Title: Chicago PD : Forget Me Not; Chapter One: Leaving

Summary: Jay Halstead is cleared of the murder of, Lonnie Rodiger. He gets his gun and badge back but will he stay on the team? His teammates and partner didn't believe in him when he was charged. Except for Alvin Olinsky. What would have happened if he left the police force and ran away? Pushing everyone away. He goes to visit family and friends. What will happen?

Disclaimers: The show is property of Dick Wolfe, and NBC. I don't own anything. Just borrowing the characters to practice my writing.

A/N: This idea came to me and I just wanted to see where it would go. I hope you like it. This idea came to my mind as I watch the Chicago PD episode Ten of Season One; At Least It's Justice. What would have happened if Jay decided to leave the unit because his team didn't believe in him? It just bugs me how the team treated him on that one show. Please be kind. My first Chicago PD Fan Fiction.

"Hey good to have you back." Antonio Dawson tells Jay from his desk. "These are yours." Sergeant Hank Voight hands Jay's gun and badge back. Jay takes them back. "We all going for a drink?" Adam Ruzek is at his desk and looks back toward Jay. "No. I got someplace I got to be." Jay tells Everyone. He heads toward the steps to head down as Jin comes up the steps and tells Jay, "Hey." as he pats Jay on his back.

"I never doubted you for a second bro." Jin looks toward Jay. He turns to face him. A look that says he doesn't believe it for a second. He looks back at everyone and heads down the steps contemplating and important decision. Should he stay or should he go?

His team watches him go. Glad that there isn't anymore questions about his innocence. The team should have been with Jay through it all but the only one who helped was, Alvin Olinsky. He at least went to visit Jay at his home. The rest stayed away. Antonio did reach out to Jay but not before questioning Jay. Hank Voight held Antonio responsible for Jay. Which none of it is right but that is the way it played out.

Jay Halstead reaches the bottom of the steps facing the gate before him. Sergeant Trudy Platt sees Jay behind the gate and notices a look on Jay's face as he is in deep thought. Why? I didn't deserve to get treated the way I have. My team sure didn't treat me like part of the team. They were ready to throw me to the wolves and be done with me. My own partner didn't even show me any support through out my ordeal. Why do I want to be part of the team when I'm not part of it anyway? Jay takes a deep breathe and sees Trudy looking at him. Jay has a cold look on his face. His resolve is to leave the team he thought he loved but things changed.

Jay Halstead turns around and heads back upstairs to turn in his badge and gun. He is done with these people. Everyone was busy finishing up their work so they all could go home. Jay steps back into the bullpen. All eyes turn toward him as he heads to Sergeant Hank Voight's office. He knocks on the closed door.

"Come in!" Hank's raspy voice calls out. Jay steps into the office and faces Hank Voight. He places his gun and badge on the Sergeant's desk and steps back. Hank just looks at Jay waiting for and answer to his question. Jay just looks right back at him.

"Why are you giving these back?" Hank looks at Jay and sees anger in his expression. "I am leaving. Quitting the team." Jay tells Voight, as he turns to leave the office. The rest of the team pretends to focus on work and tries not to listen to what is being said but it is hard to do when the two become louder.

"Why the hell are you quitting?!" Hank Voight yells at Jay's back. Jay stops and turns to face Voight. "I'm not really part of this team anyway. I thought I was but I'm totally wrong. The only person here that came to see me and didn't ask me if I was guilty was Alvin Olinsky. He supported me through it all. My own partner didn't even come to see me." Jay tells Hank.

"Maybe you're not as tough as I thought you were if you want to leave because of how you were treated." Hank looks at Jay who has a cold look on his face. "Yeah pretend that you all care about me when you all don't give a damn about me. Antonio asking me if I did it. Everyone giving me the cold shoulder and brushing me off. I'm out of here." Jay turns to leave.

Erin Lindsay shoots Jay a look of anger. "It is called a job and I was doing it." Erin says as Jay turns to look at her. "Hey Alvin was doing his job too and he had time to come visit me. No excuses. I don't want to hear it. Have a nice life all." Jay Halstead pounds down the steps. He buzzes himself out and throws his I.D. badge over at Sergeant Trudy Platt who catches it.

She gives him a look. Jay pushes out the front entrance of District twenty-one. He never wanted to see the place again. To hell with everyone. No one knew the meaning of team and how to stick with a person. No loyalty whatsoever. They were only out for themselves and everyone else be damned.

Jay Halstead got into his car and drove to the cemetery, to visit Ben Corson's gravesite. He grabbed his large can of his energy drink and stepped out of his car and stood in front of the grave. He bend his knees taking a large swallow of his drink. At least he didn't have to hang around anyone that pretended to care.


The next morning found Jay Halstead packing his bag, stuffing clothes and things he needed into it. Jay saw his work cell phone and was angry that he forgot to turn it in. One more thing he had to do before he could forget about that place. People he thought that were his friends weren't.

Jay Halstead closed his packed bag. He made sure to have his own personal cell phone. A knock sounded on his door. He took a step back as he saw who was at his door. Antonio Dawson.

Antonio took that as and invitation and stepped into Jay's apartment. Jay shut the door and went to get his work cell phone and handed it to Antonio. Glad he didn't have to do it later. Antonio looked at it than put it in his pocket. "I apologize for how I acted. I'm sorry. Please don't leave. You're good at what you do." Antonio tells Jay.

"A little to late. I really could have used more of your support than getting hit and punched. Yeah you gave me the police file but I could have done without the beat down." Jay looks at Antonio seeing that he seems truly sorry.

"Where are you going?" Antonio asks Jay. "I'm going away." Jay opens the door and looks at Antonio waiting for him to leave. Antonio turns to leave and sees a sad look on Jay's face before the doors shuts. Antonio turns away and leaves to head to work. He agonizes over how he treated Jay. He treated him how Hank Voight was acting toward Antonio. Blaming him for what Jay was doing.


It is very early morning as Erin Lindsay steps into the police station and heads toward the gate to buzz herself in and head up. She is frustrated and angry with, Jay Halstead, as she sets her things on her desk. She gets her things put away and heads to the kitchen that is a break room. She pours herself a cup of coffee and adds cream and some sugar.

She finally gets settled at her desk. Erin hears footsteps coming up the steps and it is Kim Burgess, filling in for Jay Halstead since he got self-righteous and had to leave the unit because everyone didn't treat him right and he didn't trust anyone now on the team.

If only Jay was willing to have shared what he was feeling earlier maybe everyone wouldn't have to question his innocence or guilt now. Since the father came forward and confessed there was no question now. Just hurt feelings of betrayal, of just not being there for a friend and reaching out.

Erin is playing with her grenade that she has for a paperweight. She smiles remembering Kelly Severide stopping over at her place to give it back to her. The two kisses they shared were so new and so sweet. She and Kelly were taking it extremely slow. Taking their time as if unwrapping a gift. Erin hopes something came of the new fragile relationship that they were both starting.

Erin picks up her cell phone and dials Jay's number. His voicemail which says; "Hey can't come to the phone now, please leave a message and I'll get back to you." Erin takes a deep breath and starts.

"Hey Jay, it's Erin. You make a huge deal out of no one supporting you. Well if you would have asked for help to begin with instead of keeping it to yourself, none of it would have happened. Good luck with life Jay. I hope you enjoy it. Remember don't expect anyone to come visit since you feel we all weren't there for you."

Erin closes her cell phone a hard look on her face as Antonio Dawson comes upstairs. He looks at her. "What?" Erin questions. "Jay is leaving the city. He's going somewhere." Antonio tells Erin. "I hope he finds what he is looking for." Erin says.

"I went over to apologize to him. For the way I treated him. He send me on my way." Antonio tells Erin as he sits at his desk. "I guess I'll just have to team up with one of you from now on if he isn't coming back. Since he is running away. " Erin gets back to work finished with talking.

Antonio takes a seat and sits down as the rest of the team shows up. Each team member lost in his or her own thoughts about Jay as they look at Jay's unoccupied desk. Jay's stuff is still in it, Jay having forgot to clean it out in his rush to leave. For now no one is going to touch it.


Jay checked his apartment one last time, making sure he didn't miss anything. He unplugged everything since he would be away. He wasn't sure how long he would be away or if he would be back. His mail he put a stop to. His bills set up to take the money out of his account so he need not worry about missing any payments. The family he thought he had in his team didn't really exist. It is good he found out now rather than later. Jay could only count on one person. Himself. Everyone else just disappointed him.

Jay lifted his packed bag up from the floor. He opened the door to go downstairs, as he did that his eyes fell on a picture of everyone on the team. It was of happier time. Before they disowned him and turned their backs on him. Jay stepped outside of his apartment and locked up. He took a deep breathe to strengthen his resolve, as a single tear ran down his face, a telltale sign of his deep sadness that he is feeling and doesn't want to admit to feeling.

Jay puts his bag into his loaded car and gets behind the wheel. He hoped that his real family and friends were happy to see him because he couldn't take being rejected again. Jay started his car and when it was clear to go he put it in gear and went. Getting away from the big city. To get some prospective on his upturned life. To see where he would end up. A new job somewhere else. Maybe be a cop there and help where he could. He just wouldn't make the same mistake again and trust his co-workers or his partners. He'd keep to himself.

Jay turned on the radio and the music filled the car. He slipped on some sun glasses to protect his eyes from the bright sun. He is ready to get away. He has yet to determine if he would be back. He keeps on driving toward a hope of something new.


Hank Voight stepped into District twenty-one and headed for the cage that lead up to the intelligence unit. He buzzed himself in and went up the steps. All of his detectives were doing their paper work as he passed them to get to his office. The absence of Jay Halstead noticeable.

Everyone continued to finish up the paper work from the day before, waiting for Hank Voight to get the cases he has for today ready. Hank put Jay Halstead's badge and weapon in his desk drawer and locked it up. He didn't tell his boss about Jay leaving. He discreetly put in Jay's unused vacation time, to cover his leaving.

Hank sometimes acted before he thought things through. He did tell Jay to stop with his vendetta but he should have trusted Jay, that when he said he didn't do it. Hank picked up his cell phone and dialed Jay. The phone went to voicemail and Hank Left a message; "Jay, look you're part of this team. I'm sorry for going off the deep end. I tend to act first sometimes and think things through later. I had time to think. I should have trusted you. Well take care Halstead and be safe."

Hank got together the days files and left his office to let everyone know the Ajanta for the day. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Hank to get the day under way.


Jay Halstead is going slow since it started to snow. Along the highway there are a few fender benders since no one knew this snow was coming. What do Weather forecasters know? They could get things wrong and still keep their job.

He is heading to Michigan to go back home. A visit to his family and friends. It might take awhile to get there but he is going. He needed people in his life that believed in him, and that sure wasn't the intelligence unit. The people he thought he could count on. Jay was wrong to trust his team.

I sure hope my family and friends back home are happy to see me. I sure do miss them all. Jay thinks as the snow keeps falling down. Jay keeps driving until he crosses the state line into Michigan. It is still snowing into the afternoon and early evening hours.

He stops at a motel for the night so he doesn't get stuck along the road somewhere while it is snowing. He parks his cars and heads into the motel to get a room. He is in luck and he gets one. He is handed the room key by the owner of the motel and he heads outside and gets his bag from his car and locks it up and finds his room and gets settled for the night.

A/N: Please tell me if this is okay. I don't know if I have everyone's character down or not. I do watch the show. Please bare with me. Do leave a review please and let me know. Also I didn't forget my other stories I'm working on. Forgive my lateness on them. I do have writer's block On, One Month.