Paradigm Shift

Author Notes

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It's rare in works, especially in animation that the sequel has any of the power that the original possesses. Well, HTTYD is one of those special cases where the second entity has just as much oomph as the first. The movie has some problems with pacing, but has a brilliant portrayal of progress that most sequels lack. It doesn't feel like filler and, in today's greedy society, that is a rarity in and of itself.

Because of this, I decided to push this story forward. The basic premise of this story is extremely simple: it's a transformation story. I have a guilty pleasure when it comes to these stories and wanted to try my hand at one. However, I do not know how to plan a short story and thus, this one ended up being somewhat of a monster. It also, even though it starts at the beginning of HTTYD 1, follows the characters and plot of the second much more so. But, it also takes its time getting there.

And of good note: I have never read any of the books or watched any of the TV show. Everything I know about this series comes from the two movies and quick searches on the wiki page. So if something is erroneous, please let me know.


Unlike, with LAST (Lightning Always Strikes Twice) I will be writing this story in third person, which will hopefully make it calmer and more enjoyable. I personally loath stories written in first person, but wanted to try my hand at it in LAST.

However, I have many stories I am planning on writing and I am not sure if this will be my next focus after LAST, but with the popularity of HTTYD at the moment, I thought I would throw the idea out there to see if it sticks.

Finally, I write with no beta and have a somewhat clunky style that I am trying to smooth out. Because of this, I would greatly appreciate any reviews or comments you have about the story – they're so vivid in my mind that critical details are sometimes lost in the transition. Also, I do not obsess over rewrites and edits (I am doing this for free after all) and, therefore, there are bound to be errors. If you see one, or a dozen, please send me a pm and let me know where they are so I can correct them.

-Release Rate-

I'm not sure how fast I will release chapters for this story. Do not be surprised to see a more accelerated pace initially as I give the story a decent base to work off of. In the past, I have been a fan of releasing at a weekly pace. If this story becomes my next focus, weekly updates are a good guess.


The story image is a cropped and modified image from work done by skia on deviant art. To see the original work please use: skia . deviantart art / Young-Night-Fury-159298639 If you get the time you should definitely check out their work.


I own nothing of How To Train Your Dragon or any of the associated rights. This work was done for enjoyment purposes only with no monetary value obtained in anyway. If anyone wished to use the ideas, including original characters or quotes, here within they are legally allowed to; no copyrights or protection exist for this story. Although, this author would greatly appreciate a nod if his ideas are used elsewhere.