"Twenty years from the day we met comes tomorrow. I can't believe we've actually been together for twenty years," Fitz said.

Olivia crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. "We haven't actually been together for twenty years. In fact if you add up the times that we have been together, you might get two, at most."

"I count these past twenty years as actually twenty. It doesn't matter if we were physically together or not. No matter where you've been, I've been right with you. And you've been with me. Livie, you own me and I own you. You have every piece of me that I can give you. So for the past twenty years, we have been together. It just hasn't been in a way that we both wanted it to be. But I've still loved you every day. I'll never be able to stop loving you. And knowing that Nick is part of both of us, it just makes me love you more. I'm sorry that I missed so much of yours and Nick's life. But I am here now and I don't care what you do, I'm staying. You can scream and hit and kick and do whatever else you want to me but I'm not going anywhere."

Liv walked up closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I don't want you to go anywhere. I missed being with you. Even being in the same city as you for so long. I wanted to go back to D.C. and demand that you explain yourself but it didn't seem right. I've hated you for so long that I just don't have the energy to do it anymore. I can't hate you anymore because hating you is exhausting and takes too much effort and too much time. Loving you is so much easier and is effortless."

"I love you too Livie. But I do want you to go somewhere with me."

"And where would that be?"

"I want to take you and Nick back to Vermont with me."

She smiled her biggest smile just for him. "You were going to sell it before. You kept it?"

"I couldn't get rid of something that was meant for you and me. It's where we were supposed to do everything. I think that the rest of forever will have to do though."

"I think the rest of forever isn't long enough."