Chapter 4

The funny thing was, was that Ichigo and Shiro weren't as oblivious as they seemed, they knew exactly what was going on in the meeting. Just because they kept to themselves doesn't mean that they let everyone just run free. The arrancar were impossible to keep an eye on but they never did really cause any problem in the first place. When Aizen was defeated the illusion that he cast on everyone was broken. With it came much confusion from his home base in los noches turns out that almost all were against this war. Of course hollows in general love to fight its in there nature but they never wanted to be involved with the shinigami. To them it was pointless to them they had nothing to gain, sure they would be the dominate race but what else? Hollows can be such simple creatures in ways that most wouldn't imagine. Well when it comes to lifestyle. They have there way and there content hence the reason why no one even knew that they were still alive.

Ignorance is bliss I guess. It was nice to finally see who survived though and the fact Grimmjow survived made it even better. He still looked as hot as the last time I saw him I mean damn son have you seen that body I could cum just watching him move. I'd ride him till my spine feel out of my ass. And now I'm horny as fuck. Great! But really who could blame me even Shiro thinks he's hot and that's saying something since he's hard to please and can be the biggest brat on the planet when he wants to be. I would know. I did feel pride though for my sister standing her ground. She knew I was watching of course since I told her a head of what was to come Yuzu knew to. It's always the sweet and quiet ones you need to look out for. But that also made them the perfect team. I made sure that they could take advantage of that to before I left. Well before I originally planned to die.

It's almost bitter sweet to think back on those days. It was truly amazing that I even made it so long during those miserable years. It made me stronger though of course I could have went without the bit of insanity and madness that came with it but that's for a different day to contemplate.

" Ichi- berry if you keep staring at the screen so hardyer eyes are gonna fall out. I'm almost jealous of it."

"Always the charmer aren't ya."

"Only when it involves your sexiness." A quick kiss was pressed to my head which didn't help. "Well you and blue but we technically haven't meet face to face. How long are you gonna keep hidden anyway? Not that I'm complaining I quiet like the way our lives now but it has been getting a bit dull."

"Not surprised you never did have much patience but I'm not about to crawling back to them even if they do have something that I want."

"Your so hot when you get all possessive~~"

"You horn dog keep it in your pants a bit longer babe I'm curious of how this will play out. It's not everyday that the soul reapers would wanna create an alliance. Besides Gin and Kon are in there being our eyes and ears if something goes wrong or God forbid if they get caught they'll be captured." My chair was spinned suddenly away from the screen to where I was facing my other half.

"You know as well as I do that Gin would never let anything happen to Kon and vice versa." He did have a point when we found Gin he was just barely alive with almost no memories of who he was. It was sad really. He was so beaten an bleeding so prettily. *slap* bad thoughts keep sane. Breath. It took awhile for him to heal but he's as good as new and when he finally meet Kon it was love at first sight. Despite how much I claimed to hate him he was one of the few things that kept me sane. Especially after I released Shiro before my powers completely faded. I couldn't just leave him there after everything. I think he even blamed himself for what happened to me even if there wasn't anything that the idiot could have done. Just like me though he changed he can hardly stand girls anymore which was a shock. I asked him once why that was he responded with after everyone's betrayal and abandonment he just couldn't stand the thought of them. If his precious Rukia could be such a bitch under her facade what is to say that it won't happen again. Guys were just simpler. It really touched my heart... Well what was left of it anyway. He become my brother in every form of the word. As a thank you we created him his own body it was just the three of us against the world and then Gin joined the picture and Kon finally had someone who loved him as well.

They were an odd couple not that I could say much in that sense but they complicated each other in the best ways. Kons crazy was leveled by Gins level head. Well when whey wanted to be. They were hidden in the corners of the building in the form of foxes. Tonic I know but there the reason this was possible.

"Your thinking to hard I can see the your brain starting to fry."

I really do love this man. "Well maybe you should distract me for a bit it seems as if there taking a break and I could use a break."

"As my king demands." Shit he always knew what to saw to make me melt and practically jizz my pants without a single touch.

"And yet your still tal.." I didn't even get to finish before his tongue was shoved down my throat.