Yes I know, another one. I can't help it. So this is obviously an mpreg, and not it's not omega verse. I've twisted everything to my liking again. I've only ever read one Thor mpreg story, so I decided to make one. Also, sorry about anything I got wrong about pregnancy or doctoring, I found it off the internet. Sorry if anyone is ooc. Enjoy.

It seemed like nothing at first. Small lose of appetite, fatigue, it just seemed like he was working himself to hard.

Then it changed. He started throwing up his breakfast, tripping in practice, his energy levels dropped dramatically, then he stopped eating breakfast all together, instead throwing up whatever was left from his meal the night before.

Steve got worried, even had Bruce check him out a few times, but nothing ever came up.

Everything seemed fine for about a week. No changes, until Thor started complaining about headaches and dizziness. A couple of days later he started having mood swings, being fine one second and snapping at someone the next. He would also wake Steve up in the middle of the night with weird cravings, wanting anything he could have, despite the fact that he was just gonna throw it up in the morning.

They thought maybe it was some sort of weird Asgardian sickness, but Thor had no idea what was happening either.

After about two months they got used to it. Thinking it would pass, until one day, while watching a movie with Bruce, he got up off the couch to get something to drink, and promptly fainted.

Steve had just come out of the elevator when Thor went down; he ran to him and got to him just as Bruce was checking his pulse. The others came in as Steve started asking questions.

"What's wrong? Is he alright?"

Bruce's eyebrows furrowed, "His pulse is strong, but it was unexpected. He showed no signs beforehand."

Tony comes to stand behind Bruce," Nothing? Did he say he was dizzy again?"

Bruce shrugs, "Not to me."

Steve stares at Thor's face from where he's manoeuvred his head onto his lap, when he remembers something. "He told me this morning he was."

Bruce looks up, contemplating, when the alarm goes off.

"We gotta suit up." Tony leaves to put on his suit.

Steve doesn't want to leave Thor, not now. Bruce puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'll look after him."

He smiles fondly and moves some of Thor's hair away from his face, "You know he's just gonna come join us the minute he wakes up and there is nothing anyone can do about it."

Bruce mirrors the smile, "Yeah, I know."

Steve kisses Thor on the forehead before going to change and grab his shield.

When Thor comes to, the first thing he notices is that he's on the floor. The second thing he notices is someone's put a pillow under his head. He slowly sits up, and looks around the now empty lounge, when Bruce comes in, talking into his com link.

"I'm sorry, Tony, but you're just gonna have to survive without the Hulk for right now. I'm not leaving until Thor wakes up. No, I-"

He stops when he sees Thor getting up off the floor.

"I'm gonna have to call you back, Tony."

Bruce rushes over to where Thor is standing, "Hey, how do you feel?"

Thor shrugs, "Fine, what happened?"

"You fainted, I'm thinking it's tied to the dizziness you've been experiencing lately. I had JARVIS run whatever tests he thought might come up with some sort of answer, but the results haven't come back yet."

"Then they are going to have to wait," Thor turns and heads to the elevator. "It sounds like our friends need our help."

Bruce takes a step forward, "You don't have to go."

Thor presses the button to his floor, "I know. I want to." The doors close and Bruce sighs, rubbing his hands together.

"Why can't anyone ever just say 'Okay, you go and I'll stay here and put my feet up'?"

Twenty minutes later they join the fight. After a few 'You should be home resting, not here fighting killer robots' they joined the action.

It seems like the only thing they fight anymore is Doom and his killer robots, but they have to admit, he's really gone all out this time. The robots are ranging anywhere from three inches to twenty feet tall and attack with everything from lasers and electricity to water and missiles.

It is a long and tiring fight, lasting about four hours. They are all injured, but nothing fatal. Steve is fussing over Thor as usual, he is usually fine with it, sometimes even liking the attention, but with recent events Steve is fussing even more than usual and add to that the long battle and the mood swings, it's just annoying him.

"Would you stop? I'm fine!"

Steve crosses his arms, "No, you are not fine. You were passed out before you came here, you've been off for the past two months and don't think I missed you getting thrown head first through three buildings."

Thor glares at him, "So? I'm fine. I've fought with worse."

That just adds fuel to the fire, "I don't care! All I care about is right here and right now and right now, you need to be checked over."

Thor stands taller, clearly displeased. "What if I don't want to be? Are you going to make me Steven?"

You can tell when Thor is angry; it's the only time he ever calls Steve, Steven anymore.

Steve opens his mouth to reply when Natasha steps between them, putting a hand on each of their chests to push them apart. "Stop. I get it, we are all tired and sore. And some of us moody." She looks pointedly at Thor before turning to face him directly. "What Steve means is, he's worried about you, with what's been going on and then the fainting earlier, it's got him - all of us - on edge. And you were thrown through three buildings in a row. Head first. We know you can handle it, but you are not invincible, so just let Steve worry and let Bruce check you over, for all our sakes."

Thor's murderous gaze softens and he sighs, shoulders dropping, "All right, fine."

Natasha nods, "Good."

As they are about to head back to the tower, Steve stops Natasha with a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you."

She turns to him, "Hey, you're not the only one worried about him, but you're welcome."

He smirks as they catch up with the others.

Back at the tower, Thor is sitting on one of the beds in the med lab while Bruce looks over the tests from before the fight. They all came back negative, except for the last one. Bruce frowns, wondering why JARVIS would run a test like that on Thor, so he decides to ask about it.


"Yes, Dr. Banner?" Comes the curt British reply.

"Why did you run the last test?"

JARVIS's reply is quick, "Ignoring the 0% probability of a positive outcome among males, it was one of the few tests that included all of Mr. Odinson's symptoms."

"Right, well could you run it one more time, to make sure this answer is the right one."

"Of course."

Bruce puts the papers down and walks over to where Thor is sitting patiently. He looks up as Bruce approaches. "Is something the matter?"

Bruce shakes his head, "Nope, just running a few more tests."

That seems to satisfy Thor for the moment. Bruce removes a pen light from his pocket. "Follow the light with your eyes." He moves the light back and forth.

"Good, no concussion. Somehow."

Thor smirks, "Well according to both my Mother and my Brother, I have a very thick skull."

Bruce chuckles, "Well it came in handy. This last test needs to finish before you can go. I'll go let Steve in while we wait."

Thor nods and his smile grows at the mention of his boyfriend.

Bruce let's Steve into the med lab and goes back to his desk to give them as much privacy as he can. Out of the corner of his eye he can see them share a kiss and Steve start fussing over Thor again. He lets him this time, knowing it's best to just let him do what he needs to.

Bruce smiles fondly when JARVIS grabs his attention.

"Test complete."

"Print it out for me, please."

"Right away, Dr. Banner."

"Thank you, JARVIS."

Bruce takes the paper, reading it over and finding the same results as last time. He chews his thumbnail for a minute before heading over to the happy couple.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but can I talk to Thor alone for a minute?"

Steve gets up from beside Thor, "Sure. I'll be in the lounge if anyone needs me." He pecks Thor on the lips before heading out.

Thor instantly notices Bruce's worried expression. "What is it?"

Bruce looks down at the paper again. "The test came back, and even though it makes so much sense, it is also impossible."

Thor looks confused, "What is impossible? What it is?" He repeats.

Bruce looks straight at him, "I'm just going to come right out with it."

He nods.

"Thor," he starts.

"You're pregnant."

So what did you think? Please review, think of it as a birthday present, since tomorrow is the 19th, and I am turning 16. Yay! I can't wait! But seriously though, tell me what you think. I am trying to update my other story, but I have no inspiration, but I do for this, and when I write, I keep at it until I lose all inspiration. So if I write for this, there is a very good chance, I will write for my other one. Anyways, all mistakes are mine, sorry, I'm unbeta'd. Anyways, peace out bitches! This is Destiel101, signing out!