The summer sun was beginning its rise, sending out luminous rays which the children of the cul-de-sac were no doubt eagerly awaiting to bask in as they began waking up. Looking forward to enjoying every last moment of the all too brief freedom from their dreaded classrooms. Bike riding, swimming pools, and even yard work for some. With summer's end creeping ever closer, the intent to take hold of each and every passing second was at a fevered pitch.

Amongst the summertime sunrise, a gray minivan, as plain and ordinary as could be imagined, slowly eased its speed as it turned into the still at rest cul-de-sac. It pulled up to one of, if not the largest, of the homes in the area. Two adults quietly exited from ether side of the front of the van. A man and a woman. Both looked young, in their late thirties at the latest.

"Do you have everything, Eddward?" the woman called out as she looked towards the back of the van, a broad smile bound across her face. A boy next made his way out from the back seat of the vehicle, holding a pristine gray suitcase.

"Yes, mother, I believe so," the boy in the replied, adjusting the black beanie covering his head. He had a less obvious joy in his expression than his parents, but as much as he enjoyed his travels over the summer, he was glad to finally be home again.

Eddward, Edd, or Double D as he was known, had spent the summer traveling with his parents. They both worked jobs that required constant and abrupt travel, so he was often home alone, left to his own devices. To make up for this, his parents decided that this year he should join them and take on the travel as a family. Over just the far too few months of summer vacation, Edd had traveled everywhere from London to Egypt all the way to Venezuela. It was the time of his young life. Their travels had to be cut short, however, as school would be starting up again soon, and his parents needed to make sure he was home in time to gather everything he'd need and adjust back to a conventional schedule. Unfortunately, they would be heading out again the next morning. Edd would obviously love to continue spending time together as a family, but he was able to spend the entire summer with them, so this was something he would deal with. Besides. He would have all his friends to keep him company again. Surely that would take away some of the pain.

Admittedly, Edd had been severely lacking in keeping in touch with everyone while away. While traveling and helping his parents in what capacity he could, there wasn't a whole lot of time for things like responding to text or calls. He knew some of his friends and classmates would let him have it for that. He could already hear their voices screaming in his ear, which made him chuckle.

"What's so funny, son?" Edd's father asked with a smile.

"Nothing, father. Just happy to be back home is all."

The family sat aboard a plane for the better part of eleven hours, during which none of them were able to sleep all too well. Once they landed, the drive back home was another two hours. Understandably, all three of them were pretty exhausted. Now, after so long, they were back at their home in Peach Creek. It was 6:30 in the morning now as they pulled up into their driveway. They all entered their home for some much-needed rest before the rest of their day got underway.

The afternoon light of the sun hit Edd's face, gently awakening him from his much-earned slumber. Opening his weary eyes, the place he called home slowly came into focus. It was strange to awake in his own bedroom after being away so long. As much as he'd enjoyed traveling, being home felt comforting.

Before so much as making himself breakfast, Edd stepped outside and took in the surroundings. The atmosphere of the cul-de-sac. The children were at play, enjoying one of their last days of summer. Jimmy and Sara, the youngest of the neighborhood children, were out having a tea party in Sara's front lawn. Kevin, the jock and former bully, was polishing the bright red paint on the new car his parents helped him buy earlier that year. He affectionately called the sporty new vehicle Serenity. Nazz, the "girl next door" as it were, was soaking up some sun trying to get a tan. Amongst all the kids, he didn't see his two best friends around, although that came as no surprise.

"Head in a sock Edd boy!" Startled, Edd glanced over to see his friend Rolf marching towards him. "Welcome home!" he exclaimed, beginning to give Edd a somewhat painful, but loving, hug.

"It's good to be back, Rolf," Edd managed to squeeze out. Once Rolf was satiated and released Edd from his grip, he held out a small cactus towards Edd. "Jim!" Edd exclaimed, elated at the sight of the tiny cacti. "Thank you again for taking care of him while I was away, Rolf. I'd have asked Ed or Eddy, but they surely would have forgotten or lost interest in it". Rolf's arm was draped around Edd's shoulder as he directed their path into Edd's home.

"Come, and tell Rolf of your travels!" Rolf's exuberant personality was something Edd had sorely missed. As they grew up, Edd and Rolf became much closer than they were as children. Edd spent hours telling Rolf anecdotes of his trip and the fantastic things he witnessed.

"No!" Rolf shouted in disbelief. "Your father reached into the man's chest and," he paused, holding a hand to his mouth. "Incredible! Tell Rolf more."

"No, no, I sware, Rolf. My mother made the incision, and my father plunged his hand right in." Edd made a violent thrusting motion with his right arm, mimicking the event he recalled so vividly. Rolf had, without Edd's notice, begun making the pair a simple breakfast. Rolf had done this many times in the past and was familiar with the layout of Edd's kitchen.

"It seems your parents have already made time for grocery shopping," Rolf said with a very impressed tone.

"Yes, well. They really like to get things done." Edd's smile faded for a moment, something Rolf picked up on without even needing to see Edd's face.

A plate of eggs, bacon, and toast companied by a glass of orange juice was arranged in front of Edd. "Rolf imagines you must be thrilled about starting school once again, yes?"

"I am looking forward to it, yes." Edd perked up, his smile returning.

"Haho, yes, and you've begun looking into collages as well, yes?"

"Indeed, I have, Rolf. Several, actually." Edd had a palpable excitement in his voice.

"You wish to follow in the footsteps of your parents. Become a doctor. Help those who wouldn't get it otherwise. An honorable choice."

Edd chuckled to himself. "I just want to help people. This toast is fantastic, Rolf."

The afternoon flew by as Edd regaled Rolf in tales of his summer trip, and Rolf spilled the gossip of the cul-de-sac. Before Edd knew it, he had made his way into town to begin picking up the few remaining items left on his school itinerary.

"Let's see. No. 2 pencils, ballpoint pens, and highlighters check. Composition notebooks, binders and dividers, check, check, check. Folders and index cards, check. I do believe that's everything," he said aloud to himself as he marked off each and every item on his list. Edd would be entering his junior year of high school, though most, if not all, of his classes were the advanced courses for which he would receive college credits. He had always been a model student and would not let this year be any different. Especially now with collage looming ever closer. Though it was upsetting knowing he wouldn't have any of his friends to keep him company as they likely weren't taking part in the advanced options the school provided.

Edd wiped his brow of the pool of sweat that was accumulating under his hat. "This heat is ridiculous." Glancing to his side, Edd saw that he was passing the local library. With all the plane travel he'd been doing this summer, he had actually finished reading most of his rather robust collection of books. This would be an excellent opportunity to restock his selection.

The library was a relatively new building, only being built two years ago. It was nice having a big library in town. Before it was built, the only way Edd could get books was driving 20 minutes to another location, and their selection was never quite as good as it should have been. He hated driving, so needless to say, this new one was a godsend for him. He walked in and felt the cool breeze from the air conditioner hit his sweat-filled face.

"Hello, Eddward. Haven't seen you around all summer. I was beginning to worry." Mrs. Clair, the librarian who ran the library, called out gently to Edd. She knew Edd very well due to the absurd amount of time he'd spend in the establishment.

"Good morning Dianna," she insisted on being called by her first name at all times. She was only in her late twenties, and being called "Ms" made her feel old. "I was traveling with my parents over the summer. You didn't forget, did you?" Edd asked playfully.

"Oh, how could I forget that," she smiled. "I imagine it was a fantastic few months for you with your parents. You'll have to tell me about it soon. In the meantime, there's a lot of new books waiting for you," she waved and walked back to her office. Edd knew just what kind of books he wanted to check on. He wanted to try his hand at a garden, so he needed some guidelines and information on plants and proper care for them.

Dianna kept precision care of the library and each of the books in it. Everything Edd could ever want to know on proper care for a garden was a breeze to find. He appreciated the attention and care Dianna took to keeping everything organized. Being perhaps a little too tidy and organized himself, as some would say. Now, with a handful of books that would allow him the coveted knowledge of proper garden care, he was ready to make his way to check out. That is, however, when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Double D?" The sultry high pitch voice called out to him. Edd turned to see none other than the freckled, blue-haired girl who, along with her two sisters, tormented him and his best friends during their younger years.

"Oh, Marie. Good morning. How are you on this exceptional day?" Edd and Marie's relationship had become much better as they grew older.

Marie's sisters Lee and May had moved away to be with their fathers several years back. After that, Marie dipped into a rough mental space. Edd went out of his way to try and befriend and cheer her up when he could. Saying they were friends would be a bit of a stretch, but he would no longer flee in terror when coming across her.

"I'm doing well, thanks. Want me to check you out"?

"Please. I didn't know you worked here, Marie. I'll have to admit I'm surprised. I never knew you enjoyed books so much".

"Well, maybe you should have asked Sweetie," she said with a seductive voice and a wink, sending a slight chill down Edd's back. Marie knew she could still get a fun reaction out of Edd if she wanted to. So every now and again she would mess with him. If only a little. Much to his dismay.

"The complete encyclopedia of plants and trees?" She looked up, one eyebrow cocked, obviously holding back a laugh.

"If you must know, I'm looking to start a garden soon and want to be prepared." The serious tone Edd used made it all the funnier to Marie. Which, of course, he did not find as amusing as she did.

"Here Double D," Marie reached down to the ground and grabbed a book out of her bag and handed it to him. "It's a book I just finished. It's a bit of an easier read than what you're used to, I'm sure, but can't have you being stuck inside plant encyclopedias all the time." Green Angel, by Alice Hoffman. Edd had never heard of it. "I know it's not the kind of thing you usually read, but I know you'll like it." Edd smiled at the gesture and placed the book in one of the bags he had his school supplies in.

"Thank you very much, Marie, I'll be sure to read it and get it back to you as soon as I can."

"I'm in no hurry for it, so take your time. Where have you been all summer? I don't think I've seen you once before today."

"I've been traveling with my parents. They're always moving around for work, so I tagged along and spent some time with them," Edd explained.

"Oh! So that's why they leave sticky notes all over your house? Because they're never around to tell you things?" Edd looked puzzled at her, wondering how on earth she knew that. "Don't look surprised. Did you forget how often my sisters and I used to get into your house?" Marie laughed, looking a little embarrassed recalling the times she'd break into Edd's house in their youth.

"Ah, yes. Not sure how I could forget a thing like that," Edd replied with a shy grin. "However, mother and father no longer leave sticky notes for me. Instead, they just text me with things they would like me to get done for them." She could see a glint of worry in Edd's eyes.

"Don't worry. We never told anyone about that." Marie handed the plant care books over to Edd. "Here you are. Several huge books on plants. And some small books, also about plants."

"Thank you, Marie. I suppose I should be heading out. It's almost 3pm. Ed and Eddy should be up around now."

"Oh, god," Marie laughed out loud. "Is he still fuming over what happened?" Edd again looked perplexed at her. "Oh, you don't know? How did he not tell you? He was screaming about it so loud I heard it down at the trailer parks. He did so bad last year that he has to repeat all his classes. He'll be with the 10th graders. I can't believe he didn't tell you." A blank stare came over Edd's face. "You okay double D?" Marie snapped in front of his face a few times. Edd hadn't had his phone on for weeks. Eddy must have tried tirelessly to get a hold of him.

"Oh, dear. I'm sorry, Marie, but I have to go. Have a nice day!" Edd bolted out of the library at a frantic pace he would usually never use while indoors.

He ran straight for Eddy's house. Unfortunately, when he got there, his mother informed him he was to have no visitors. So after ignoring his best friend all summer, he couldn't even apologize until school started next week. With nothing else left on his list, Edd decided to head home and begin his reading.

In his bedroom, Edd was ready to begin the encyclopedia of plants and trees. He had it sitting open on his desk next to the other books he had received from the library. As well as the book Marie had loaned him. He sat down and began his journey into fully understanding the world of plants.

"I would love some Double D. This was a great idea. A picnic by the stream. So quiet here. So private," a feminine voice spoke to Edd. "Come on, let's go for a walk!" she said as she pulled Edd up off of their blanket. "Alright alright, I'm coming—"

A hard thud on the floor woke a sleeping Edd. "What?" Looking up to his desk, Edd saw his books opened. He must have fallen asleep and fallen off his chair while reading. "Curse my rigid sleep schedule. I suppose this is why mother and father had me home early". Edd picked himself up and sat back at his desk, pondering his dream before continuing his research.

AN: Oh hello. Been almost three years since I've come here. Not sure why, but I really wanted to fix this up a little bit all of a sudden. So I did. Just a little bit. Still don't love it. Maybe sometime I'll really sit down and put some effort into fixing and expanding this old thing.