I am SO sorry for not updating in so damn long. I've had a little bit or writer's block, so this is sadly the last chapter I'll be able to put together. And, real life is everywhere so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write another stay for you guys. Soon, that is. There's always the summer days. I hope you like this even though it's short and took forever to write...

Interesting Things, Curses

Hand of Blood

I gave up on controlling my heartbeat sometime go. Just listening to the footsteps and trying to count how many bodies were attached to them gave me a headache. That was when I heard a light whisper in my ear. All I made out was, "How many... assume there are?"

But in our situation, that was enough to answer with, "I have no idea, but I'm sure you know." There was a dramatic pause, "Right?"

"I estimate about fifteen," and I heard nothing after that. My mind clouding itself with fear made my fingers squeezed Mary's hand harder. My heartbeat was erratic enough that I could feel my blood pumping faster, making every part of my body overheat and sweat with adrenaline.

Wait? Only fifteen people? Can't I do this? I would assume so. I took on twenty before. Even though it was just training, I think it would have enough confidence to do this. Right? "Try not to panic so much, Avera." And that was all it took for me to really breathe, calming myself enough to think properly.

Good thing, too, because that was when I had to land the first blow. They just came right at me and I kicked out, hitting someone in the abdomen with my bare foot. That was also when an arm disappeared from the link of Mary and I's arms and I heard a thump, signalling Mary's punch to whoever.

Her appendage slipped back through mine before a fist caught my cheek. "Fuck you!" I struck out once more, the crook of my foot and shin catching whoever in the side and throwing them over there with a thwack. I assume that means they hit a tree, and I hope that then means they're passed out now. Maybe even dead. A grin caught my lips at that thought.

"Tell me," I felt what what I think was a kick from Mary's side before she finished, "how difficult do you think it would be to just run?" She's asking my opinion?! I shrugged, not event sure I should answer such an idiotic question.

"I have reason to believe these rejects aren't Human, so I think we should just make a run for it, join me?" It wasn't really a request before the arm that wasn't also attached to my hand disappeared from mine once more and I was running, as fast as my feet could carry my legs, following a girl I barely knew, but somehow already highly respected.

I stepped on a few things that weren't so nice to my already aching feet. But in the end, when we reached, (apparently our destination?), a little house in the middle of nowhere, stepping on some unpleasant things was the least of my worries.

We approached, not bothering to knock before stepping inside the warm little log cabin. Mary felt for and licked on a light, letting us see the inside. It wasn't as bad as one might think. It was small, but cozy.

There was a table in the middle of what seemed to be a main room's floor. Off to the left was a teeny fireplace, ablaze with beauty and warmth, and to the right was a tiny hallway. It looked as though it contained bedrooms, the hall, I mean. But for who? No one's home, I thought.

That was the moment I heard a low but slightly sexy rumble, directly in my ear, "Loitering in the woods helps catch trouble, idiot." And before I could question, I was presented with the strangest yet most adorable thing I had ever seen at that point in my life. "Specifically my mother's kind of trouble," the tall and slightly attractive creature muttered.

I looked him up and down for a moment. He was young, maybe even younger than I, but he was tall, towering over me easily. The first thing my eyes caught was the long, sleek and black tail swishing behind curls the same colour, maybe a bit darker.

Then there were the ears, perked in a curious gesture. The rest of him didn't matter as much as the cat-like features. "What the Hell are you and where the shit did I end up?" I questioned in a light mumble.

Mary grabbed my waist from behind, whispering to me, "This was our mission. He's the only one home at the moment, and we're supposed to question him before whatever's chasing us catches up. Now grab a seat and start asking questions that are useful."

The humanoid give us a short and insincere smile, "Yes, please do sit. There's a lot about you I still don't know." I quirk a brow in interest as Mary and I sat on either side of the table, "Do you-"

"No tea," Mary interrupted and pointed to the spot beside her, "sit down," she then ordered. His ears flicked about his dark curls in an inquisitive dance.

After that, we simply questioned him, discovering that we worked fairly well together and although I had wanted to work alone, I could get used to her being by my side. Eventually, we found that we couldn't work without one another, and that was how our deeper feelings were born.

I think the funniest thing, though, is that Sherkitty didn't remember us when we met him again the other night...

Line Break

Avera loves going down memory lane, but at least she doesn't live there. And I love that most about her. She can remember the tiniest details, but she doesn't care to dwell on them.

"Alright," I gave her bum a light tap so she would sit up, "I think we should check up on Victor."

Avera jumped at that chance, "Oh! Yeah," and she rushed to put actual clothes on.

Line Break

I could hear her words echo in my mind as I stepped outside, "If you step outside, you're going to feel a hunger, so don't be around someone you love for right now.." Of course I'm taking her words into consideration, but I honestly don't believe I'll lose control of myself. Obviously the blood of my enemy runs through my veins, but I'll be able to handle it.

I think. Anyway, I should- "Victor! You're all better!" I felt her tits squeeze together against my shoulder blades as she jumped on me from behind, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and holding tight.

"Avera!" I chuckled, "I was just about to go somewhere, could you," I was cut off when she slipped away, practically reading my mind. "It is nice to see you, though," I turned to give her a sincere smile.

That was also when I spotted Mary standing behind her. I gave her a glare and she grinned, winking at me as Avera gave me a blank look. My eyes wandered back to Avera's and I have no idea what came over me, but I wanted her. More than I usually did.

It wasn't lust, or a friendly gesture. I have no idea what possessed me to grab her and draw up a doorway through water that crystallized into a light and shiny blue that Mary couldn't hear Avera's curses through.

"Quiet yourself, brat!" I yelled at her, dropping her to the forest floor. "Remember this place, sweetie?" I chuckled. She took a look around as she lit up her upper half. The sweet crackle and the beautiful purple hue captivated me as she stared blankly at her surroundings.

"If I don't live through this encounter, Mary is going to kill you," her eyes slowly found mine in the dark, and I grinned at her.

"Will she? Perhaps that'll be after I kill you." What the Hell am I doing!? Victor, stop! She gave me a skeptical look, and was about to say something when I cut her off, my fingers wrapping around her pretty.. little... throat...

Line Break

What I saw him do, to my girl, nonetheless. He's in for it. Wherever he's going, he's dead. I formed the easiest portal through air, the wind taking over my body as a door shaped portal formed before me. Following him by his features, I found where he was; and when I saw what he was doing, my inner conscience, the one that gets me out of trouble, was silent. I could do whatever the fuck I pleased to his murderous ass.

I growled and took careful steps to get within a few inches of his back as my fingers were buried deep in his dark hair. I ripped his head back, slipping his teeth from her neck as he growled in pain. My vacant hand travelled down his arm, grabbing his wrist and twisting it hard, making him yelp loudly. Not hard enough to break it, but enough to make him let her go.

She fell to her knees with a whimper, then fell limp, face first, into the leaves and dirt. "How could you!? Who gave this back to you?! I thought this curse was gone!" I screamed.

His ice blue eyes met mine, and part of me knew it was useless to try to find innocence behind the face covered in blood. Avera's blood, nonetheless.

A hand suddenly appeared on my shoulder, "I knew this would happen," she sighed. "I told him, but he didn't listen," Paradise's voice made Avera twitch a groan in pain. "I am deeply sorry, Avera. But it'll be alright soon enough. Mary, please let the evil child go, I'll take care of this."

I was hesitant to even falter, but she turned my head and her deep but vibrant green eyes caught mine. I sighed through my nose, slowly letting go of his hair. Paradise's eyes motioned to his hand, That, too, Mary.

I nodded softly, letting go of his wrist. Paradise instantly took control, seizing his body in a solution of air and water. She gave me a solitary nod before simply blinking out of sight. Intriguing. I thought.

Then I looked back at, "Avera! Baby?!" I rushed to her side, pulling her to her back by her shoulder and hip. "Avera, please? If you're still kicking," I pushed my fingers to her neck, "please just," I pushed deeper, "please have a pulse." I begged. I kept whispering, over and over, "Please please please..."

I couldn't feel anything, but I wasn't sure if that was because it wasn't there, or because it was faint. Although, the thing that bothered me most, was that her aura wasn't faint or blacked out. It was simply gone. I have never seen that happen. To anyone who was still alive, I mean. There's still hope, perhaps.

Please let there be hope. Oh God, there's blood everywhere. All over her beautiful neck and that gorgeous face. Her magnificent body has been violated, and not in the good way. I swear, if he lives through this, I will make sure I get in trouble killing his ass.

My hands trembled in sadness, fear, and anger as I touched her cheeks for what I hope won't be the last time. I leaned over her and kissed her lips. She's still warm! Oh my God, she's warm!

Paradise's hand squeezed my shoulder before that hand went to Avera's forehead. "She's strong. Let's get her back to the guild. We'll be able to stabilize her there." I know she thought I hadn't heard it, but she then mumbled, "I hope."

Again, I apologize. Hopefully I'll see some of you guys with another story. Hopefully...