Final chapter! Also, the curse is lifted. Sorry if that wasn't too clear... ^_^"

Anyway, enjoy!

P.S. I'm not very good at explaining parties, so just assume it was awesome. X3

Fatch could feel his mind spinning rapidly in an attempt to figure out what was going on. Everyone was acting crazy! Why were they doing this?! Jack shows up and fills him with dark light- which worried him because that light usually meant he was getting another curse- and now they were wheeling him away somewhere! What was going on?! ... Man... what he wouldn't give to be able to walk, and get away from these weirdos...

Soon they all reached the cafeteria doors, and the two who were behind him were moving in front of him. They stopped at the door and looked at him, grinning widely. Obviously they had something planned him. What could it be, he wondered? Was it anything like what Midnight tried to do over the break? Midnight thought Fatch was too stressed- or something- and tried to get him to go to the spa. Needless to say, that didn't happen. But Midnight DID end up giving him a back rub. And, even though he didn't admit it, it was nice...

Finally Jack and Thatch opened the doors, and Fatch immediately leaned back in his seat at what he found. The cafeteria was decorated in the form of a party.


Fatch couldn't speak. He was so blown back by all this, he couldn't even think right. He just sat there, eyes wide and mouth agape. It must've been hilarious to everyone else.

" ... Wh-what...? "

He managed, getting giggles out of the other children. He felt Thatch push the chair into the cafeteria, and the giggles grew louder. Soon the chair stopped, and Casper and Thatch soon moved in front of him. They were both grinning widely, and it was a little creepy to the prince right now.

" We know how you didn't celebrate your birthday back in January. "

Casper explained, smiling warmly at the prince.

" So we decided to celebrate it now! "

" Casper did most of the planning. "

Thatch pointed out, smiling as Casper blushed.

" W-well... you told me everything he'd like... "

Casper said modestly, rubbing the back of his head. Thatch blushed now himself and looked down, and Fatch had to smile at the two children. Slowly he grabbed the wheels of his chair and rolled forward, taking in everything around him. It all looked so... perfect. The streamers, the banner, the cake- the ice cream! Fatch felt like he was drooling when he saw the ice cream...

Everyone... really worked hard on this. Even when it wasn't really his B-day... Fatch smiled, feeling himself tearing up a bit. He lightly rubbed his eyes, sniffling a little, getting a chorus of awwws from his classmates. To be honest, Fatch couldn't believe how in touch he'd become with his emotions. He remembered... about a year ago... he couldn't feel anything but anger. He remembered it so well too... and to think, it was because of both Casper and Thatch. He remembered when he became friends with BOTH of them.

Thatch closed his coffin wordlessly. Those two were probably the easiest to "befriend." It was rather pathetic. At least HE still had a reason to hate the other. The creature picked up his suit case and turned to leave, only to stop as Casper was right in front of him.

" Have a good summer Thatch. "

He greeted. Thatch merely huffed at his friendliness and walked out the door. Casper shrugged and turned to see how Ra was doing.

" How are you going to spend your summer Ra? "

The mummy turned and smiled at the ghost, closing up his suit case as well.

" I don't know. I'll probably just hang around my families vacation tomb. "

Before Ra continued their conversation, his eyes settled on something to the right. Casper quickly followed his gaze and found Fatch just sitting there, looked really annoyed/mad. The pale boy blinked and walked over to him, quickly gaining his attention.

" Yes Casper? "

He asked gently.

" Why aren't you packing up? "

Now Fatch sighed and folded his arms.

" My house flooded. "

He answered with clear annoyance in his voice.

" I have to stay here for a week until its ready. "

" Wait-YOUR house? "

Ra inquired.

" Don't you live with your parents? "

Immediately Ra knew he'd said the wrong thing, as for the first time in the month Fatch had been here, he actually looked... sad. He shook his head.

" No. No I don't. I don't have any parents. "

Casper frowned and placed a hand on the vampire's shoulder.

" Well, why don't you stay with me for the week? "

Immediately Fatch's eyes widened as he turned to the ghost.

" R-really?! "

" Of course! "

That's when a miracle happened; for the first time in five years... Fatch smiled. It felt so foreign to his face, but still so wonderful.

" Th-thank you Casper... "

Thatch screamed in absolute pain as he was thrown into a tree. As a punishment for the prank he'd pulled, the headmasters had sentenced him to solitude in the spooky woods. Unfortunately, he was not alone. Three bears had appeared, and they were hungry. The young vampire was no where NEAR strong enough to take down a bear let alone three.

Thatch whined, clutching his chest where the bear had scratched him. It hurt... a lot. Was this how he was gonna die? Being mauled by a bear? Or three?! The animals began to approach him, bearing their teeth. Thatch HAD to close his eyes; this was it. He was going to die... suddenly a roar could be heard, and he had to open his eyes. There, in the place the bear had been, was Fatch.

Wait-Fatch?! Did HE just save him?! The older vampire smirked at him, unclenching his fists and showing off his claws.

" Relax. "

He said, not even the least bit afraid.

" I got this. "

Fatch then growled and launched himself onto a bears back. Thatch could only stare in awe at the prince, confusion thoughts and emotions racing through his brain. Why was Fatch helping him? He thought that the other hated him. Was he not mad at him any more? Or was he ever mad?... Why did Thatch feel... gratitude? Was he glad that Fatch was saving him? Did he actually care about what the other thought of him? Well, now that he knew he was the prince, he DID have great respect for him. But he was the PRINCE for crying out loud! Thatch had always had great respect for the royal family. But... again... why was Fatch helping him?

Just then the prince growled again and pounced in front of him, the now deceased bears behind him. From the looks of it... the fight had taken a bit of a toll on him. He was absolutely COVERED in blood, and he had a good sized bite on his lower right leg. But he didn't really seem to acknowledge it. If anything, he actually seemed... satisfied. Fatch then smiled and held his hand, to which Thatch gladly accepted.

" You alright? "

He asked gently. Thatch nodded, smiling a little.

" Yeah. I'm fine. "

Fatch nodded and quickly noted the swiftly bleeding scratch marks on the others chest. He frowned a bit.

" You're hurt. "

Thatch quickly looked at himself and frowned as well.

" I'll be fine. "

It was then that the question that had been nagging at him this whole time was brought forth.

" Why did you help me? "

Fatch looked up from digging at his black cape before smiling a bit, bringing a roll of bandages up.

" Cause you're actually pretty ok. Just a little rude. Besides... you don't deserve to DIE. "

Thatch gasped at this, lifting up his shirt as Fatch motioned him to, the older wrapping the roll around his cuts. The prince of his species... thought he was OK? Even after the way he'd been treating him? Woah... this wasn't happening was it?

" A-ahhh... "

Thatch groaned as the bandages were tightened painfully.

" Don't worry. These are enchanted. They'll heal your injuries quicker. "

Fatch explained before lowering the others shirt down for him. He then lowered himself and began to bandages himself up. Thatch smiled softly; he now understood why the others considered him a friend. Because now... now he did too.

" F-Fatch! Are you ok?! "

Thatch yelped, soon bringing Fatch back to reality. He immediately realized he was crying and he tried to get rid of the salty tears. He chuckled slightly, hoping it would let everyone know all was well.

" Yeah. "

He answered softly.

" I-I'm alright. "

Slowly Casper approached the prince, kneeling down so he'd be at eye level with the other.

" Are you sure? "

Thatch soon came closer to, copying what the ghost had done before him.

" W-we don't have to celebrate if you don't like it... "

' I can't believe how much these two have changed me... ' Fatch thought happily, his crimson eyes sparkling like rubies. ' If it weren't for them, I'd still be an unfeeling hollow shell of a... '

Before anyone knew what had happened, Fatch had practically left out of his chair, his knees hitting the cold hard ground, and he locked the ghost and vampire in a tight hug, scaring the hell out of the two creatures.

" We're celebrating... "

Fatch cleared up for the two.

" Th-thank you so much... "

Casper and Thatch were still utterly confused, but they soon smiled and hugged back, simply listening to the sound of the other students cheering.

Fatch smiled as he opened up his final gift, surprised to find it was a brand new journal. It was black with red binding, with Fatch's name engraved in silver cursive writing at the center of the top. It was a gift from Thatch too. To be honest, Fatch was happy to receive this. His old journal had been completely filled up long ago, which is why he hadn't been writing anything lately. He looked up at the young vampire, who was blushing brightly with his hands behind his back. The prince simply smiled at him and nodded.

" Thank you Thatch. "

Thatch grinned now before nodding himself.

" So! "

Fatch called out, trying not to laugh.

" Who's ready for some cake?! "

The room erupted in laughter, and the children went off to light the candles. Fatch felt his smile falter slightly, and he soon took his red pen out of his jean pocket and opened the book up to the first page. It was with a great honor- he felt- that he wrote this. He scribbled the poem out, his hand easily gliding across the paper. And with each word he wrote, he became happier to have such great friends.

Nothing is the same anymore

I was once so hollow and alone

But there is one thing I know

Friendship has been permanently sewn

AW! I am so happy with this! I hope you are too!

P.S. I am taking a very minor break from writing to work on the cover pics. I'm so behind on those, it's not even funny. I have 19 to do, maybe 20, so I'll write again when I'm done with them. Anyway! Goodnight everyone!