through the black void they somehow ended up in, even though there was no logical explanation of how they got there.


Just when they thought they were going to fall forever they suddenly felt the cool sensation of water along with a splashing sound filling their ears as they landed in the water. They tried to swim back up to the surface but to their shock they were still seemingly falling or sinking to the dark bottom of the sea they had landed in. They struggled and struggled while trying to hold their breath for as long as possible, until they couldn't. The released air came out in the form of bubbles and they all realized they were about to drown.

Except they didn't.

They finally reached the bottom of the dark abyss they had found themselves in and to their shock the water vanished, allowing them to breathe fresh air.

"Guys..." Mike said after a moment of silence. "Do you have any idea where we are? For a second I thought I was stuck in my head again."

"I have no freaking clue." Gwen looked around. "What drugs did Chris put us on?"

A light flashed in the center between the four, blinding them for a second before white doves flew out from the light. As the light expanded outward more white birds flew up from the grounds with it, moving past the teens, showing colors such as red, blue, and green until it stopped, revealing a large platform with what looked look like a giant mural.

"Whoa!" Zoey's jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

"Is that..." Mike started.

"Us?" Gwen finished.

The mural did indeed show all of them except for Cameron for some reason. Mike was in the middle sleeping with a sword held in his hands resembling the same sword he lifted to win Total Drama All Stars, resting on his chest. Zoey was on the right while Gwen was on the left, looking like they falling backwards as they faced each other and Mike but their eyes were closed like Mike's. Zoey held a shield while Gwen held what looked to be a staff, a wand, or a combination of both.

"That's not all. Look above us." Zoey pointed to the top of the mural.

Above the three were smaller portraits of several people they knew in a circular pattern.

"Cody, Owen, Lindsay, Cameron." Gwen said out loud. "And another girl and guy from the fourth season."

"Dawn and Brick." Zoey answered.

"And look here." Cameron pointed further on the edge of the portrait.

A ring surrounded the portrait, showing smaller pictures of everyone from both generations of Total Drama contestants.

"It's everyone else who competed with us." Mike realized.

"But why are Cody, Owen, Lindsay, Cameron, Dawn and Brick's paintings inside the ring and why are me, Mike, and Gwen painted like that?" Zoey asked.

"This could be just another hallucination from Chris so there's not much of a logical explanation." Gwen said.

So much to do...

The four of them stopped when they heard what they thought was a mysterious voice whispering into their ears even though no one actually spoke.

So little time...

"Did you guys hear that?" Zoey asked.

"You mean a creepy voice whispering inside my head? If so then yes." Gwen answered.

Take your time, don't be afraid. The door has been unlocked but there is still time

Cameron looked back and forth but he couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. In fact he didn't actually believe there really was a voice. He thought he was dreaming but to be honest he just knew that all of this real.

"What door? Who are you?" Zoey asked.

I am that which lies within

"Right. That helps a lot." Gwen sarcastically replied. "Can you tell us where we are? Why are we here?"

You have dived into that which lies within

"...Right, questions are a waste of time. Got it." Gwen raised her hands as if she was surrendering.

The Trinity must step into the middle to begin

"Trinity?" Gwen asked.

"I think it's talking about you three." Cameron spoke up and pointed at the center of the mural. "The three of you, it's a trinity."

"But why?" Zoey asked. "Why are we like this?"

"I don't know. Guess we have no choice but to do it." Mike shrugged as he stepped into the middle.

Zoey and Gwen looked at each other before they followed Mike and stepped into the middle.

"Okay, we're in the middle now. Now what, Mister Voice?" Gwen called out.

Three pillars rose up from different sections the mural and a flash of light appeared on top of each pillar.

Three have been chosen and three paths lay before you. Great power sleeps within you, the path you choose will help give it form and give you strength

"Three paths." Cameron looked down at the mural. "Look down at the painting."

They looked down again at the images of themselves, seeing the sword, the shield, and the staff.

Choose well

Mike looked down at the picture of himself holding the sword.

Do you choose the path of warrior, invincible courage and strength?

The sword glowed brightly.

The path of the protector, unmatched defence and fortitude?

The shield was illuminated next.

Or the path of mystic, inner strength and knowledge?

The staff was the last to glow brightly.

"I think I get it, now. It's asking you three to choose which weapon suits you best." Cameron realized.

"Suits us best? I've only ever used a bow." Zoey replied.

"I'm not warrior." Mike shook his head.

"Considering how tough you were when you were one of your other personalities that's not entirely true. It sounds more like a test of character." Gwen pointed out.

"Maybe that's why it's showing a picture of you with the staff, Gwen." Cameron pointed at the painting of Gwen on the mural. "Looks like it's been decided."

"Maybe." Gwen nodded as she looked at Zoey and Mike. "Well, shall we?"

Mike looked at the sword for a second. "Well, I already pulled out one sword today."

He walked over to the sword and grasped it with both of his hands. It was easy to life and yet it felt like he was lifting Excalibur itself from the story of King Arthur and Camelot.

The path of the warrior has been chosen. What will you give up in exchange?

"Give up?" Mike asked.

To wield great power one must be willing to sacrifice. You must give up either the protector or the mystic.

Mike looked at the shield and the staff. "Okay...I give up...the mystic."

Very well. You have given up the power of the mystic. Now another must choose their path.

Mike walked back to Gwen and Zoey, holding the sword in his right hand. "That wasn't so hard. Nothing as bad as what Chris usually does."

"Please don't jinx us, Mike. We're not done yet." Gwen pointed out.

"I guess I'll go next." Zoey stepped forward.

Which of the three paths will you choose?

Another sword appeared on the pillar where the previous resided. Zoey looked at the sword, the shield, and the staff before she made her choice.

"Well, I'd like to think I'm a tough girl and I'd like to believe I'm smart but I think I'm better suited with the protector. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't try to protect my friends from anything bad?" She asked as she walked up to the shield.

The path of the protector has been chosen. What will you give up in exchange?

"What will I give up?" Zoey looked between the sword and the staff. "I think I'll give up...the warrior."

Very well. You have given up the power of the warrior. Now the final member of the trinity must choose their path

"That's me, I guess." Gwen sighed as she walked forward.

She looked down at the painting of herself and up at the darkness surrounding them. "If you're showing this then you obviously think you know which one I'll pick."

The mural represents the connection that has been forged between your hearts. It does not represent the path you choose; only the path you represent.

"So Mike's a fighter, Zoey's a protector, and I'm like some kind of magician?" Gwen asked.

The path of the mystic represents wisdom, the desire to learn, to understand, and to grow.

Gwen was silent as she thought it over. "I guess you have a point."

She sighed as she walked over the staff and picked it up. "My mom always said I was smarter or more mature than people who were my age."

The path of the mystic has been chosen. What will you give up in exchange?

"The warrior." Gwen stated without needing to think it over. "I'm good at fighting but I'm not a brawler."

Very well. You have given up the power of the warrior.

"So now what?" Gwen asked. "What about Cameron?"

The staff she took was replaced by another duplicate just like all the other times a weapon was taken.

If he wishes to survive he too must choose. Even if his heart is not strong enough to survive these trials his survival is dependent on yours

Cameron gulped and stepped forward. Like Gwen he chose the staff and gave up the power of the warrior. With the tests down the three pillars vanished into flashes of light.

"So now what?" Gwen asked.

The next test is ahead of you. All you must do is take the first step

A series of stairs appeared in front of the four, leading up into the darkened sky above them.

"Guess we go up." Mike said as he was the one to start walking.

The other three hesitantly followed him up the stairs. The climb to wherever they were going next was uneventful for them. Cameron almost slipped and fell off the stairs but a green barrier blocked him from falling over. The climb lasted for three whole minutes before they walked up to another platform with a mural much like the first one.

This time was decorated with orange flames showing the members of the Villainous Vultures with the exception of Gwen and Cameron. They all saw Mike in his Mal persona in the middle with Heather, Scott, Duncan, and Courtney on the left while Jo, Lightning, Ezekiel, and Alejandro were on the right laughing with their eyes closed. Mal was holding a dark and grey looking blade that was shaped like a key for some odd reason and above them was what looked like a black hole, engulfing everything in its reach.

"It's all the villains and Mal." Zoey said as they walked into the new platform.

"Except for me." Gwen muttered softly.

"Don't think like that. You're anything but evil or a villain, despite what anyone else says." Cameron put a hand on Gwen's shoulder.

She smiled in gratitude and noticed something. "Cameron, you're arm."

"What?" Cameron looked at it.

"It's not in a cast and it can move." Gwen pointed out. "It's not broken!"

"Hey, Gwen's right!" Mike realized. "We didn't notice that until now!"

"Wow." Cameron looked at his arm. "I didn't notice that until now. It feels like it was never broken at all." He looked around and then down at the mural. "Wow. All the villains though on this mural, and not to mention Mal. What do you think that means?"

"It looks like it represents all the bad guys on the show." Gwen winced as she looked at Mike. "Sorry, Mike, no offence."

"No problem." Mike smiled and shook his head. "That part of me is gone for good and he's never going to hurt anyone again."

"Anyways...I've learned a few things about art over the years. That first portrait we saw it was like...we were all somehow connected to each other, even if we didn't know everyone very well." Gwen continued.

"It does make sense. We all competed on Total Drama." Zoey agreed. "Even if we didn't meet everyone who competed on every season we were in or know them very well."

"And this one..." Gwen looked at the new mural. "It's...like all of them are expressing how evil they can be. They did a good job acting like villains this season."

"And look at the blade Mal is holding." Cameron pointed out. "Is it like some way of saying he was the evillest?"

"Don't know, Cam. This whole thing is messed up." Gwen shrugged. "So now what?"

A whooshing sound answered Gwen's question as the stairs they had walked up to get to the second platform vanished. That was not the end as a pillar of darkness appeared in the center of the platform.

"Oh boy." Mike said as he raised his sword.

Gwen and Zoey followed his actions while Cameron hung back.

Prepare yourselves. You will need to be strong for the trials

Something emerged from the pillar of darkness but at first it was hard to tell what it was before the pillar vanished. It looked like a small, completely black monster with pointed antennas, twitching limbs and bright yellow eyes that stared at the teens. They shivered for a second because the stare was so intense; they felt like small mice staring at the predator that found its next meal.

Heartless, the manifestation of darkness that lies within all things

More insect like monsters appeared and moved towards the teens.

"Stay behind us Cam!" Mike said as he swung his sword.

It sliced through the first Heartless easily and it dissolved into a black puddle that vanished a second later. The other creatures continued to walk towards them, their limbs twitching as they tried to reach out with their tiny claws.

"Here they come." Zoey said, holding up her shield. "I just hope these things work."

Another Heartless leapt forward but Gwen ran forward and whacked it on its head with her staff. She stepped back as another leapt at her but Zoey jumped forward and blocked the claws with her shield. She swung her arm out and sent the creature flying back and it splattered into a black puddle as it hit the floor.

"Thanks Zoey." Gwen smiled.

"No problem." Zoey smiled back as they quickly stood next to Mike. "How do we take them all out?"

"Mike, you and Gwen attack. Zoey you use the shield to cover their blind spots." Cameron recommended.

"Good." Mike nodded as he held up his sword before he ran forward. "Okay, here I go!"

"I got your back!" Gwen followed him.

"And I got your backs!" Zoey ran after her friend and boyfriend.

Mike slashed through the Heartless while Gwen whacked any Heartless that slipped past him with her staff. Zoey let out a shout as she charged through any Heartless with her shield, knocking them down and leaving them dissolve into nothing. Cameron ran behind Zoey so he wouldn't be left open to attack. They were working together perfectly, despite the strange situation they found themselves in.

Mike hacked and slashed at anything in his reach, moving as fast as he could to avoid getting hit. Gwen swung her staff and bashed any Heartless near her and then moved back to avoid Heartless that tried to attack her. Zoey stepped in and blocked any Heartless attacks aimed at the two while watching Cameron and making sure nothing slipped by her guard. It took them several minutes but the Heartless were soon all gone.

"We did it!" Mike shouted happily as he hugged Zoey.

Zoey hugged back while Gwen and Cameron exchanged high fives. Mike and Zoey then exchanged high fives with them when they broke apart and let out sighs of relief.

You all have strong hearts. Few have made it past this part of the trial

A second set of stairs appeared before them.

"Before we go, what exactly were those things? You said they were Heartless? What are they?" Gwen asked.

They are the embodiment of the darkness found in all beings. Hatred, anger, sorrow, pride, envy, greed, pride, and fear. They are part of existence but there are those who become so steeped in darkness that they lose themselves

"You mean those were..." Mike started, his eyes going wide at the implications.

Do not mourn them. They were nothing more than images created to test the strength of your hearts. Be wary as the true Heartless are stronger and they never travel alone in their journey to overwhelm the light.

"Okay. Now what?" Gwen prompted.

The last test...

"Cool. Come on." Mike started up the stairs.

The other three followed him and the trip was just as uneventful as the previous trip. When they reached the platform they saw it was different from the other ones they was of three armored figures holding weapons that were oddly shaped like keys with an image of the world with a heart in the center behind them.

"This is different, even from the other two." Gwen said, looking over the mural. "I don't know what to make of this..."

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

They spun around and saw their shadows growing bigger and longer before they somehow pulled themselves out of the ground. They combined together to form an even larger shadow that formed into a giant monstrous version of the Heartless they had encountered on the second platform with a heart shaped hole in the chest.

"HOLY COW!" Mike shouted.

Gwen and Zoey stepped back with widened eyes and jaws nearly dropping to the ground.

Darkside, a manifestation of the darkness within worlds. Drawn to the most powerful hearts and only appear when a world is on the brink of being swallowed in darkness

"Darkside?" Cameron asked.

It seemed to be an apt name for the monster in front of them.

"LOOK OUT!" Gwen shouted.

They almost had no time to react as the Darkside swung its arm at them. Zoey held up her shield and tried to block the attack but it slammed her into Mike and Gwen and knocked them down.

"GUYS!" Cameron shouted and ran over to help them up.

"Oh man!" Mike gulped.

"What do we do?" Zoey asked.

"We take it down!" Gwen said as she stood up. "If we don't fight we'll die! You heard what that voice said. If we don't try to take it out, we're dead and even if one of us isn't in this stupid challenge they will still die."

"She's right! Come on you guys! You can take it! I think." Cameron said.

The Darkside lifted its giant hand up into the air, forming it into a tight fist and slammed it into the center of the platform. A swirling portal of darkness surrounded it and released more imp like Heartless that scuttled towards the teens.

"Looks we got to try!" Mike swung his sword through the Heartless that tried to attack them. "Let's do it!"

"Right! Let's go!" Zoey was the first to charge at the giant monster with Mike and Gwen behind her.

"Good luck guys." Cameron whispered as he watched them charge at the giant beast.

Zoey blocked any beast attacking them while Gwen and Mike attacked the monster's giant hand. They managed to leave several small wounds on the monster's hand before it lifted its hand up and out of their reach. The Darkside tried attacking them again but this time they were ready and dodged it easily. All those times they were competing on Total Drama with Chris torturing them had given them a sixth sense to danger and they learned how to move fast when in danger, which was nearly all the time.

The monster kept trying to slam its fists down on the annoying humans and they all managed to dodge. Finally Mike had enough and launched himself at the right fist as it missed Gwen and slashed at with his sword. The Darkside roared and swept its fist at Mike, knocking him back.

"Mike!" Zoey cried.

Gwen looked at the best as it towered over them, ready to attack again. This was getting them nowhere. They weren't hurting it enough to do any damage and it was getting really annoyed with them. If something was not done soon then they would be hurt or worse, killed. She held up her staff and looked at it. She didn't know why she thought it would do any damage; it didn't even have a sharp blade.

But according to that stupid voice it was a weapon and it was a weapon for power inside of her.

"This is so stupid." She muttered as she looked up at the Darkside as it tried to smash Zoey with its fist. "But here goes."

Gripping the staff tightly she threw it with all of her might. It sailed through air and actually embedded itself into the Darkside's right eye. The beast let out a scream as it fell over from the sudden pain.

"Mike! Hurry and take it out while it's distracted!" Gwen shouted.

"You got it!" Mike ran forward and jumped into the air, raising his sword above his head. "Take this!"

He plunged his sword into the monster's forehead, earning one final scream before it dissolved into fumes of darkness that vanished a second later.

"That was close." Mike sighed in relief.

He leaned down and picked up Gwen's staff and handed it to her as she along with the other walked up to him.

"That was some throw. I didn't know you were that good at sports." Mike handed the staff back to Gwen.

"I'm not. I don't even know how I did that." She replied as she examined the staff in her hand. "There's nothing sharp enough to have done that and I wasn't that strong."

Do not be afraid. You have succeeded

They looked up when they heard the voice again.

"Yeah we did. But what is this about? Did Chris or his friend set this up? Why these strange challenges?" Gwen asked.

The trial was not made by any mortal. A conduit was used to force you all to undertake this trial

"So why? Why do this to us?" Zoey asked.

The three of you survived because of the strength of your hearts, that is what makes your weapons powerful and that power will unlock the greatest weapon of all. But be warned, this power cannot be given back. Remember the lessons of this trial and stay true to the light within and you will be able to do great things.

The platform began to break apart.

"What's happening now?!" Cameron cried.

Always remember that it is darkest before dawn

The platform shattered and they all screamed as they fell into the darkness.