Note: This is my submission for the Swan Queen week day 7 prompt of accidental marriage. It can be one-shot, but I am leaving up the possibility of continuing it further. First I have to get some of my other fics finished though.

After things in Storybrooke settled down and Regina and Emma began to be on speaking terms following the Robin-Marian debacle, they began to explore custody options for Henry. Since he wasn't born in Storybrooke, it required them to travel beyond the borders into the "real world" to deal with a family court there.

Emma had argued that they could have handled it in Storybrooke but Regina was afraid, despite Emma's assurances, that given her history with the populace she wouldn't be afforded custody rights to Henry. Emma, of course was worried in the real world – despite Regina's assurances – that she wouldn't be afforded rights since she had given Henry up.

The result once they got started turned out to be drawn out affair. It required several trips, one overnight stay where they were forced to share a room due to some major conferences and events booking up every hotel. Emma assured Regina she could find them a place, but Regina asserted she wasn't going to stay anything less than a three-star establishment.

But finally the day came where they believed they would be able to handle the legal matter of shared custody once and for all. Henry was with them as well. He hadn't been needed for all of the meetings with the judge, but since this was supposed to be resolved they brought him.

"There they are," Snow said as she saw Emma, Henry and Regina pull up outside of Granny's where she and Charming were waiting on them to see how things went. It had taken some time to get used to the idea that Emma and Regina would be sharing custody, meaning Regina would be sort of like family to them. But shared custody is what Henry wanted and despite all the debate, arguments and discussion, Snow knew Emma and Regina would do what it took to give him what he wanted.

"Regina doesn't look happy," Charming said.

"Emma seems ok, and Henry is smiling, so how bad could it have been," Snow said as the trio entered.

Henry slid into the booth across from them a smile still on his face. Emma smiled at them, and also slid in next to Henry.

"There is plenty of room, babe," Emma said, causing Henry to block laughter in the form of a cough. Regina rolled her eyes and pulled up a chair next the table instead.

"You know I realize that it is entirely my fault that you two didn't get the opportunity to raise Emma, and for that I will continue to apologize for," Regina said looking at them. "But do you think you could begin teaching her some lessons now – such as how to take things like court hearings more seriously."

"Did something go wrong at the hearing?" Snow asked Emma.

Emma looked at Regina. "Oh no, they are your parents, dear, you tell them."

"Um, well you see it was sort of an accident …"

"My moms got married," Henry blurted out.

"What!" Snow and Charming said at the same time.

"Like I said, perhaps your daughter needs to be taught that court hearings are serious matters."

"What happened?" Charming asked.

"Well, the court hearing was taking so long," Emma said. "And the judge kept going over and over all these things that we had been over like a hundred times. He asked me if I felt comfortable with proceedings, and well I sort of made a comment that he took a little more seriously than I meant it."

"What did you say?" Snow asked.

"She said if she knew this was going to be such a long, drawn out affair, she simply would have skipped the whole thing and married me instead," Regina said. "Which the judge, who clearly doesn't believe in the concept of joking, said that he had been unaware that Emma and I were involved intimately. And then he began to ask some rather personal questions."

"He sort of said we would have go to back to the beginning, reschedule for another hearing because if Regina and I were in a relationship then for the benefit Henry that needed to be discussed prior to any agreement."

"To which your daughter then said if that is the case, 'let's just get married."

"I didn't think he would say let's marry you two right then and there," Emma said.

"Wait, so you two got married by an actual judge?" Charming said.

"Yeah. I got to be the best man," Henry said beaming at them.

"Sorry you didn't have an actual ring to hand to me," Emma said smiling at him.

"Why are you apologizing to him?" Regina said.

"What? How often will get the chance to be the best man at his parent's wedding?"

"I can admit when I am wrong, believe it or not," Regina said. "We should have just stayed here in Storybrooke and handled this. Now we have to get divorced and work out the custody agreement yet again."

"Why do we got to get divorced?" Emma asked.

"Firstly, it's 'why do we have to get divorced?' and secondly, are you joking, again because that is what got us here in the first place."

"I don't know, we did just stand in front of a judge and promise to love, honor and cherish each other til the end of our days," Emma said.

"Wait, wait," Snow said. "I'm confused about one thing."

"Just one?" Charming remarked.

"Why did you say yes?" Snow asked.

And she wasn't looking at her daughter. Suddenly, all the eyes were on her.

"Temporary insanity."