A/N:: Ugh, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I say "I'll be updating more often!" but then I disappear for a million thousand weeks. -slaps self- xD

Anyway, here's Chapter 5... at long last, we finally get to see who's next to join the newly-forming FAST crew! Hope you enjoy c:

(Oh, and by the way, happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it today. If not, then just have a dang good day, okay? ^^)

Bright sunlight washed down over a long stretch of bare ground. Whiplash turned to Skidmark, revving up his engine.

"You ready, garden snail?"

"Oh, I was born ready." Skid smirked.

"We'll see about that." Whiplash retorted with a small, challenging smile.

On that note, the two snails took off down the track in an explosion of dust.

Skidmark quickly took the lead, pulling ahead of his mentor.

"Oh, no you don't," Whiplash muttered, narrowing his eyes. "The student isn't gonna beat the mentor - not today."

"Wanna bet?" Skid tossed back over his shoulder.

"You bet I do." Whiplash responded with a smirk.

The dark purple snail's engine revved; he caught up to Skid in the blink of an eye.

The two snails raced along side-by-side for a few moments, each trying to pass each other. At last, Whiplash gained on Skidmark, leaving the young racer on the dust.

He laughed triumphantly, pumping an eyestalk in the air. "I told you, Skid, the student cannot beat the -"

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound, followed by a shout, sliced through the air.

Startled, Whiplash slammed on the brakes. Spinning around, he spotted Skidmark sprawled a few inches away; he hurried over to the scene, eyes wide. "Skid! What happened?"

As Whiplash got closer, he realized with a pang that Skidmark was entangled with a stranger - a small, pinkish-colored snail who he'd apparently run into... literally.

"Get offa me, you klutz!" the stranger snapped, her eyes blazing.

As Skidmark tried to stand up, looking flustered, Whiplash stared at the unfamiliar snail. "Who are you?" he demanded, an edge creeping into his voice. He tended to be wary of strangers, especially those who

appeared out of nowhere when he and his student were having their morning run on the track.

Whiplash narrowed his eyes, studying the stranger. She was young, probably around Skid's age. She wore bright red lipstick, and her golden eyes had a fiery edge to them.

"The name's Brittany," she responded, her voice sharp.

Whiplash didn't blink an eye. "Well, then, Brittany, how about telling us where you came from and what you're doing here?"

Brittany locked her gaze with Whiplash's; she clearly wasn't the type to back down easily. "Oh, I've been watching you guys for days," she answered smoothly. "I've seen it all - the stunts, the speed, those ridiculous shells you're wearing..." her eyes briefly flitted over Whiplash's racing shell before meeting his gaze once more. "I know everything about you two; I know how you live."

Skidmark looked nervous. "E-everything?" he stammered.

Whiplash narrowed his eyes, glaring at the sly female snail. "So basically, you've been stalking us?!"

Brittany shrugged. "I prefer 'observing.'

Anyway, I was on my way out to talk to you face-to-face for the first time, when this weirdo came crashing into me." She shot a glare in Skidmark's direction; his face was as red as an overripe tomato.

Whiplash blinked. "And you wanted to talk to me about what, exactly?" he demanded.

Brittany smiled, her eyes narrowed. "About racing, of course. I'd like to join your team." her voice held a note of defiance, as though she were challenging them to reject her.

"What?" Whiplash boggled at the young stranger, unable to keep the shock out of his voice. "You come crashing onto our track, out of the blue, without warning, a complete stranger, and you expect me to let you join us?"

"Yep." Brittany smiled slyly. "Simple as that."

"No. No way," Whiplash shook his head. "Absolutely not happening."

"Why not?" Brittany shot back, a bit of aggression creeping into her voice. "With a shell like yours, I'd be able to race just as fast as you two - probably faster."

Whiplash blinked. "It's not about your shell," he answered. How am I supposed to explain that I'm not about to let some creepy stalker live with me? That I'm not going to teach a snail that doesn't even respect my privacy how to race?

"So what's holding you back?" Brittany retorted.

"Well... for one thing," Whiplash reasoned, "you don't even have a racing name. How's that going to look to our opponents? Here comes the star racing team of the century... Whiplash, Skidmark, and Brittany!"

Brittany didn't bat an eyelid. "So I'll change my name," she shrugged. "No big deal."

Whiplash stared at her. "Well, you just have an answer for everything, don't you?" he muttered.

"Yep, I do." she smiled.

Whiplash blinked, studying the younger snail. "Tell you what, Brittany, if you can think up a suitable racing name, I'll think about letting you join."

Brittany grinned. "Hmm... how about Flame?"

"Doesn't really suit you."




"Getting warmer."

"...Burn. I'll change my name to Burn." the pinkish-colored snail smiled triumphantly.

Whiplash groaned in defeat. "You're in. Welcome to the team."