Disclaimer: Maleficent and its characters belong to Disney.

I want to thank every person who read and enjoyed the first chapters! And two more than the others: kyuryun, whose idea it was to make a freak show au, and one more time MaloraQueens -because I'm not forgetting about you, dearie.

The mere sight of the creature named Maleficent had taken her breath way.

The show had ended hours ago but Aurora's mind was still set its last part. Laying in her bed, she closed her eyes, trying to remember every detail of the creature's body. Enormous wings covered in brown feathers, impressive horns on the top of her head. What had shocked her the most was not what made Maleficent a freak though, but rather how human her face was, despite the sharpness of her cheekbones and her bright green eyes. A knock on the door made her jump, brutally breaking her train of thoughts. She got up and adjusted her nightgown, making sure she would not be too exposed, before opening the door. Diaval was standing awkwardly still, shifting on the ball of bare feet, glancing nervously around him.

"What is it, Diaval?"

The man looked a last time in the direction of Stefan's trailer before giving all his attention to the sleepy blonde.

"I want to introduce you to a friend of mine," he whispered before taking Aurora's hand in calloused on, tucking at her arm. She followed him without saying a word, forgetting completely about the open door of the trailer when she realized where he was taking her. The cages. Diaval took the blanket off of the first cage and knelt down.

"Maleficent, are you awake?"

A flutter of wings answered his question. Aurora stayed silent, staring at the iron bars, impatiently waiting for her eyes to adapt to the darkness of the night. She wanted to see the winged woman.

"There's a new one. Her name's Aurora. She- she's... Stefan's daughter..."

There was a menacing growl. Aurora stepped back and Diaval fell down. Was it her father's name that angered the woman so much? Even if he was not the gentlest person she knew, she did not know him to be hateful.

"DIAVAL!" a strong voice called from afar.

"It's your father, probably just want to scold me for scaring you during the show. I'll see you soon, Aurora," he got up and looked back at the two women a last time. "Oh, and be nice, Maleficent!"

Aurora stood facing the cage for endless seconds before Maleficent shifted in her cage. Glowing green eyes were fixated on her, the rest of her body hidden behind one of her large wings. The blonde was staring back, smiling sweetly at the strange woman to make her feel comfortable, at ease.

"Don't be afraid."

Maleficent's wings trembled.

"I'm not afraid."

Aurora's smile widened. She grabbed the bars of the cage, getting closer the Maleficent.

"Then show yourself."

"Then you'll be afraid."

The girl knelt down, just like Diaval had moments ago. It might help the woman to feel better around her. The wing moved slightly to the side, exposing the rest of her face. Under the light of the full moon, she looked even more beautiful, more surreal. It accentuated the sharpness of her features.

"I'm Aurora," the blonde said, extended her arm between the bars.

Maleficent stared at her hand and then up at Aurora's face, her eyes wide open and full of confusion. The horned woman reached for it, brushing her finger against the blonde's soft skin.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" she asked with a barely audible voice.

"Should I be?"

"You should. I'm a monster."

Maleficent looked down at her hands resting of the ground. Aurora giggled, surprising the woman whose eyes find her again.

"I think you look like a fairy!"

"A fairy?"

She nodded vigorously.

"A fairy is a beautiful creature with wings," seeing the curiosity and incomprehension in Maleficent's gaze, she kept talking. "At least that's what my aunties told me they are. And you know, you're only a monster because you're different. But I'm different from you too. So... I'm also a monster!"

For the first time, there was a smile on Maleficent's ruby lips. Aurora felt a flutter in her stomach. The simplest smile of a strange was making her happy.

"I- I should go to sleep... I'll see you soon, Maleficent!"

Aurora raised on her feet and took the blanket, holding without being certain what to do. Maleficent gestured for her to cover the cage with it, so she did. And ran back to the trailer.

Maleficent laid down on the hard ground, wrapping herself in the comforting warmth of her wings, making sure not a part of her body was touching the iron bars of the cage before closing her eyes.

"Curious little beastie," she whispered to herself, etching the blonde girl's genuine smile in her mind.

I updated, yaay! I'm so proud of this chapter!

First real meeting between our two favorite cuties! Gods, I love writing them talking!