Hello! People of Fanfiction! This is the official re-write of Nina?

This is called I am...

I want to thank Cutielover13 they inspired me to make the re-write sooner than planned.

So here we go!

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you… I am….

Nina's POV

"Ahhhhhhh!" I jerked up to see Amber screaming into her cellphone. "Amber! Really?" I said in an irritated tone.

"Sorry Nins, I was just talking to daddy on the phone." She explained

"I can see that." I mumbled under my breath.

"I heard that!" she snapped back at me with.

"What made you scream anyways?" I asked

"Daddy got me tickets to the most amazing band in the world and he said that I can bring the whole house with me!" she said.

"Cool. What band?" I asked

"I can't tell you. It's a surprise. The concert is tomorrow night and we have backstage passes!" she squealed.

"Wait tomorrow night?" I asked

"Yeah is that going to be a problem?" she asked.

"No! It's just that tomorrow night is Fabian and I's 1 year anniversary." I said.

"Well than what better way to celebrate than going to a concert!" she said

"Ok. I guess…" I said.

Amber's POV

After me and Nina were done talking I went down to the common room to tell everyone that we were going to a concert tomorrow night.

I walked downstairs and everyone was already there.

"Okay, guys tomorrow night we are going out." I said.

"Where exactly are we going Amber?" Joy asked.

"We are going to a concert." I said.

"Who's performing?" asked Jerome

"OK. Don't tell Nina I told you this but, we are going to see Bratz!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, why don't you want us telling Nina?" asked Patricia

"Because! Whenever I bring it up Nina always leaves the room!" I said in my duh tone.

"Then why make her go?" asked Mara.

"Because I want her to!" I said.

"Wait! Tomorrow night is me and Nina's anniversary. So we both really can't go." Fabian said.

"Actually you can go Nina agreed to go to the concert. Which means you have to go to." I said.

"Ok, I guess…" Fabian mumbled.

I swear these two are sooo perfect for each other! I ran back up to my room to pick out my outfit. I was looking and looking through my wardrobe for something to where. I screamed in frustration.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed

"Amber! Quit with the screaming" Nina screamed while everyone rushed upstairs to see if I was okay.

"Amber, what was it this time?" asked an irritated Joy.

"I have absolutely nothing to where for the concert tomorrow night!" I said.

"Really Amber. Just go shopping like you always do!" said Jerome

"That's a brilliant idea! Anubis girls. We are going shopping!" I squealed.

All the girls groaned.

"Stop whining and call a cab!" I said.

We all waited for the cab to come. We all filed in and hit the mall. Once we got to the mall we entered this store called Pretty n' Punk. The store was literally Pretty n' Punk. The store was split in two. One side pretty and one side punk. I dragged everyone over to the pretty side of the store and stared looking. I grabbed a bunch of clothes and pushed Nina into a changing room first and then Joy. Nina came out first in a black turtle neck crop top and a floral skirt.(like the one in Becky G's Video for Play it Again) Joy came out next she was wearing a floral high low top and a pair of white skinny jeans and a pair of wedges. Before anybody else could pick out an outfit Nina immediately said "Amber, this really isn't me I'm just going to find something in my closet to wear." Nina was acting really strange. She usually let's me think that she's going to buy what she was wearing and then tell me no. Today she went straight to the no. Something's not right. We all bought something (except for Nina) and left. We all went home and went straight to bed. We were beat.

The day could not have gone any slower. I was just staring at the clock waiting for it to go faster. Then finally the time came. Everyone was ready. Almost everyone looked great except for Nina. She came down in a pair of baggy jeans a t-shirt. Seriously. Me and her going to have a talk when we get back.

Nina's POV

I could tell that when it was time to go to the concert that Amber was upset that I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Amber's dad sent us a limo and backstage passes. I would be super excited if I knew what band we were seeing.

"Amber, can you tell me what band were going to see now?" I asked

"I guess now is a good time to tell you… we are going to see…Bratz!" I whispered

"Amber, you know how I feel about this." I said sternly

"Oh look! We're here! Come on guys let's go!" she said while trying to change the subject.

I sighed and got out the limo with everyone else. We were all waiting in line to get in when everyone was stopped and asked to get in to a straight line and face the security guards.

Mystery POV

"Guys! I'm telling you I saw her. This isn't like the other times!" I said.

"Fine we'll do it again, but if you're wrong I'm going to pull my hair out." Said Cloe.

Everyone was lined up as we looked past every person to see if she really was there.

"I told you she wasn't here guys. Let's just go and get ready for the concert." Said Cloe.

"But we didn't look at the back of the line!" I said.

"Fine. We'll look." Said Cloe

We went to the back of the line and looked. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Yasmin? Is that you?"

That is it for the first chapter of I am…

PLZ Review!