Dislaimer: Maleficent and its characters belong to Disney.

First serious multi-chapter fanfiction, in English, for Maleficent.

Originally posted on my tumblr.

It had been years since Aurora had last seen her father.

She sighed contently as she put down her suitcase. There she was, the Moors Circus. The place was surprisingly calm, it was disturbing. A circus should always be full of people, of laugh and joy and children running around but all the blonde could see were small stages made of wood and a red and white striped capital all collapsed on the grass burned by the heat of summer. It was far from being the breathtakingly gorgeous sight she expected, yet she had the feeling she would soon enough learn to enjoy it -as she had with most things.

A soft sound interrupted her thoughts. She gazed around her but could not find the source of the flutter like noise. She heard it again, louder this time. It happened again and was followed by a grunt. She made her way to the capital, where she believed the small groan came from. A cranky shelter under which stood rusty cages, Aurora was not sure how many though. She approached the cage that was the closest to her, trying her best not to make too much noise. All she was able to distinguish were feathers covered in dust. Were these wings? They had to belong to the biggest bird ever.

"Who are you?" a voice called behind her, making her jump.

Aurora turned her back to the cages and was faced with a small, his thick eyebrows were almost touching because of the severe expression on his face. The blonde smiled gently but the man snorted. He took endless seconds to examine her from head to toes; her long golden locks of hair, her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks. He made a sound with his nose when he stared at her flower-patterned dress, maybe he did not like flowers, Aurora thought.

"You're Stefan's daughter."

"Yes, I am. I'm Aurora-"

The little man raised a hand and started to walk away, gesturing for her to follow him. Why was he going to the entrance? Oh, her suitcase. She had completely forgotten about it. He picked it up for her.

"Thank you, mister-"

"Not carrying it for you." he said as he forced the suitcase into her arms. These were his only words before he resumed walking in the opposite direction. He surely was not talkative. Aurora smiled to stopped abruptly in front of a group of tents, there were some voices coming from one of them. Aurora had found exactly what she wanted: lively people. The small man entered a tent, the largest one. There must have been at least a dozen of persons inside, sitting at tables, discussing animatedly subjects Aurora did not quite understand. Men and women of all sizes and shapes and colors, never had Aurora seen so much diversity in a room that confined. She had no doubt she would love the circus.

"What did you bring us today, Grumpy?" a man with black hair and eyes just as dark asked, standing up from his chair. He was rather tall, and undressed as all he was wearing were pants. He approached and extended an arm to Aurora, who noticed the many scars covering his pale skin. "My name's Diaval."

"Don't you dare touch her, freak."

An heavy silence fell in the tent. A bearded man had just walked in, back straight and chin high.

It had been years since Aurora had last seen her father. But she would have been able to recognize him in a crowd. She might not remember much of him, but this intense gaze was just enough. The blonde jumped in his arms and he hugged her back hesitantly under the rest of the group's suspicious glares. Stefan let go of his daughter and took a quick look at her.

"Welcome to the Moors Circus, where all your dreams can come true!"

First very short chapter, most will be about that long. I don't know how many chapters I will write or when I will be able to update because I have basically two weeks of finals coming up.

Hope people will like the idea as much as they did on tumblr.

Also, rating will most probably change.