Sorry for the MAJOR delay but I have been so busy as of late my mom and her new boyfriend have been taking me and his 9 year old daughter out a lot and I have a job now so I haven't had time to update but got a break finally and figured type up a new chapter hope you guys like it(oh there is a cameo of a character from a different cartoon that I love so keep an eye out)

"Come on Jasper look airplane" Lorie said making buzzing noises as she tried desperately to get her son to eat but no matter what the young mother did her son refused to eat the baby food

"Why did you have to get your grandfather and fathers stubborn sides" She sighed exasperated placing the spoon back in the jar still full of apple mash he started to fuss again this time she sighed

"Fine you win you'll get your bottle"

Lorie walked into the New bounties kitchen and reached up in the cuboard, she saw her husband enter as she put the bottle in the microwave she turned to him

"I hate you"

Kai whipped around from the fridge

"Why what did I do ' he asked with wide eyes

"Your son refuses to switch from the bottle he is as stubborn as you" she said trying not to laugh

"Oh is that all?" he asked feigning shock

Lorie rolled her eyes as she turned to remove the bottle from the microwave the phone began to ring

"I got it" he husband said as he picked up the phone from the receiver


"Hello is this Mr Jay Walker ?"

"No hold on" he put the phone to his chest before calling out "Jay phones for you !"

Jay walked in taking the phone

"Hello this is Jay" Jay said

"Hello Mr Walker this is Pamela Anderson from The Fostercare system of America"

Jay paled as she continued

"I dislike to tell you this but earlier this week your brother and his wife were in an accident with a drunk driver Mr Walker your brother and Sister in Law were killed instantly"

Jay nearly dropped the phone in shock

"Mr Walker they had two girls identical twins and you were identified as their godfather and if anything where to happen to them you would be their legal guardian so we called you to see if you would take guardian ship of the girls?"

"I need to talk with my wife and the rest of my family"

"Of course sir you have our number please call we need to have an answer within a week or they will be placed in foster care "

"Of course goodbye " Jay said hanging up and placing th phone back on the receiver

"Jay honey you alright?" Nya came in holding their 2 week old daughter

"That was The Foster Care system of the United States my Brother and his wife were killed in an accident and apparently I have two nieces twin's " Jay looked at his wife in shock

"Wait a minute you have a brother ?" Kai asked

"Had and yes Gabriel but he lived in America so he and I didn't talk much I knew he had a wife but not twin daughters I didn't even know I had nieces oh my god my parents I have to tell them oh my god" Jay answered collapsing in the nearby chair his hands held to his face

"Kai hold Maggie please " Nya asked

Her brother nodded and took the newborn from her arms gently cradling Maggie in his arms

"Jay I want you and I to take care of your nieces we may have never saw or met them nor know how they are,they are still your family and family should take care of family" Nya comforted him

"But we have a 2 week old daughter what if they are still babies like Maggie would you be willing to take care of 3 babies it would be almost like having triplets around" Jay asked looking straight into Nya's eyes

"Jay everyone would help this is your nieces we're talking about" she coaxed

he looked and saw Kai and Lloyd nodding

"Okay I will talk to Sensei" he said finally

2 weeks later

Jay handed his and Nya's passport's to the checkpoint officer whom checked them over with a black light with a nod he stamped them

"Haven't seen many Ninjagoian people come into the States lately heard something went down there am I right?" he questioned with a thick English accent handing the passports back

"Yeah and the fact that most of them don't really trust technology " Jay smiled

"Ahh that explains it well still welcome to The United States " he said

"Thanks " Jay and Nya said as they walked through heading to the baggage claim after picking up their suitcases, they headed out to the Taxi area

"Mr and Mrs Walker?" a female voice called near them they turned to see a women whom looked no more then 25 approaching them

"Thats us" Jay said shaking the woman's hand

"I am Samantha Fenton I was told to pick you guys up and take you to the hotel were they were going to meet you oh and also " she reached into her purse "they told me to give these files and this sheet you two need to sign that sheet and they will be yours and the second really thick one is everything on them they have been through alot in their short 4 week life,they were extremely lucky to have survived that crash "

Jay cocked his head

"How old did you say they were?"

"4 weeks why do ask ?" Samantha asked as she began leading them to her car

"Well we have a 4 week old daughter as well her name is Maggie she was a surprise for my wife and I we were still dating at the time her brother has quite a temper and when he got told he threatened to castrate me"

Samantha laughed

"Sounds like my husband he has a bit of a temper as well we have a 5 year old daughter and he's already very protective of her"

"What father wouldn't be ?" Jay questioned

Samantha had a saddened look on her face

"In America some father's end up pressuring their daughter's to do things with them that are just wrong in societies eyes fortunately, their are a lot more that would rather die then give their little girls up "

"Oh, I guess that's good"

Samantha stopped at a sleek black car and opened the door Jay placed his and Nya's luggage in the trunk before joining his wife in the car the door was closed and soon they were on their way to the hotel

BAM betcha didn't expect that I skipped ahead 9 months and make a couple characters get together hahahaha read and review