
Something that I do consistently now a days. Walking in the vast land of this endless red walls and pink lumpy grounds. It never changes, always the same. I've been here for so long. It may have been weeks, months, years, or even just yesterday or a few hours have passed.

The others...I have not seen them. I am now certain they have truly become party of him. That or they have been moved so far into the subconscious that I am unable to even come across them.

I normal would be relived that I don't have to see they're peon faces but I'm getting really board of simply walking in pure silent. I long for something, anything! Something that will...

What is that? I see in front of me an extremely large lump of pink brain-ish grounds. On this lump, there is a simple wooden door with a knob.

...well, isn't that strange? A wooden door in his brain on a large lump. Why in the all of Mi...His subconcuse would this be here?

I shrug it off and go to open the door. Then I stop for a moment. This...feels...famillor. Odd, I don't really remember this door before, other wise why would I question its exists. I turn the knob and...

To be continued