I do not own Lewis OR Endeavour All rights belong to ITV and other people who are important... Beta'ed by Both Imy and India.. two of my dearest and most favourite friends.=, Both because my written english is terrible as I am incapable of ending a sentence.. (This will also be posted on AO3) ON WITH THE STORY...



Endeavour Morse sat at his desk, mulling over his last case. All the women murdered with those stockings. He found himself unable to stop thinking of their faces, the mask of terror upon them.

All of a sudden he felt himself lighten and, with a pop, he was gone. Just as Fred Thursday walked into the office.


Lewis was sitting at his desk, reviewing the mountain of paperwork. He had just finished his latest case involving the funeral drug smuggling ring. DC Gray had given him his final report. Hathaway had returned from leave, and was now trawling through, trying to catch up on his own paperwork that had piled up during his holiday. T

here was a pop and both detectives looked up as a man with reddish hair appeared and fell to the ground. Stunned, both Lewis and Hathaway, forgetting themselves for a moment stared.

"Who are you?" Hathaway asked regaining his senses

"DC…er… Smith, sir" Morse hesitated, not sure if he should continue, he could tell both men were policemen and of higher rank than he, so he remained respectful whilst marvelling at the room that surrounded him. It was different here, the walls were white and it was light and airy, no lingering cigar or cigarette smoke, although the younger blonde man smelled like he smoked. There were also several screens that blinked and whirred, and were obviously important. Looking around into the main office he could see that each desk had one, maybe they were like typewriters. As well as these alien artefacts Morse noticed some more recognisable objects such as the filing cabinets lining the walls. He could tell he was no longer in 1964.

He decided to ask "What's the date sir?"

"14th of June" Hathaway answered briskly.

Morse became worried, it was December when he left his time.

"Sorry sir, but what is the year?" Hathaway and Lewis became more perplexed, what was going on?

"Er...2013 Constable." Morse, who had now stood, almost fell again at Lewis' words.

"May I see your warrant card Constable?" It was an order not a question, and, after minimal protest, Morse handed it over. Lewis read the card and stared.

"James..." Lewis' startled voice told Hathaway to look as well. Lewis waved the warrant in Hathaway's general direction. Hathaway read the card and his face took on the same dumbfounded expression as Lewis. They were both awestruck for a while, but Hathaway soon regained his senses.

"Constable Morse, could we have a word?"

"Yes sir" They left the room leaving Lewis to process what had happened.

Outside, Hathaway began speaking rapidly at morse. Asking questions such as:

"Why did you lie about your name?" and demanding information. However Morse was still getting his head around the fact he had travelled almost 50 years into the future. It was so different...

Hathaway was trying to rouse him from his contemplation, "Constable Morse, I need to tell you something...Constable Morse!"

When Morse snapped back into the room, he found they were in the toilets, "yes sir" he responded automatically.

"Well if you are listening, you should know that you died in 2002" Hathaway let that sink in for a moment.

"How?" Hathaway paused, about to tell the younger man of his connection to Lewis. The question had taken him by surprise somewhat.

"Heart attack" came Hathaway's brisk reply "from the alcohol."

"Oh" came Morse's distant voice, contemplating the meaning of this, and the man he was to become.

Hathaway allowed Morse to think for a moment before saying:

"The thing is Constable, Inspector Lewis was your bagman when you were a DCI." Hathaway let that sink in before continuing, "you were his hero, he still finds it hard to talk about you, he tries to..." Hathaway pondered over what word to use, "emulate you."

Morse froze. Someone is trying to emulate him? Never had he thought that would happen.