Title: Chicago PD : Forget Me Not, Chapter Ten, Healing Prayers

Summary: Jay Halstead is cleared of the murder of, Lonnie Rodiger. He gets his gun and badge back but will he stay on the team? His teammates and partner didn't believe in him when he was charged. Except for Alvin Olinsky. What would have happened if he left the police force and ran away? Pushing everyone away. He goes to visit family and friends. What will happen?

Disclaimers: The show is property of Dick Wolfe, and NBC. I don't own anything. Just borrowing the characters to practice my writing.

A/N: Here is Chapter Ten. Enjoy. Thank you for the follows and Favs and reviews. :D

In the days that follow, Antonio Dawson and Erin Lindsay arrive at Lakeside Michigan. They both like the small town but have more pressing concerns than taking in the sights. They stop at a motel to book a room with two beds and ask where the hospital is.

At the hospital the Halstead family waits in shifts. Everyone is worried about Grace whom doesn't want to leave Jay's side. Dr. Charles Angeles gives in to the young girl. He sees her pain on her face and has heard of her other losses from her father and brother. He just tells her to be very careful of the tubes and wires that are hooked up.

He enters Jay Halstead's hospital room to check on him. It has been two days since the bank robbery attempt. Grace is asleep by her brother on his right side as to not get in the way of the wires.

Dr. Angeles checks on his patient and leaves Grace asleep by her brother's side. The doctor does notice that Jay's vital signs are higher and better when his sister is with him. That is another reason he leaves the young girl with her brother.

As he finishes checking on Jay he sees Grace slowly open her eyes and blink them a few times. She slowly sits up. They both turn as Antonio Dawson and Erin Lindsay enter the room.

Erin's face drains of all color as she sees Jay in the hospital bed. She sees a young girl beside him and assumes that she is Grace. Antonio puts his hand on Erin's shoulder and leads her to a chair beside the bed.

He looks over at Grace and smiles and says, "Hello Grace. Nice to meet you in person. I'm Antonio Dawson but you can call me Tonio if you want to." Grace carefully gets out of her brother's bed and goes over to shake Antonio's hand.

"Hi. I'm Grace Halstead. Nice to meet you but not under these circumstances. My brother Jarrett is at the police station. He's been busy." Grace tells Antonio as he takes a seat in the other chair in the room.

Dr. Angeles looks at the two until Antonio looks over at him. "Only a few moments for the visit. Jay needs rest." Dr. Angeles tells the two. Erin and Antonio draw out their badges and show the doctor. "We're here to guard him." Antonio tells the doctor.

The doctor looks surprised, as he points outside the room and says, "He already has a police guard outside this room." Erin looks at the doctor and smiles as she stands. "We're both from Chicago. We're helping with the investigation into the bank robbery. Jay Halstead is our teammate. He is the only witness. Please don't interfere." Erin tells the doctor. The doctor raises his hands and replies, "Far be for me to understand what is going on in the police work. My concern is Jay and how he is doing. I want him to be healthy and well. Just let him rest so he can heal." the doctor looks at both of the detectives before he leaves the room.

"It's our job to keep him alive also, Dr. Angeles." Erin replies as the doctor gives a half turn back and looks in her direction before he leaves to do his rounds. "Okay point taken. Just try not to disturb the patients please. That is all I ask. I know you have your job to do and I have mine but your job might make my job harder if we don't come to and understanding now. My concern is that man's well being and health." Dr. Angeles gives a pointed look at Erin.

"Our job is to keep him safe and well also doctor from men that are going to try and kill him for being and only witness to what they look like and they don't care if they kill others to get to him!" Erin shouts. "Well don't try to help them do their job. Mr. Halstead almost died in surgery twice while we were operating on him." Dr. Charles Angeles glares at Erin and leaves out a frustrated sigh, looking toward Grace knowing she has been upset enough without hearing them argue.

There is a stony silence between Erin and the doctor as they face-off. Antonio steps up toward, Erin and Dr. Angeles and hopes he can stop the small war from getting any bigger than it already is.

He isn't interested in being the bad guy. "Look! Lets agree to disagree. Our main goal should be Jay Halstead period. Dr. Angeles we will stay out of the way and let you do your job. If anything goes down, please let us do our job in that moment. We all need to work together here. Erin I know you're upset but please back off for the moment. Dr. Angeles my apologies for us stepping on your toes. We don't mean to do that. I just want what is best for Jay." Antonio pushes Erin away from the doctor.

Dr. Angeles nods at Antonio and heads toward the door to leave but not before stopping and checking on Grace who is standing by her brother holding his right hand gently in her own.

He puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her scared eyes. "Keep saying prayers for Jay Sweetheart. He is stable for the moment and getting stronger as each day comes. He is a tenacious fighter. He is holding on. Remember that. I'm working my hardest to help him fight and to hang on. You are also part of that fight. He is stronger when you are with him." Dr. Angeles smiles at Grace and gives her a hug and leaves the room.

"I'm sorry Antonio. I just don't know what came over me." Erin runs her hands over her face and huffs out a breath. Grace watches Erin as she crosses her arms over her chest and starts tapping her foot on the floor. Not impressed with Erin.

Erin turns to look at Grace. Erin sees Grace's defensive posture. "You don't impress me much." Grace tells Erin whom is older than her. "If you have something to say please enlighten me." Erin looks at Jay's sister. "My father taught me, if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Grace replies. "You didn't have any trouble texting me so why not tell me what you think." Erin crosses her arms over her chest and faces the young girl.

"I texted because I was defending my brother. You weren't here to see the aftermath of that phone call, so take a good look at his right hand. My father also taught me to respect my elders and you are and elder to me." Grace smirks at Erin. Antonio leaves out a chuckle. Erin shoots a glare at her partner whom she thought had her back.

There is a knock on the door and Collin Halstead comes into the room. He sees the two detectives standing near Jay's bed. He steps over to the two and introduces himself. "Hello I'm Collin Halstead. Nice to meet you." Collin says shaking both of their hands.

"Hello Sir. I'm Antonio Dawson." Antonio shakes his hand. "Hi. I'm Erin Lindsay." Erin smiles and shakes his hand.

Collin turns to his daughter. "Grace, Honey it's time to go, so please gather your things. We'll be back later." Collin tells his daughter. "Okay, Daddy." Grace goes over to where she put her pack back with her school work in it and her teddy bear for Jay to borrow for when she couldn't be with her brother.

Grace sets her pack on the chair and unzips it and takes out her teddy bear and sets it on Jay's bed beside her brother. Grace looks over to the two detectives. "Please make sure this doesn't get moved. Thank you." Grace moves the bear to sit in between Jay's right arm and his side. Both Antonio and Erin nod their heads, yes. She leans down and gives her brother a kiss on his forehead. Jay's head is wrapped with bandages due to his head wound. "I love you, Jay. Don't worry I'll be back later." Grace tells her brother.

Father and daughter leave the room. Grace waves goodbye to Antonio and Erin. Both of the detectives wave goodbye. Grace quickly runs back into the room and gives Antonio a hug and tells him, "Please keep Jay safe." Antonio is surprised but hugs Grace back. "Sure I will. Both Erin and I will keep him safe and well guarded." Antonio tells the young girl as she runs back out toward her father.

Erin glares at Antonio. "I thought partners have each other's backs." Erin looks at Antonio. "You were handling it just fine, it seems to me. For and old lady." Antonio chuckles, as Erin swats him on his arm. "Thanks a lot Antonio. See if I stand up for you ever again." Erin goes to sit in a chair but before she does she pulls it beside Jay's bed on the one side with enough room so that the nurses and doctors could work.

"She seems like a nice girl. If she likes you." Antonio pulls the other chair to the other side of the bed the same way Erin does it. He is across from his partner.


Jarrett Halstead stopped at his home, for a quick break before heading back to the police station. He has been on the go since the gunmen hit the bank and killed Stanly Cooper the security guard and a retired police officer for the last five years, and put Jay in the hospital.

His wife Rosie is helping Martha Cooper with the planning of the funereal for her husband. Stanly Cooper is getting full honors since he was a retired Police officer. The women are sitting at the kitchen table. Rosie is writing things down for Martha whom is to upset to do anything.

Martha tabs at her eyes as tears roll down her weathered cheeks. Jarrett puts his hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him and pats his hand in thanks. Everyone in the town is saddened at losing Stanly Cooper. He and Martha were the heart of the town. Always reaching out a helping hand to whomever needed it.

The funereal would have a lot gathered at the service when it happened. Jarrett finishes his food and bends down to kiss his wife. He goes over to the bassinet that hold the babies and takes a quick peek in. Both are asleep. He bends down and kisses them both before he rushes out to go visit his brother at the hospital. He gets his coat and puts it on and heads out to his Police SUV. He starts it and heads for the hospital.

Jarrett Halstead sees his Officer that he posted outside of his brother's room. He nods at the young man who stands at his post. He nods back. Jarrett heads into the ICU to visit Jay.

Jarrett sees Erin Lindsay sitting in a chair by his brother's hospital bed and Antonio Dawson sitting on the other side. Both of them stand and come toward him Jarrett shakes both of their hands as they introduce themselves.

"Hello. Welcome to Lakeside. I'm Jarrett Halstead, Jay's brother and Sheriff of this town." Jarrett tells the two. "Hi. I'm Erin Lindsay." Erin smiles at Jarrett as they both shake hands. "Hello. I'm Antonio Dawson. You can call me Tonio. Whatever works for you." Antonio shakes Jarrett's hand.

Jarrett sees his sister's stuffed bear next to Jay and knew that his father and sister left. He is worried about his sister. If Jay didn't make it, it would devastate her. Grace lost to many loved ones in her life already.

He looks at Jay who lays in the hospital bed. He looks so defenseless, so not like his usual self. The brave cop and soldier. Jarrett wants his brother to be okay, but it would take time to heal.

"Jay you just have to be okay. I won't accept anything else. Please just come back to us. We all love you." Jarrett replies to his brother.

Antonio and Erin try not to intrude on the family visit but it is hard to do. They are there to guard Jay and to keep him safe from anybody looking to do harm to him.

Jarrett stays for awhile just talking to Jay. Letting him know what is happening around the town. Finally he waves good-bye to Antonio and Erin and leaves to head back to work.

Erin stands up and takes a hold of Jay's hand in hers. She sees that his hand is bandaged. She is ever so gentle in holding his hand. She uses her left hand to brush his hair back that isn't under the bandages that are wrapped around his head.

"Jay. It's Erin. I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I haven't been the best partner to you lately. Just please be okay. I should have trusted you. You need to get better. You are part of this team. You're my best friend." Erin leans down and places a kiss on Jay's right cheek as tears fall silently down her face.

Erin sits back down in the chair she pulled over beside the bed and she grabs a tissue that is on the bedside table and wipes at the still falling tears. Antonio stands up from his chair. "Jay she's right. You need to get better. You're part of this team. You need to come back to it. I'm sorry I didn't trust you, partner. I was just so worried that your actions would reflect on me badly. I brought you into this team and I was thinking I made the wrong choice in choosing you. I need not worry. You are suited for this job. You bring justice to those who need our help. Just please come back to us." Antonio tells Jay as a lone tear falls down his face.

Antonio sits back down in his chair. The two detectives sit in silence. Both loss in thought and saying prayers for Jay. The doctors and nurses go in and out of the room checking on Jay, ignoring the cops as they do their job.


The Hippocratic Oath the doctors and nurses take that work at the hospital is a vow to save the lives of everyone that comes through the doors. A vow they take seriously. To save everyone. Some days are better than others. There are days they try the best they can and still they fail.

The other people that enter through the doors wish everyone well. Usually family and friends are glad when the doctors and nurses do their best to save their loved ones. Some do have to face loss and have to grieve and say good-bye.

There is one person who enters the hospital, who intends to do harm on one person. He already has killed many people and leaves behind carnage and bloodshed. He and the others of his group don't care about human life. They do care that they lost one of their own because of the witness left behind. He is going to die by their hand even if it is the last thing they do.

First things first he has to change his clothes in order to blend in even more. He finds a supply closet and steps inside. He spots some scrubs in his size and puts them on. His own clothes he puts in his bag he has with him. He zips it shut. He places it somewhere not easily seen by others. He steps out into the hallway and looks like he has somewhere to be.

He sees a surgical mask and cap and places the mask on his face and the cap on his head as he picks up a clipboard to make himself look busy and heads toward the elevator to ICU. He goes to stand in the back of the elevator in the corner as people embark onto the elevator to ascent to the upper floors above.

The elevator doors swish open where ICU is and he steps off of the elevator in search of his target. Right now it is just a search and find mission. Later they would wait for a better time. He walks the halls always looking busy.

Finally he sees a uniformed cop standing outside the doorway of and ICU unit. That must be where my target is. Now to wait and listen. I need to know his name. he thinks to himself as he stands back to watch.

A young nurse from another floor enters the nurses station ready to work after she stops being flustered. He sees and opportunity and takes as he steps up to the nurses station.

"Hi could you tell me the name of the patient in that room?" he looks at the young nurse. She looks up at the doctor and smiles. Being new to the floor she doesn't know not to give out that particular patient's name to anyone. As she is about ready to tell the doctor, she stops because her instincts her intuition tells her something is up with this doctor in front of her.

She looks into his eyes. Cold and calculating. There is no compassion shining in his eyes. "Never mind. Thank you. I have the wrong room." he tells the nurse as he backs away and leaves quickly. He goes to the elevator and pushes the down button. The doors open and he heads inside to descent to the lower floor.

As he leaves and changes back into his regular clothes, the nurse that saw him made a small note in Jay's file. She heads over to the Police Officer standing outside the room. "Hi Officer. That man that was just at the nurses station was asking about this patient in this room. I got a bad vibe from him." The nurse tells the Officer.

Erin Lindsay steps out of the room as she hears the nurse talking to the young cop standing guard at the doorway. She notices the nurse's name is, Olivia "Livie" Dansfield. "Hi. I'm Erin. What did you need?" Erin smiles at the young nurse with red hair and green eyes. "Hi. I was just telling the Officer here that the doctor I just talked to asked about the patient in this room. I got a bad vibe from him. He has cold dark eyes. I couldn't see his hair and part of his face was hidden. I really don't think he was a doctor. I just wanted to let someone know. He gave me the creeps." Olivia tells Erin.

"Thank you very much. We'll keep a look out." Erin tells the young nurse. Olivia goes back over to the nurse's station and gets to work. Erin goes back inside the room to tell Antonio about the nurse's concern.


Collin Halstead stops at his daughter's school so she could drop off her completed homework and get her current homework so she could stay caught up and still be with her brother Jay as he heals.

Grace's knocks on her teacher's classroom door and steps inside to drop off all of her homework at Ms. Phillips' desk. "Hey Grace. How is your brother doing?" Ms. Phillips looks at her student.

Grace places her homework on the desk and waits for the new assignments. "He is hanging on." Grace replies looking at her teacher. "The reason I ask is the class wants to do something for your brother. They all are making something for him. Something to cheer up his hospital room and some cards for him to read when he wakes up. They all would like to stop by and give their stuff and leave." Ms. Phillips tells Grace.

"I'm sure you're allowed to just drop the stuff off. He is still in ICU." Grace tells her teacher. "I understand." Ms. Phillips replies as she gives Grace all of her homework assignments.

"I'll see you later." Grace waves goodbye to her teacher and all of her classmates and leaves the room. Grace steps out into the hallway with her father whom is waiting for her. Henry Jameson who sits close to the front of the class sees Grace leave and gets up to run after her to ask her something.

Grace turns around as someone calls out her name. "Grace wait!" Henry yells running after Grace and her father. "May I come visit Jay sometime? He saved me from being bullied one morning." Henry looks at Grace than the floor, running his foot over the floor because of nerves.

"Yeah sure." Grace smiles at Henry and turns toward her father. Henry smiles after the two and turns to go back to class. Collin and Grace head to the parking lot and head for the car and get in. Collin starts the car and goes home. To eat, shower, sleep, and than go back to the hospital.


A week passes. The funereal for Stanly Cooper is set for later in the morning. All of the Police officers in the area are going to go and pay their respects to the retired Officer turned security guard.

Jarrett Halstead and his wife will be sitting with Martha and her grown children. Erin Lindsay and Antonio Dawson made a appearance at the viewing the day before to pay their respects to the retired Officer.

Erin and Antonio haven't left Jay's side. They both take shifts being with Jay. That way one of them can rest and the other stays until their shift is over. Antonio gets up from his chair as Erin enters the room for her shift. It is five O'clock in the morning.

Grace Halstead is laying with her brother asleep. Collin and Grace just showed up early. Erin would be keeping her eyes on Grace and Jay later in the morning since Collin would go to Stanly Coopers funereal. He wouldn't make his daughter go to the funereal. To much sadness in her young life.

Grace is slowly defrosting toward Erin. She still likes Antonio more. Dr. Angeles has decided to have Jay wake up from his Medically Induced Coma. He told Jay's family. It would be awhile before he awoke.

Jay's family would gather after the day's events. Erin yawns as she enters Jay's room. Antonio gathers his things to take with him. He looks at Grace and sees that she seems cold so he grabs a blanket at the foot end of the bed and covers her with it. He looks at Jay. "See you later buddy." Antonio says as he gathers his things and turns to leave and head back to the motel to shower and sleep.

Antonio waves goodbye to Erin and she waves back as he leaves. What Erin doesn't know is that her day is about to explode into action fast, later in the day. Others have a their own plans to pull off.

Since all the Police Officers are going to be at the funereal of Stanly Cooper, the gunmen are planning to strike. Setting their plan into motion so they could fix their one and only mistake and kill Jay Halstead.


Jay is slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. He can't quite react yet. He feels discomfort in his chest. His head pains him a lot. On his right side he feels a comfortable weight of someone. He tries to move his right hand but right now he can't as of yet. He hears voices talking than stopping. They seem so familiar to him yet he can't seem to recall whom they are.

Jay turns and sees a bright light. He sees three silhouettes standing in the light. He walks toward the three. Jay's face lights up. It is his mother, brother, and Drew. All give him a hug.

"Jay Honey it isn't your time yet. I have been watching you. You make me proud to be your mother." Grace Halstead smiles at Jay. "Thank you Mom." Jay is overjoyed to see his mother.

He turns and sees Joshua and Drew standing together. "Jay stop blaming yourself for my death. It was my time to go. Just enjoy life." Joshua tells his brother. "Do you know you have a son?" Jay tells his brother. "Yeah. I saw him before he was born. He has the Halstead stubbornness in him." Joshua tells his brother.

Jay laughs. "That he does. I miss you guys, a lot." Jay tells his brother and best friend. "We keep our eyes on you. You keep getting into trouble. You give your Guardian Angel fits up here." Drew laughs.

"Go back. We'll be here waiting but now is not your time. Someone is waiting for you to wake up." Grace tells her son Jay. The light is pulled back and Jay is left, where he is at.

Jay feels the weight at his right side shift but doesn't move away. The weight leans his way and he feels a feather light kiss on his right cheek. Ever so slowly he tries to move his right hand toward that shift.


Grace leaves out at yawn. She is nice and comfynext to her brother. She feels a nice warm blanket someone covered her with. She slowly blinks her eyes as she becomes more awake and aware of her surroundings. She yawns again. She sees Erin sitting in her chair beside the bed reading a magazine.

"Good morning sleepy head." Erin smiles at Grace. Grace shoots her a look that clearly says, "Don't talk to me yet."

Grace turns and slowly sits up but not before placing a kiss on her brother's right cheek. The stubble on her brother's face is scratchy to her lips. When he wakes up he needs a good shave.

Grace finally hops off of the bed and heads to the restroom. After awhile she finally comes out and her hair is combed, and her teeth brushed. She grabs something from her backpack and sits back down beside her brother.

Erin gives Grace a look, as Grace has her brother's cell phone yet again. She goes to her brother's contact list and sees the Name Hank Voight. She pushes his name and begins to text him, Hi good morning. How are you doing? My brother Jay is going to wake up sometime today. I can't wait.

Grace reads what she texted and sends it. Hank Voight is sitting in his office at the District as his phone pings that he got a text message. He is surprised that it is Jay's number. He goes to check out the message and sees that the message must be from Jay's sister Grace.

Hank smiles. That kid has spirit. He reads what she send him. He types his response, Hey kid. Good morning. That is great news. How are you doing? Hank sends his message.

Grace reads what he send. She types her reply, I'm doing fine this morning. Erin is sitting in her chair looking at some magazine. She does her job well, holding her chair down so it doesn't go anywhere. Yeah I know she is protecting my brother, she is okay but I still I don't think she impresses me much yet. Grace reads what she texted and she sends it. Grace feels a brush of something on her leg.

Jay's right hand has moved. Grace looks over at Erin smiling. Erin stands up. Jay is starting to wake. At least that is the hope of his two favorite ladies that are in the room. Erin goes to get Dr. Angeles.

Grace reads what Hank has texted her, Give her a chance. Erin has had a lot to deal with in her life when she was young. I helped her out and gave her a better life than she had. I saw her potential and what she could do and not what she was trapped in. She is like my daughter. Truth be told she is my daughter of my heart.

Grace texted the happy news, Jay just moved his hand. Erin ran to get the doctor. A doctor is slowly entering the ICU unit looking behind him as Grace gets up to hide. Something in her gut tells her danger is coming. She is so scared as she runs into the bathroom to hide.

Grace reads what Hank send, That's great news. Grace sends a text to Hank, I'm so scared. Someone is dressed like a doctor but I don't think he is one. I ran before he saw me. He is going over by my brother's bed. OH NO! A GUN! The message reaches Hank and Hank calls Antonio to get him back to the hospital to help.

Grace runs to the supply closet that is in the bathroom and looks into it to see what she could use to stop the gunman. She sees a metal bedpan that is clean and never used but she makes a face. Oh well. Better than nothing. Grace thinks as she slips her brother's cell phone into her pocket and grabs it. The fake doctor is facing her brother's bed and is lifting his gun to point it at Jay. Ready to take out his target. Grace slowly sneaks out of the restroom, quietly behind the gunman. She lifts the bedpan high as she gets closer.

She brings it down onto his gun hand really hard and fast. The gun goes flying. The gunman curses as he holds his injured right hand. He turns and sees Grace and grabs the young girl as she drops the bedpan, to the floor in a loud crash. He twists her arm behind her back. Grace screams out in fear and pain as her arm is twisted. She feels something snap as he pushes her toward the wall in anger.

Grace is running, stumbling to keep her balance but she falls and rolls onto the floor into the wall. Her head smacks the wall. She just lays on the floor stunned as the gunmen finds his gun and picks it up just as Erin and Dr. Angeles come into the room. He points his gun toward Erin as she enters the room in front of Dr. Angeles.


The person enters the hospital intending to do harm, by killing Jay Halstead on this day. He wasn't leaving until he did. He does the same thing he did when he checked it out the first time. He blends in as a doctor doing his rounds. His eyes tell a different story.

He steps off of the elevator on the floor he wants. He moves slowly as he nears the ICU unit he wants. He doesn't notice that the young nurse Olivia Dansfield stands behind the nurses station watching him enter as he looks around to make sure no one is watching him.

Olivia looks around and sees Erin Lindsay talking to Dr. Charles Angeles. She goes over to them. "The same doctor that I told you about that gave me the creeps is back. He just entered Jay Halstead's ICU unit." Nurse Olivia tells both Erin and the doctor as they all hear Grace screaming from the ICU unit. Erin draws her gun as she turns around and runs back to the room to protect Jay and Grace. "Call Nine-One-One NOW!" Dr. Angeles tells Olivia. She nods her head and heads back to the nurses' station.

As Erin enters the room she sees Grace laying on the floor against the wall moaning in pain and a gun is pointed at her ready to fire. She as no time to get out of the way. Dr. Angeles sees what is about to happen pushes Erin down as he ducks down as the gun is fired in their direction.

Dr. Angeles still crouched down goes toward the gunman. He stands up and knocks the gun out of his hand and with his other hand knocks the gunman's head back. The gunman lands on the floor. He is shaking his head as he gets to his hands and knees and makes a run for it knocking Erin out of the way.

Antonio is getting off of the elevator and sees the perpetrator heading toward him. He grabs his gun and aims it at the guy running toward him. The gunman heads for the stairwell instead and heads down the stairs at a fast clip and is gone before Antonio can follow.

Antonio heads to Jay's room and steps in. He sees Dr. Angeles over by Grace who is on the floor. Grace is crying in pain on the floor holding her arm. "It's okay Sweetheart. You were brave. It's going to be okay." Dr. Angeles crouches in front of Grace as he helps her to sit up.

Dr. Angeles takes out his penlight out of his pocket to check Grace's eyes. To see if she has a concussion or a head injury. Two orderlies enter the room with a gurney between them.

They lower it so Grace can get onto the gurney. Dr. Angeles stands as the gurney is raised and goes with the orderlies to x-ray so he can check Grace's right arm. Erin and Antonio watch as they all leave.


Jarrett Halstead and Collin arrived at the hospital awhile ago. They stand beside Grace's hospital bed that Dr. Angeles let them put in Jay's room. Grace is sleeping at the moment. She calmed down with help from Dr. Angeles. Erin stayed with her also.

Grace has a mild concussion that is why she got to stay at the hospital with her brother. Her right arm is broken. Dr. Angeles set it and put a cast on it for the next six weeks.

Grace had Antonio put her stuffed bear with her brother since she got her own bed. Erin sits in the chair that is now between the two beds. She blames herself. Grace could have been killed because she left the room. The Halstead family didn't need anymore pain in their lives.

Antonio puts his hand on her shoulder. He guesses how she feels. Erin folds her arms and places them on Jays bed and lays her head down. She failed to do her job that day. Grace got hurt because of her mistake of leaving the room. Jay could have been shot and killed all because she let down her guard.

Erin was just so happy that Jay's hand moved and wanted a doctor to check him out. Tears slip down her cheeks as she cries softly. Antonio kneels down and looks at Erin. "It's not your fault. Sometimes things just go sideways." Antonio tells Erin. He stands back up and just puts his hand on her shoulder.

Jarrett goes over to stand at his brother's bedside, facing Erin. He looks over at Erin. "I could blame myself for Jay being in here but it does no good. Things just happen for a reason. You did your best today. Let it go. Tomorrow you can try to do better with what you learned today. Both my brother and sister are still alive. Grace got hurt but she protected Jay. She learned to stand up to the evil that gunman wanted to inflict. Grace has also learned today. Erin I don't blame you. Let it go." Jarrett tells Erin as she looks up at him.

"Erin, no one blames you. You did what you could. Thank you for being with my daughter and son today." Collin tells Erin as he pats her on her shoulder. Erin sniffs as she listens to everyone. Still it is so hard to still not blame herself but she would work at it.

Jay's right hand moved toward Erin brushing her hair. His eyes open and he looks around at everyone. At that moment Dr. Angeles comes into the room and sees that Jay is awake.

He checks on his patient. Erin sits up and steps out of the way of the doctor. "Do you know where you are?" Dr. Angeles asks Jay. "In the hospital.." Jay answers the doctor. "Do you recognize everyone here?" Dr. Angeles says as he set Jay's bed up so he could see around the room.

Jay looks at everyone standing around his bed. He tries to remember but his eyes close in pain and the last thing he remembers seeing is a muzzle-flash. Jay looks over at the other bed. He does remember her. Her name is Grace and she is his sister.

"That young girl in the other bed is my sister but that is all I remember. If I try to remember anything else my head hurts and I remember seeing a muzzle-flash. I can't get passed that." Jay tells the doctor. "Do you remember your name?" Dr. Angeles asks looking at Jay.

He tries to recall his name but his head is pounding and he shakes his head no. "Hello I'm Dr. Charles Angeles. I'm your doctor. I'll be running more tests for you in the morning." Dr. Angeles tells Jay. He turns to check on his other patient Grace whom just woke up blinking her eyes.

Dr. Angeles smiles at Grace. "Hey look over here and see who woke up." Dr. Angeles tells the young girl. Grace's face lights up as she looks over and sees Jay awake. "Hi big brother. I sure did miss you a whole bunch." Grace is smiling at her brother.

"Hey Grace. I'm glad you're okay." Jay tells his sister. He is in a room full of strangers to him. He can't remember them. When he looks at Erin he sees flashes but that is about it before his head starts to hurt a lot.

He lays his head back and closes his eyes. His head is pounding. He doesn't know what to say to anyone but his sister. He opens his eyes and sees his sister's stuffed bear next to him and grabs it and hugs it close. He closes his eyes again and smells the faint perfume that is coming off of the stuffed animal. It has a calming effect on him and he doesn't know why. He doesn't think about it as he falls asleep.

His family and friends are in shock. He has no memory as of now. They don't know what to say to one another as they are each lost in their own thoughts. What will happen? Will he get his memories back? What about his PTSD?

Dr. Angeles turns to everyone. "I need to run tests on him to find out the extent of his head injury. Tomorrow morning is when I will do it. Let Grace and Jay both rest for the night. Go home and rest yourself. I'll only let Detective Dawson stay. Detective Lindsay go and get some rest. Don't blame yourself. What happened, happened quick. Remember no one died today." Dr. Angeles looks over at Erin and at everyone around the room.

Jarrett and Collin Halstead leave to go back home to rest. Erin gathers her things and heads for the door. What a day. Erin steps out into the hallway and heads for the elevators and heads for the motel. She needs a shower and sleep. She wanted to forget the day. Unlike Jay who couldn't remember anything except his sister Grace.