Hi, everyone. This fic was apparently flagged and taken down for use of song lyrics. I have most of the story saved so fear not! This fic is still alive and well. The fic is still the same, minus the material that got it taken down. I own nothing except Barbara and the puppies, I have no intention of stealing anything.

"Brian!" Barbara giggled.

Barbara sat with the puppies in the living room. It had been a few months since Brian had passed on, as well as Barbara's unborn puppies. Barbara was coping the best she could with her children's support. At the moment, all five of them were sitting together, watching one of the home videos Brian had made.

"Brian, stop it!" Barbara giggled.

She ran along the beach with Brian chasing after her. Brian laughed as he kicked the water at her, making her kick back.

"You and Dad look like you had a lot of fun together", Marcus said.

From what the puppies saw in the video, it was the most happy and energetic they had ever seen their mother. They sat as they watched and ate popcorn, listening to their father's voice.

"Whoa, Brian careful!" Barbara said as Brian slipped and fell into the water. "Here, give me the camera."

She took the camera and pointed it at Brian who shook the water from his fur. He smiled and ran through the water as Barbara chased after him with the camera.

"Okay, that's enough", Brian said. "Let's turn off the camera and do things we'll regret later."

"Regret?" Barbara asked. "I doubt that."

"What did Dad mean by that?" Ollie asked.

"I'll tell you when you're older", she smiled.

"Hey, what's this?" Vinny asked carrying a bowl of popcorn. "Home movies? I love home movies."

The puppies looked at Vinny and growled. They still didn't like him, thinking he was just here to replace their father. Him flirting with Barbara didn't help either. Barbara sighed as she paused the video. At least she was trying to be nice to him, but it was hard. She just didn't like him.

"Look, Vinny", she said. "This is just for me and the kids. If you don't mind, we would like to watch this alone."

"Oh", he said. "Sure. Whatever floats your boat."

He handed Barbara the bowl of popcorn and turned to leave, ignoring the puppies glaring at him. Barbara sighed and turned the video back on.

Brian was filming Barbara trying on a bunch of different outfits with cheesy 80s music playing in the background.

"Barbara, I don't see why we have to do this", he said. "You look beautiful to me without any of these outfits."

"I know", she said. "I just want to look pretty for you."

"You're pretty enough as it is. Besides, all you need is this."

He put the camera down and held a small box out to her. He opened it to show a gold chain with a pearl hanging from it.

"Brian!" Barbara gasped. "It's beautiful!"

He took off her collar and put the necklace around her. She smiled and hugged him tightly.

Barbara smiled and looked at the clock reading 10:30 PM.

"Is that the time?" she asked. "It's time for you four to go to bed."

"But Mom, we want to see more!" Briana said.

"You can see more tomorrow."

She kissed all four of them goodnight, watching them go upstairs to their room.