Hi! :) This is my first story i've done. Sebastian x Ciel. Yaoi. Etc. Enjoy ;)

Sebastian had entered Ciel's master suite to awaken him at 7:00 a.m., as is the usual on a weekday morning.

He tied the heavy velvet curtains up to let the morning light caress the room.
"Young master," Sebastian called softly, "It's time to awaken. You have a very busy day ahead of you."
"Mmmmrrrphhh," came the reply. Sebastian turned to see a pitiful child sized lump under the white cotton sheets, the violet duvet discarded at the end of the bed.
Sebastian smirked. "Young master," he called again.
"Go away!" Ciel grumbled. "I feel nauseous."
Sebastian, no longer teasing, asked, "Should I cancel today's plans then?"
"Perhaps.." Ciel decided.
"Very well then. I will bring you some tea and biscuits in a bit as to help settle your stomach. Get some rest, young master." Sebastian untied the curtains so the room was once again dark, and he stepped out to prepare the master's breakfast and to cancel plans.

Little did he know, this was all apart of Ciel's master plan..

Sebastian knocked lightly on the door to Ciel's bedroom. "Young master? I have brought your breakfast."

He heard a kerfuffle from the other side of the door.
"J-just a second!"
What on earth could he be doing to cause such a ruckus? Sebastian thought. He's obviously not nauseous if he's acting mischievous.

Not caring all that much that Ciel had asked him to wait a moment, Sebastian opened the door and pushed the cart with tea and biscuits on it through the doorway.

"Young master!" Sebastian exclaimed. He clamped his mouth shut with his hands as so not to.. well, laugh.
Ciel had placed a pillow over his head and was laying straight on his bed. The part that made Sebastian want to laugh was the fact that Ciel had a pillow over his pelvis area as well.

"Young master," Sebastian almost giggled, "Might I ask what you're doing?"

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS." was Ciel's reply.

"I see.." Sebastian smirked. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, near the end bed post. Ciel was rather short, so his feet were a few spaces away from Sebastian.

"Now young master, this is the third time I've caught you doing things of this nature this week. What ever am I going to do with you? I thought you were actually sick, not using that as an excuse to play."

Ciel said nothing.

"Hmmm," Sebastian pondered. "Perhaps, you need me to help you so that you don't have this problem as often." Sebastian said in a silky, devilish voice.

Ciel peered out from under the pillow still on his head. With a suspicious cerulean eye he said, "And what do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you know what I mean."

Ciel quickly recovered his head.

"Oh come now young master," Sebastian said, trying to coax Ciel out of his fortress.

"Stop calling me that." Ciel bluntly stated, in a pessimistic voice.

"Stop calling you what?" Sebastian asked. He was rather confused. Why was Ciel upset?

"..Young master.." Ciel whispered. "I want you to call me by my name."

Sebastian knew a look of shock covered his face, so he quickly masked his emotions, by wearing a devilish grin.

"Oh, you mean, Ciel?" Sebastian purred. Just hearing Sebastian say Ciel's name like that made Ciel hard again. The pillow moved a bit.

"Ciel," Sebastian crowed again. "Would you like me to help you?"

Ciel grunted from underneath the pillow. Sebastian took this as a yes.

Sebastian went around to the other side of the bed and layed down next to Ciel. He could hear Ciel's heart beating insanely fast.

"Shhh," he whispered in Ciel's ear. "I don't want the workers to hear you. If they were like me they'd already hear your heart."

Under the pillow, Ciel blushed immensely, even more so than he already was.

Sebastian bit the end of his gloves and pulled them off with his teeth. He threw them on the floor and they landed with a soft plop. He removed the pillow from Ciel's pelvic region without looking at his further regions. He gently placed his hands on Ciel's thigh. His hands were cool, like ice. He then placed his hand on the hem of Ciel's nightgown, which was just below his waist, but still above his member.

"Now then," Sebastian continued, "Should I go up or down?"

Ciel made a brief hand motion that somehow translated as "up".

Sebastian smiled wickedly. "You like to be teased, don't you?" He whispered playfully.

He slipped his hand under the nightgown and rested his hand on Ciel's stomach. Ciel gasped, as he could never get use to the coolness of Sebastian's skin. Sebastian loved hearing Ciel's breathlessness.

He slowly ran his fingers up to Ciel's chest, where he stopped again.

"This is one of my favorite parts," he said in that insatiable voice. He started lightly running his fingertips over Ciel's nipple.

He heard Ciel gasp again from under the pillow.

"Why don't you come out from under there?" Sebastian asked.

"Mm mbersed." came the reply.

"Hmmm?" Sebastian hmmed. He removed the pillow from Ciel's face. Ciel's eyes were shut tight and he had bright red cheeks.

"I'm embarrased," he whispered very quietly. Sebastian smiled a teensy smile. He pulled his hand out from under Ciel's nightgown and positioned himself on top of Ciel. He was so tall compared to Ciel that his knees were around Ciel's ankles.

Sebastian looked down at Ciel, whose eyes were still closed. He was so perfect, he thought. His face was pale, except for the blush. He had considerably long black eyelashes. His lips were pinkish brown. His hair was that perfect shade of black. His hair wasn't that weird texture that some people's hair have when their hair is black. It was silky, not greasy, smooth and short.

"Ciel," Sebastian whispered. "Look at me."

Ciel slowly opened his eyes. First the blue, then the purple. Sebastian loved his purple eye. That was how you knew that he was his; Ciel belonged to Sebastian.

Sebastian lifted his hand to Ciel's face and softly rubbed the outer side of his hand against his smooth face.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. This is what i'm here for." Ciel blushed even harder.

Sebastian leaned down and kissed Ciel. It started out slow at first. Soft little kisses. Then it grew deeper. Sebastian licked the edges of Ciel's mouth and Ciel gasped. Sebastian slipped his tongue into Ciel's mouth and started feeling around. Ciel eventually became less shy and he started to make his tongue dance with Sebastian's. Ciel slipped his arms around Sebastian's neck. Sebastian, wanting to be the lead, grabbed Ciel and flipped them so that Ciel was on top of Sebastian's body. Ciel's arms were still around Sebastian's neck.

Sebastian hands started making their way down Ciel's body. He stopped at Ciel's butt, and he squeezed it. Ciel gasped again.

Sebastian flipped he and Ciel back over again and climbed off Ciel and sat on his knees at Ciel's feet. He pulled Ciel's legs apart and moved closer to his area. He then looked at Ciel, who was staring back at him. Not breaking eye contact, he gently grabbed Ciel's member and started sliding his hands up and down the length of it. Ciel closed his eyes and moaned. Sebastian leaned his head down and started licking around the base of Ciel's penis. Ciel moaned even louder.

"Shhh," Sebastian whispered. He slowly licked his way up his penis and then engulfed it in his mouth. He began sucking, and with all that was happening Ciel just couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Sebastian... i'm, i'm going to.." Sebastian immediately stopped. "Not yet you don't." His eyes turned pinkish red and sparked. Sebastian pulled away and started sucking on his finger. Then he started to lightly rub Ciel's hole.

"Sebastian.. won't it hurt?" Sebastian smirked.

"Not if you get used to it first." Sebastian slipped a finger into Ciel's anus. Ciel cried out and Sebastian put his other hand over Ciel's mouth so the sound would come out muffled. He began to rotate his finger. After retracting somewhat, he shoved another in and rotated them until Ciel got used to those too. He eventually found Ciel's prostate, and he started to stimulate it.

"S-sebastiannnn.. i'm so.. close," his words came out all breathy. "Just hang on, Ciel." Sebastian removed his fingers, and grabbed at his pants and ripped them off, literally.

"Oops," he snickered. Sebastian's penis was erect, and he stroked the length of it. He then pushed into Ciel's hole again, except with his member this time. Ciel cried out and Sebastian gasped with pleasure. He began to thrust in and out.

"SEEBAST-" Sebastian shut Ciel up with a kiss and Ciel moaned into Sebastian's mouth. Sebastian pulled back and whispered in Ciel's ear without breaking stride, "Say my name when you cum."

Ciel breathed a large breath and started to moan louder and louder. "SEBASTIAN.." he cried out. Ciel released onto Sebastian's stomach and Sebastian thrusted one last time and released into Ciel.

The end of this chapter :D I might post another. If I do, it'll be MPREG ;) We'll seeee. Rate/Like or whatever?