I'm dumb she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good

Pink Triangle- Weezer

Summary: Philip Blake "The Governor" is madly in love with Andrea from the first moment he sees her. Only problem is she is in love with her best friend Michonne. Too bad for Andrea he does not take rejection too well.

Inspired by the song Pink Triangle by Weezer and David Morrissey's beautiful face! Noone else could make the Governor likeable! Happy Birthday David! I am one of your biggest fans!

Note: Robert Kirkman owes the walking dead. And all the characters!

1. First Meetings

Andrea's blonde was falling in her face, her skin looked pale, and she was clearly ill. But even in her sickness, she was beautiful laying the hospital type bed.

"You wouldn't survive a day out there," I told her softly.

"You're right,"She answered laying her head against my shoulder.

Why did this feel so good? Like she was meant to be mine. I had not felt this way since Sarah, my wife, had been alive. I knew how rare this feeling was.

"Maybe you should stay with me tonight. I could look after you," I offered.

" Well, I am going to stay with Michonne. I allready promised her. Perhaps we can have dinner tomorrow. You can tell me more about Woodbury," Andrea said smiling softly.

"I can do that. You going to love it here," I said touching her soft face.

"I hope Michonne warms up to this place. I am tired of the constant traveling. I like to settle down somewhere," Andrea whispered.

"I think she will. I'll walk to you her apartment," I offered helping her up from the bed.

"You don't have too," She said blushing. I watched clearly as she put her shoes on. Even her feet were sexy, I thought.

"I want too. Give us a chance to get to know each other better," I said taking her hand.

"Okay," she said simply. Walking hand in hand, I could see the townspeople looking at me impressed.

Not only was I their leader, but I had this beautiful woman on my arm.

Walking with Andrea on my arms made me feel more powerful somehow. I like this feeling. Could I be falling in love again? Was that even possiable?

"You sure I can't look after you tonight? I feel terrible if anything happens ,"I offered again as she removed her hand from mine.

I did not want to let her go for a minute, but I did not want to come on to strong either. There was no reason she would not come to me, I thought.

"That is sweet of you to worry, but Michonne will take excellent care of me," Andrea reassured me.

"I suppose your right. Goodnight, Andrea," I said giving up,only for the moment.

"Goodnight, Governor," Andrea said kissing my cheek quickly. Clearly, she was interested I thought. Why else would she allow me to hold her hand and then kiss me? She needed some rest, and then she come back to my apartment.