HELLOOOO EVERYONE! So sorry that I haven't updated in like a year! This year has been quite hectic but I promise to try and update more next year! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone! And to those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you enjoy the holidays and to everyone overall I not only hope you enjoy the holidays, but also that you enjoy it with your family and friends! Thank you all so much for reading this story and sticking with me! I cannot thank you enough for your support and I hope you continue to read this story! There is still plenty more action to come! Also if you'd like, checkout my new story 'Wildest Dreams' it's a Romitri story. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays! ? ゚リハ?¬リᄎ️



Ashton sat down and grabbed a first aid kit from out of nowhere while I stood glued to my spot.

'Victor Dashkov? What the hell?! Why? He got my family already! My mother and father are gone and now my brother is hiding from me! What more does he want?!' I yelled. I saw red and I slowed my breathing. 'How did you know it was him?' I asked.

Dimitri moved to sit down behind the desk and I followed except I sat down in front of his desk.

'I found out it was him because I got a letter from him.' He took out the letter and I carefully opened the envelope and read it. It read, What a beautiful couple. Too bad none of you got shot and it was just the carriage driver. Pity really. This won't be the end Yelena. Until next time. -Victor Dashkov

'Give this to our lawyer. Keep it as evidence.' I hissed. He nodded and I made my way over to Ashton who cleaned up his scratch.

'We better get home. I think we'll be safer there.' Dimitri said.

'Actually, you both need to go, I'll catch up, I still have to get back to a meeting.' Ashton and I nodded and I gave him a hug.

When we got home I got dressed for bed and then there was a beep coming from the intercom.

'Miss Belikova? Ah, I think your friends from before are here?' Cody said.

'Okay, let them in.' I said. I asked

Soon, the whole gang was in our living room once again and we all sat down. Again, because there weren't enough chairs some of us sat on the floor.

'Are you guys alright?' Lissa asked the minute we all say down.

'We're fine. Ash just had a bullet graze his skin but he's alright.' I sighed as I settled myself in between Ashton's legs and leaned back against his chest. He gave me small kiss on the hair and then began to stroke it comfortingly.

'What are you guys going to do now?' Rose asked. She was sitting on Dimitri's lap and I couldn't help but mentally smile. They looked so perfect together.

'We're gonna hunt for Yelena's brother and... Her father.' Dimitri said the last bit quietly.

My head snapped up at his words and I turned to face him.

'WHAT?!' I began ranting off in Russian, yelling at them at how he didn't tell me that my father was possibly still alive. How everyone but me, knew. How they could keep something like this from me. How my whole family could possibly still be alive. I yelled for a good fifteen minutes until I felt arms around me, trying to calm me down as they whispered soothing words to me in Russian. I hadn't realised that I was already standing and everyone looked taken aback with my reaction. I stared Dimitri down and he just had a look of sorry and regret in his eyes.

'I was going to tell you. But I only wanted to tell you when I knew for sure that it was him. Carlisle said that you both looked a like. As if you could pass for his daughter and that Andrew had a meeting with him.'

'Andrew knows he's alive? Why would he keep this from me? Why is he even hiding in the damn first place!' I was getting really angry now. My veins were pulsing and I could here my blood pulse in my ears.

'Look, I know this might not sound very nice, considering our current predicament but we need to prepare for the wedding. Everyone thinks Dimitri is married and people will be suspicious if they don't see anything about Dimitri being married in the papers.' Lissa said calmly.

'Fine. We'll get the wedding over and done with. But I'm going to talk to zmey. He knows something.' I huffed and sat back down. Ashton held me close, comforting me.

'How do you know that my old man knows something?' Rose asked.

'You asking me about how I know that Abe knows something confirms my assumptions that he knows something.' I sighed.

'We should probably start getting ready for tomorrow. We still have a big day ahead of us.' Adrian sighed.

'Okay boys leave now!' Lissa commanded.

'You're kicking us out of our own apartment?' Ivan questioned.

'Duh. It's time for Rose's bachelorette party! So go!' Mia began to shoo the guys out.


When she shoved the last of them out the door us girls went into the kitchen to decide what to have.

'Okay so we can either order in or we cook.' I said.

'I suggest order in. Christian isn't here to cook for us.' Mia suggested.

After ordering in some sushi we all sat down and decided to sit down and just talk. I know, boring right? But it was nice to talk to a whole group of girls for a change besides having to sit and talk to a whole group of guys.

'Rose I just wanted to say thank you for helping Dimitri.' Yelena said as we munched on the sushi.

'It's okay Yelena. He's a sweet guy. I trust him.' I shrugged.

'Is zmey going to have a talk with him?' Sydney asked.

'I'm not surprised if he's already talked to him. But don't worry, I'll make sure Abe doesn't do too much damage on him. I think my mom will though...' If Janine found out I was marrying Dimitri right away well... Things are going to be ugly.

'Syd, how about you and Adrian. What's going on with you two hmm?' Mia pushed.

'What? Nothing's going on between us.' She replied.

'Oh come on! I wouldn't be surprised if you two got engaged soon enough!' Mia exclaimed. Jill nodded in support.

'We're taking things slow... He knows how I don't want to be in the spotlight with him...' She trailed off.

'Huh?' Yelena asked.

'I don't want to be in the spotlight with Adrian. It's not really my thing.' Sydney explained.

'But doesn't your father own a large security business? And your mom owns a whole range of car companies?' Yelena queried.

'Yeah and that's why I don't like it. They're well known and I'm proud of them but I just don't like having the media talking about every single thing I do. My little sister doesn't care about it though.' We all nodded at Sydney. We all knew how troublesome the paparazzi could be and being in a relationship with the only heir of Ivashkov industries was a big thing.

That's how the rest of the night played out. Us girls just talked, ate and got drunk. Not enough to have a bad hangover the next day, Lissa would never allow that and I didn't want to be hung over in my own wedding.

The next day, Lissa did my make up as natural as possible. She did the basics of foundation and moisturiser, and then did some neutral colours for my eye shadow. Afterwards, she did a light coloured lip, and curled my eye lashes and added mascara. My hair was then curled and pinned and swept to one side. Then I wore my dress. The dress was short since I didn't want to go with the traditional long dress. The dress was three-quartered sleeved dress. The sleeved were laced and it had a v neckline. Afterwards, I wore a pair of white heels and looked at myself in the mirror. It was Christmas Eve already and I guess my present was marrying a man who I barely knew. Everyone else left the room to finish getting ready and everything set in Dimitri's estate which we would be driving to for the wedding.

What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I started pacing, and Lissa came in and softly shut the door.

'Rosie, what's wrong?' She came up to me and rubbed my arms. I let her "rosie" slip.

'Liss... I don't know what to do...' I began.

'What do you mean?'

'Liss, what am I doing? I'm getting married to a man who I don't even know just to help him. I barely know anything about him and now I'm marrying him Liss. Since when was I this crazy?' For the first time in my life, I started panicking. I started hyperventilating and Lisa helped me to calm down.

'Rose. Do you like him?'


'Do you love him?' I didn't have an answer for that.

'I don't know Liss. But I feel good when I'm around him.' Lisa gave me a small smile.

'Look, you're helping him. He cares for you, that much I can see. Do what you think is right Rose. Whatever happens, you know we're here for you. And we can always get Abe to hunt him down.' Lisa gave a small smile to that.

'Thanks Liss.' I gave her a hug and she smiled.

'Come on. Eddie and Adrian are waiting outside to escort you! Let's go.' She smiled yet again as she led me out of the apartment and onto the awaiting limo outside the front door of the apartment building.

'Little photographer, you look absolutely stunning.' Adrian flashed me one of his charming smiles as Eddie nodded with him on agreement.

'Thanks. You both look good as well.' I smiled.

'Well we better get going if we don't want to be late!' Lisa's ushered us inside the car and Adrian signalled for the driver to go. I honestly didn't even know where we were heading. Dimitri had decided to keep it as a surprise and the only people who knew of the location were Dimitri, Yelena, Ivan, Lissa, Adrian and Sydney. Apparently Yelena knew because she helped Dimitri brainstorm where, Ivan, being the best man, wanted to help set up the place. Sydney and Adrian helped to organise and secure the location, whereas Lissa was pretty much the wedding planner so she knew everything. Everything except the rings. Another thing which Dimitri had kept as a surprise.

'How long until we get there?' I asked. We were currently in the middle of New York traffic.

'About two hours with this traffic. Good thing I made sure that we'll leave early.' Lissa said as she checked her phone for the umpteenth time. She had been looking at that thing since this morning, always checking on something. Every time I'd ask her about it, she'd lie straight through her teeth.

After some time, we finally reached the place. It was a beautiful white villa. The place had high pillars near its front doors and a front balcony could be seen. The outside of the place was decorated in Christmas decorations.

'Come on! We don't want to keep them waiting!' Lissa ushered us out of the car and we walked inside the house.

The house was beautifully decorated had a very cosy feel to it for such a large place. Outside in the backyard, I could see our friends sitting down even though there was just a few of them.

'Rosemarie.' I turned to the voice behind me and found my father standing there.

'Old man! What are you doing here?' I had no idea that he was even still in the country.

'Rose, you look beautiful. And don't worry, your father told me everything. Though I do not approve of what you're rushing into, I'm happy that you're helping Belikov. He's a good person so I trust him with you.' My mother, Janine, gave me another warm smile and hugged me.

'I still can't believe that you're both here.' I smiled at them.

'It was Belikov's idea. This is part one of his surprise. I'm sure you'll like the others.' Abe winked at me and I gave him a look, to tell me what the other surprises were but he just gave me a sly smirk and I ended up glaring at him.

'Rose, it's time.' Lissa gave me a quick hug as a traditional wedding song began playing. The doors opened and Lissa and the other girls walked down the aisle with their partners. It turned out that we had more guests than I had expected. The girls walked with their partners and I saw that some of my close family friends and Dimitri's family were there as well.

When I began my march with my father beside me I stared at Dimitri, waiting there with one of his rare breath taking smiles that I had come to love. His eyes sparkled as they watched my every move. Ivan was nudging him and he shot Ivan a look before looking back at me. Once we reached the altar, Abe looked at Dimitri sternly.

'I know she is doing this to help you. But I swear to god if you ever ever hurt my little girl... Well... What was that a great actor once said hmm?... Oh yes, I will find you. And I will kill you. Difference is, you'll be pleading me to end your life if you hurt my daughter, got that?' Abe gave Dimitri a smile. Dimitri nodded and gave a quick yes sir. Abe gave me a kiss on the cheek before joining my mother off to the side.

The priest said a few words until it came to the vows. The moment I said I do, Dimitri smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Before he could though, a loud screeching sound was heard and everyone froze and looked back towards the house.

Thank you all for reading!