Title: Sassy Girl Dai-chan

Ship: I'm not sure yet. It can be AoKi or AoKaga (my favorite OTPs), but I want to try forming new ships. This is some sort of reverse harem anyway.

Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke is created by none other than the great Fujimaki-sama.

Note: Pardon for any errors in grammar/spelling/format. I have no idea how they happen. And for some reason, no matter how hard I try to edit them, they just couldn't be edited. XD





Aomine Daiki is screwed.

All his manly hopes suddenly vanished ever since that fateful morning. His dreams of dating the hottest babes when he gets to college, his dreams of having a busty girlfriend, and all other dreams that are of little importance to anyone but him, all gone.

The only thing he could do now was scream.

Wait, did I just say he?

Let's correct that. Because Aomine has now become a she.

That's right.

When Aomine saw himself – oh, sorry, herself – on the mirror, the tall, lean and muscular young man was replaced by a smaller, well-endowed young woman with tousled shoulder-length dark blue hair and big, dark blue eyes. She looked inside her pajamas, and even her sex organs became those of the female. The only thing that did not change was her complexion. He skin remained as it was, a radiant, sun-kissed color.

At first, Aomine thought she was hallucinating. Then after a few minutes of slapping and pinching her face, she finally understood that it was her, and what was happening was not a dream.

So she screamed at the top of her lungs. Of course, what came out was a high-pitched screech, the kind of sound you would hear when a girl's hair, or nails, got murdered in the salon.

And when her parents came to check on her, they almost fainted at the sight of their son, er, daughter.




The first thing that Aomine did was to call her childhood friend, Momoi Satsuki. It made sense: Momoi is a girl, and if Aomine consulted his guy friends (the Generation of Miracles, to be precise) they'd probably only laugh at her.

"Aomine-kun?" Momoi spoke groggily through the phone. She must asleep when I called, Aomine thought.

"Satsuki?" Aomine's voice shook in frustration.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Satsuki, it me, you idiot." Aomine hissed.

"Well, hold on a second." Momoi raised her voice, obviously offended.

"I won't allow any girl to speak to me like that. Who are you?"

Aomine sighed. Of course, Momoi wouldn't know it was her. Not with her shrill voice, anyway.

"Satsuki." She spoke calmly this time. "It's me. Aomine Daiki."

"Aomine-kun?" Momoi asked. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No." Aomine replied.

"Come over here and see if I'm joking."




When Momoi came to Aomine's house, she has already braced herself to find her childhood buddy laughing at her for falling for his prank.

But she was not prepared to see a petite young lady with curves that rivaled hers.

"Satsuki!" the girl stared at her with big, dark blue eyes that reminded her of a younger, much adorable Dai-chan.

Momoi raised an eyebrow at her in suspicion. To her, the other girl was a threat, especially if Tetsu-kun sees her.

"Uh…who are you?" Momoi asked tentatively.

The blue haired girl heaved a sigh. The pink haired girl wondered if the other girl was Aomine's cousin or something.

"Satsuki." The bluenette spoke.

"It's me. Aomine Daiki. Your childhood friend. Can't you recognize me?"

Momoi stared at her for a moment. Sure, the girl looks like Aomine. But…

"Really." Momoi chuckled, and then shouted. "I'm not falling for your jokes again, Aomine-kun. Where are you?"

"I'm here, right in front of you, Satsuki!" the girl spoke desperately.

"What's your proof?" Momoi retorted. She'd had enough of Aomine's pranks.

The bluenette thought for a minute.

"Let's see…" she said.

"You're an F-cup, and you're obsessed with Tetsu, and I put a frog on your head when we were kids…"

"You can learn that from Aomine-kun."

The other girl finally got pissed for not believing her. "You can't cook like shit."

Momoi furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance. Only Aomine could criticize her cooking skills like that.

"You really are Aomine-kun." she finally said.

The bluenette nodded at her.

"How did this happen?"

Aomine shrugged. "I dunno."

Momoi sighed. How unfortunate that Aomine's brains did not change.

"How can we do something about your condition when we don't even know how you got changed?"

"Hey," Aomine said defensively, "I thought you are the smart one between the two of us."

Momoi pouted. "I may have the brains, but solving mysterious gender-bending issues is not my forte."

Aomine moaned and slumped into the couch, looking hopeless. She had no idea how she turned into a girl. How could she expect Satsuki to give her a solution?

Momoi sat beside her, also discouraged. "Gomen, Aomine-kun."

"It's not your fault." Aomine gave her a melancholy smile.

Momoi smiled back. "I guess the only thing we could do right now is to adapt to your situation, at least until we can find the solution."

Aomine nodded in agreement. "How can we do that? I'm used to being a guy."

Momoi giggled her childhood friend. Aomine eyed her suspiciously. She knew her pink-haired friend is up to something.



