This is the last chapter guys. First of all I want to say that I love you guys so much, your review totally make me feel good. I want to thank everyone who has been with me since the beginning, it means so much to me that you though my story was worth the wait. In the first chapter I wasn't too sure about this story because it was my first one but you guys totally made me feel so good with all of your nice reviews. I love you guys so much, but I'll quit yapping so that you can finish the fic.

Italy was about to leave the room when he turned around, he look at America, who was still looking at his feet. "Oh America," He chimed, "We could use your help on this."

Everyone stared at America who refused to look at anything other than the ground. He knew what they were going to do and he didn't like it. But he knew that the choice wasn't his, so he stood up and walked towards the two standing at the door.

Luciano grabbed his arm and lead him to their car. They drove into Germany's driveway and quietly walked through the door. Italy looked at Luciano and America felt cold steel slip over his neck.

Italy smirk and spoke softly, "Now call your brother,"

America gulped, he didn't like manipulating his brother like this, but he didn't have a choice now did he. "Canada!" he yelled through the house.

Canada sat up abruptly, that was his brother's voice, but there was something wrong. It wasn't quite as cheerful as it should be, even in captivity his brother was relatively cheerful, but now...

Canada pondered whether or not it was safe to go see his brother, it was possible that it wasn't even his brother, it could be his 2p. But at the same time it could be his brother, he just didn't know what to do.

"Canada!" There it was again, but it still didn't sound right. America, what's wrong he asked himself.

Well, safe rather than sorry won't work now, if it really was America, that would give him a great advantage. He took a deep breath and walked to where America's voice was coming from. His heart fell when he saw who was with America.

America mentally face palmed, Dumbass. He clenched his eyes tight, knowing that what he was about to do would hurt. "Run," America immediately felt a knee in his back and he fell onto his hands and knees in pain, the cold steel never leaving his neck.

Canada stared in horror, knowing that if he did run, that his brother would be hurt even further. America looked up at him, rage in his eyes, "Run dammit!" Luciano kicked America in the gut, making him collapse on the ground.

Canada was a second away from turning tail and running before Italy spoke, "I hope you do understand that if you resist, he dies." Italy smirked, sending a chill down Canada's spine.

Luciano grabbed America's hair and forced him into a sitting position. America cringed, it felt like his hair was being torn out of his skull. Luciano smirked at Canada, "You don't want him to get hurt do you?"

Canada continued to stare at his brother, "Just go," America growled through his clenched teeth.

Luciano took the flat of his blade and pressed it against America's cheek, "Oh well, it'll be fun slicing you into pieces." America winced when he felt the cold blade slice through his skin, letting hot blood pour down his face.

"Fine," Canada said suddenly, "But you have to let him go,"

Italy laughed, "You really think I'll let the world's most powerful superpower go? Oh, no. But I can promise you that as long as you are with us, he won't be hurt."

Canada hesitated, ignoring his brother's pleas, then nodded at Italy. Italy smirked, "Very good, Luciano." Luciano sneered, disappointed that he couldn't hurt the American, but reluctantly let him go.

Luciano grabbed America, Italy grabbed Canada, and they drove back to the meeting place. America glared at his brother the whole way.

Germany couldn't help but feel awful, he had given up the last remaining free nation because he couldn't bear Italy's stare. He, like most of the other nations, looked at the floor in shame and fear.

What felt worse is now they were going to use Canada's brother against him. Germany knew that he couldn't have done anything to prevent it but it didn't stop him from feeling bad.

He looked around the room, there was no possible way for them to get out of this. He could see it in their eyes, their spirits were broken. As was his of course, they had lose so miserably, they never stood a chance.

Italy said that he had pretended to care, what did that mean? Germany did care about Italy, why did he not know that? Why did he think that Germany didn't care?

Italy also said that he had pretended to be happy, did that mean all of those smiles were fake? Were all the excited shouts for pasta fake? Did he hide his true self behind his closed eyes? So many questions, not enough answers.

The door opened and Italy walked in, a smile glued to his face, not a sweet one though. Germany's heart dropped when he saw Canada walk in behind him. It fell even further when he saw the cut on America's face.

The two brothers sat down and Italy set a piece of paper in front of Canada, "After you sign this, I will officially be in control of the entire world."

Canada stared at the paper, he didn't want to sign the paper. Italy shrugged, "If you don't want to sign it, then I don't have to keep my promise."

"Leave. Him. Alone." Canada growled, he grabbed the pen and hesitantly signed it. Italy smiled triumphantly and carefully placed the paper into his folder with all of the others.

Italy walked to the head of the table and let out a happy sigh. "Well, dear nations, it was nice working with you before but this world belongs to us now." He said motioning towards the 2ps, "I must say, I have one rule for all of you," Italy smirked.

"Don't mess with me."

What do you think? Awesome right? Anyways I've been thinking about writing a sequel so if that is something you guys are interested in then let me know. Also I have a new fic out if any of you are interested, it's called Niran and it's about a brand new country(named Niran) who's evil rivals that of Russia. Again thanks so much to everyone who read this and tell me what you think!