So this is nice, interesting, very interesting. Well, hello and welcome to my story, 'Two Hearted Rapunzel'. This is a Time Lady OC story, my first attempt at creating my very own. Our Time Lady is a... more whimsical type of person. Like any rendition of the Disney Princess, just add a dash of anxiety, a pinch of paranoia, and the underlining effects of hundreds of years of pure isolation and I've got a character to work with. So yea, I hope you enjoy.

UPDATED: Just going through and fixing a few things, and you know, restarting this whole thing. Don't kill me.

Summary: Appora was just a rare pet to a rich collector. She's never stepped out of her cage- a library without any doors. Her entire life was controlled, watched, and her only company were the countless books they gave her. But she dreamt of one day seeing the sky. Then he came, the most terrifying man in the universe. 10/Doctor

Disclaimer: Legally speaking, I do not own any part of the Doctor Who franchise. All rights and reservations belong to the BBC, and trust me I've tried bargaining with them. They have no plans on selling it to a random American woman, no matter how much chocolate I seem to offer. Pity really.

Two Hearted Rapunzel

Chapter One- Library

In the middle of an almost empty library without any windows or doors, there was a young woman who sat in isolation, her back to a fireplace to keep warm.

"Nine million, Nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine." Appora chirped happily, humming under her breath as she snapped the book shut in her lap with a loud thump. She grinned, clapping her hands together as she swiped off the imaginary dust. "All finished!"

Suddenly she gasped loudly, bouncing as she reached around. "Oh!" She turned to the fire, flicking another coal in from the pile next to her, before picking up the book, "That's quite a lot of nines isn't it?"

She looked up as she asked the question, still humming pleasantly as she was met with silence, then she sighed lovingly as she traced a finger softly against the cover, caressing the carved title in ancient letters with a slight nail.

The book was another on ancient alien history, an in depth look on the political rise and fall of the third royal Ruxan monarchy, on a planet called Moxx. It was a large rather gaseous planet that orbited two suns, where the sky was a deep gray and gravity was four times more than average. But that hadn't been important, no, Moxx used to be located in the seventy six quadrant, but was now just an uninhabitable wasteland after a thousand years of civil war. It was a mundane subject, most of the chapters were so repetitive and bluntly informative, but she now knew everything she could find about the extinct alien species, the once great and proud Mutruxans.

How wonderful.

"Quite the mouth full, I'm surprised I didn't stumble." she murmured as the fire sparked, and she brought a hand up to rub away the dull ache behind her eyelids, placing the green book on top of the lowest stack, "Just one more, then it's lucky number ten."

She was sitting on the floor like she normally did, surrounded by all of her books that were stacked higher than her. They were piled around her in neat lines, towers of knowledge that were her's alone and coordinated and grouped together in a complicated categories. It was a process she had created out of boredom a few centuries ago. It was a fort of books to circle her, blocking out the rest of her little world again.

Her dress, a dull red ankle length traditional gown was bunched up at her waist, and the hideous thing was scratching at her thighs. The gown was usually used by mostly lower class children while still in the academy, but it was the same one she always wore, the feeling of the coarse material a second skin now. A second, itchy skin. Her legs were crossed and her back slouched, also position she found herself in at the end of every day, and one that made her spine crack and pop with every stretch before bed. Her curly unkept black hair was up in a quick messy bun, a few strands too short poking out in odd directions and the pair of large oval reading glasses were falling off the tip of her nose.

She scrunched her nose up in determination as she grabbed the closes book to her left.

"Come here beauty." Appora smiled brightly. It was a rather thick one, the cover a light faded blue, with splotches and the edges worn down and frayed- and she found it to be positively beautiful."Oh, aren't you simply scrumptious."

It was clear it had been read numerous times before, held by so many hands and made so long ago that she cooed, gently tracing the seam and edges of the paper. She tilted her head to the side as she recognized the language. How strange, she didn't see many books written in Human English.

"The Traveling... Lonely Man?" She read the title out loud slowly, twirling each word on her tongue.

How interestingly depressing.


"The word you are looking for is lunch." Appora didn't even blink as the robotic female voice came over the loud speakers, the ceiling blinking a light green. "Lunch. First comes breakfast. Then lunch. Then dinner. Sometimes there's brunch and snacks." she also didn't look up as a tray was suddenly beamed next to her in a white flash, a rich and overwhelming smells from the expected dietary meals filling her book fort.

She let out a sigh, placing her book down tenderly, not wanting to make a mess of it.


"Heard you the first two hundred years Mella." Appora rolled her eyes as she picked up the warm bread roll, taking a quick bite.


"But what about you? Sounds like you need a vacation." she spoke with her mouth full, pointing the remaining piece of bread up at the ceiling and as she swallowed noisily, she brought up her sleeve to wipe her face. "How are you going to find a husband like this, with such a stuffy attitude? Stop worrying about how much I eating and put on a bikini." She chirped as she took another bite, chewing without manners. "Men like bikinis."


"Now come on, it's like you're ignoring me." she whined as the ceiling flashes green again. "Mella are you ignoring me? Are you? Mel-la!"

The two of them may only have the relationship of the observed and an observation computer, but Appora really did think they had something going here. After all, they had known each other for two hundred and twenty two years now, and she was even the person to give Mella her name. She was like her mother in a way.

"I thought we were pals? I'm hurt."


"My health is mandatory." she mimicked, "Blah. Really now, that's just rude." She scrunched up her face, wiggling her nose as she grabbed the plate off the tray, lifting the cover off to see what was under it. "Well, will you look at that, it's soup." her tone was as dry as her smile, that quickly turned into a frown as she looked up at the ceiling.

"I hate soup!"


"-vital to prolonged health! My heath is mandatory, yada yada yada I know." She poked the thick goop with her spoon with a sigh, "We seriously need to talk about your manners. And your cooking. Mostly about your cooking."

She brought the spoon up and watched queasily as a glob flopped off, splatting back into the bowl, before she shuddered.



"Hey, wait! What- don't just leave without saying goodbye!?" She yelled, shaking her fist at the blinking roof. "Mella I taught you better than that! Young lady? Mella? Mella!" She hissed as the ceiling flashed a dull green again, before returning to its normal gray. "Mella!"

The room feel back into silence and Appora sighed, grabbing the juice box off the tray and downing it in one go.

Well, alright then.

She looked between her book and the soup with narrowing eyes, "Eat the horrid thing, or deal with the consequences?" She asked the question as she turned to the fire, waiting for an imaginary answer from the warm light.

Eat, not eat, eat a little, or just go through with those bloody behavioral correction treatments?

Choices choices.

"Fine!" she snapped, "But I'm snuffing out next time this is pulled. I'll use my own teeth if I have to!" She sighs as she brought the spoon up to her mouth, grimacing in horror as the jello-like substance wiggled in front of her mouth, "And I demand another collection of newly unread material- at least twenty new books! Do you hear me Mella! Twenty!"

She then quickly swallowed the orange goo before it could fully rest on her taste buds, shuddering as it went down her throat in a slimy chuck, a shiver going down her spine.

"I want to speak to the chef." She whispered hoarsely, coughing as she wiped her tongue on her sleeve. When she finally finished the bowl she moaned, rubbing her abused stomach before putting the plate back on the tray, and poked the blue button on the side. The entire thing vanishing in another white flash just as it appeared and she grumbled, wiping her hands clean on her dress.

"You always interrupt me at the worst moments Mella." Appora huffed, again gently picking the book off the ground to rub the cover gently. "I mean- just look at this!" She waved her hand about, motioning to nobody. "It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen most likely, and only the best books are read over and over, enjoyed until they fall apart you know."

She smiled as she tilted the book side to side, feeling the weight and history under her fingertips as she cooed.

She gently opened up the front cover, careful of the pages that were loose or slightly torn, and as she leaned back against a large stack of books, the fire burning comfortably to her side, she started to relax. She slouched against the warmth and the smell of tempered pages and bound materials. Bringing the pages closer to her face she straightened her glasses and she could almost visibly see it- the books talking back with so many words she haven't herd before.

"Book number ten million. Oh, you're going to be special one, I can tell." She purred, turning to the first page, "Well then Traveling Man, lets see what you've got."

With a sign, she glanced down at the first word.

And threw the book as far away from her as possible.

Letting out a high pitched scream she flung herself back, the stacks she were leaning against tumbling down around her. Books fell in every direction, a few striking painfully against her head and shoulders as she scooted back on her butt, her eyes wide in horror as her glasses fell to the floor.

The book was now laying a ways away, down the hall with the first page facing up. The sound of it striking the ground had echoed in the story high empty rooms, and Appora suddenly found she couldn't breath, that she couldn't hear anything else but the blood in her ears and the echo in her mind.

She couldn't breath. Her arms wrapped around her chest quickly as she took short breaths, her shoulders shaking as her ears rang, blood rushing to her cheeks as her lower lip trembled. Her head pulsed with her hearts beats as she struggled to find air. Everything hurt, everything on fire as Appora couldn't look away from the ancient language written delicately, perfectly, in a way that she hadn't remembered since her childhood.

She stared in numb horror at the message sprawled across the paper in deep blue, and suddenly she felt extremely light headed.

"That's-" she gasped between her whimpers, tears gathering in her eyes as her face burned, and as she reverted back to her original dialect, her home language like bitter acid on her tongue, she trembled. "N-not po-possible. It's not."

On the page, there was a message written in Old High Gallifrenian.

A language only Time Lords could know.

A language only a Time Lord could write.

Her lower lip trembled as she curled into a ball, to hide.

It was a language she hadn't seen since she was nine years old. When she was just a little girl that had been taken, kidnapped from her own planet and thrown into this cage two hundred and twenty three years ago. A language that supposedly burned into nothing during the last Great Time War. Her owner, the Warden, he had told her, showed her what had happen to her people. he had told her that they were gone, that they had burned alongside their enemies in mutual destruction.

So, so this- this wasn't possible. It couldn't be real, there weren't any other Time Lords, they were all dead. There was only silence. She was alone and she had always been that way. That was why she was in this cage; because she was rare and a one of a kind thing, because she was a priceless pet. So it wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

But, written on the page, so delicately curled into intricate loops and formulas, was a message that could be nothing else but just for her.

Do not finish the next meal. I'm coming.

-The Doctor

Author's note: The End. Well, of chapter one anyways. And here we go. All done! Interesting no? I hope so, because this is pretty much how it's going to be from here on out, so if you didn't like that well... I'm pretty much screwed. I like it though, so that's good.

Woundedowl: So, what do you guys think? Good?

Appora: Horrible.

Doctor: Too short.


Woundedowl: Well... that's promising.

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