A/N: Because you guys are nice and asked nicely.

He stared at her as she smiled up at him.

"What?" He asked quietly.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the short hairs on his neck, still biting her lip.

"What is it?" He asked again when she remained silent.

He would begin to worry, had it not been the way her lips were forming into a smile and the way her eyes were shining and the way she was just … glowing.

"You're gonna be a dad." She whispered, looking up at him, waiting for his reaction.


She was –


He froze, his eyes wide, soaking in the information he had just been given. He looked at her, the way the smile started to fall off of her face and felt her hands tightening around his neck.

He was on her instantly, pressing his lips to hers, walking her backwards until the hit the bathroom door.

"So, I take it you're happy?" She breathed against his lips when he finally broke away, resting his forehead against hers.

"I couldn't be happier Kate." He responded, kissing the tip of her nose.

The case they had been working came back to him at that moment and he was leaning away from her, cupping her cheek in his hand, running his thumb over her cheek.

"The case Kate - Are you," He trailed off, looking down to her belly and back up to her eyes, "Did you know?"

She gave him a small smile and took his hand in hers, "Yes, I did." She admitted.

"Oh Kate, I'm so sorry." He said quietly, ducking his head.

She tilted his face up to look him in the eyes, "Why are you sorry?"

"Because – Because, you're pregnant Kate, with our child and then you had to go and work that kid murder and I can only imagine what you had gone through, I should have – " He shook his head, "I should have known."

Oh her sweet, loving man.

"You couldn't have known Castle," She told him, running her hand through his hair and back down to run her thumb over his jaw, "The case took a lot out of me, of course because I was thinking about being in that place, but it made me work harder Castle and we got the guy and I'm pretty sure he won't be getting out any time soon, but you Castle, you have nothing to be sorry for." She pressed a kiss to his lips, "You were there for me, taking care of me, making sure I didn't run myself into the ground and that's what matters right now."

He searched her face, his expression a mixture of love, awe, regret and happiness and she couldn't help but press her lips to his again.

He pushed her backwards, forcing her against the wall, while his hands cupped her face and he kissed her hard, allowing himself to get lost in the feel of her, before he was pulling away again.

"How long?" He rasped against her cheek.

"I've known for about a week, I was waiting for the perfect moment to tell you and then – "She trailed off, leaving the rest of the sentence unspoken.

None of them wanted to taint such a happy moment by talking about such a sad event. They were in the beginning stages of creating life, bringing a new soul into the world. They couldn't replace the one that was lost, but it was something.

"Hey," He whispered, "Why are you crying?"

She was crying? She reached up and touched her now wet cheeks, oh she was crying.

"I – "Why was she crying? She looked up at him, confused, "I don't know. I'm just really happy I guess?" She said, her response sounding more like a question.

He gently wiped at her cheek with his fingers and stared into her eyes, the intensity of the moment causing her heart to race.

"I love you," He whispered after a while, a huge smile blooming on his face before he gathered her in his arms and spun her around.

"Castle wha – " She choked out as he spun her.

He set her back on the ground, his arms still kept firmly around her, "Oh my God Kate, we're having a baby." He said.

She laughed, "Now you're crying," She grinned, wiping the tears from his cheeks, "I thought I was supposed to be the emotional one?"

"Shut up." He growled and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

Her hands came up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer against her as his hands crept up her sides and to the front of her shirt to begin unbuttoning her top. They didn't break away when he slid the top off of her shoulders and threw it somewhere in the room.

She moaned softly when he bit down on her lip and she began walking backwards to the bathroom, reaching behind her to open the door and step through.

They walked to the counter, never breaking contact as he hoisted her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist instantly and he yanked her closer, causing her to gasp and break away, panting heavily.

He took this opportunity to move down her body, kissing her cheek, moving down to her jaw and then her neck, revelling in the panting sounds leaving Kate's mouth, His lips broke away from her skin and he crouched down to face her belly and rested his hands on it.

He whispered something she couldn't hear and then pressed a kiss to her belly, which had her tearing up instantly. She couldn't tell if it was the hormones or the intense amount of love she had for this man and the fact that her dreams were actually coming true and she was actually pregnant with the love of her life's child.

He moved back up to her and her hands came to rest on his chest, toying with his buttons, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"I have an appointment tomorrow." She told him.

His eyes found hers, "Really? We get to see our kid?"

She nodded, "And find out how much longer we have to wait." She grinned, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"Well then, Detective Beckett." He growled, "I think a little celebration is in order?"

She unbuttoned his last button and slid his shirt off of his shoulders as he reached around to unclasp her bra and toss it over his shoulder, crashing his lips to hers, swallowing her response.

They were all gathered in the living room at the loft, watching Kate and Castle move around in the kitchen.

They had gone to the doctor's three days ago, she was seven weeks pregnant and all they had done since that time was stare at the ultra sound pictures and of course, arrange for their friends and family to come over for dinner that weekend.

She was nervous, she didn't know why. Maybe it was the knowing looks Lanie kept throwing her, or the way her dad kept studying her, but her nerves were kept at bay by Castle who kept close to her, keeping contact and keeping her calm.

He pressed a kiss against her cheek as she stared off at the gathering of people in the living room, people they were about to share their blissful secret with.

"Ready?" He whispered in her ear.

She took a deep breath and found his hands with hers, closing her eyes for a moment, she didn't have to be nervous about this, everything was going great. They had visited her mother right after their appointment and thought about waiting until her second trimester to tell anyone, but she just couldn't wait.

She squeezed his hand and nodded, "Yea."

He gave her a smile and led them over to their guests. They quieted down as soon as they entered the living room, staring at them expectantly.

Kate glanced at everyone in to room, knowing how lucky her child would be to have each of these individuals in their lives. Ryan and Esposito who ensure no harm came her way, Lanie would definitely be the boys or clothes department. She knew their baby would have her dad wrapped around her finger, Martha was not short on advice and Alexis would be the best big sister ever.

She was aware Castle was speaking beside her, but she was too busy imagining their lives, the picnics, the parties with their new family and she got a pang of excitement and couldn't hold back the huge grin that spread across her face.

"Kate?" Castle called.

She turned her head to him, "Our guests are waiting on your announcement." He told her with a wink.

Without hesitation, she turned back to them and smiled, "I'm pregnant."

Suddenly she was enveloped in a hug and then she saw Lanie's grin followed by everyone else's. Ryan and Esposito were congratulating Castle, Martha was beaming at them. Her father pulled her to him, hugging her tightly, pulling away with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so happy for you Katie," He whispered, leaving the rest unsaid, although she knew.

Alexis was next, she looked at the girl who had been her main worry. They hadn't spoken to her about this, it wasn't planned, they didn't know just how she would react to this, but judging by the grin on her face and the way she threw her arms around Kate, she figured she had nothing to worry about.

After all the hugs, Kate found herself at Castle's side, his arm draped protectively around her shoulder and she looked around at her little family, their little family and she thought, this wouldn't be so bad at all.

End A/N: May seem a bit rushed, but I apologize, my hand is acting up and this hurts, but I had to do it for you guys. Thanks for reading!