She looked down at the little baby lying in the crib and she couldn't quite believe she had managed to pull it off. She had managed to convince the stupid gullible man that she was his. It had been a rush of course. To marry him, to tell him about the baby, to convince him; well that part had been easy. He was so desperate for a child that he would believe anything if it gave him one. She smirked and walked around the crib and over to the window. She basked in her new found glory. She had won. Beat all the everyone that said she couldn't do it. Rise from the bottom and up to the top. She had big ideas for herself, always had and always would and now her ideas would move onto her daughter.

She had married a prince thinking one day perhaps she would be queen. That dream was dashed as she heard just how far away she was from becoming queen. She had felt the anger rise up in her when she was told it would be unlikely she would become a queen. She would forever be below that. But now she had a daughter. A daughter she could pass on that plan to. She would make sure her daughter became queen even if it was the last thing she would ever do.

She was not the maternal type. She had hardly touched the baby since she had arrived. Her husband on the other hand wouldn't leave the child. Always wanting to see her, pick her up. Too much love and care in her mind. She would be hard and firm on the child. Mould her into a perfect princess, perfect princess to turn to a perfect queen. Her daughter would have power.

She heard a cackle behind her and she turned on her heel to see a man with sparkling gold skin standing by the crib looking down at the child. She narrowed her eyes watching the man very carefully. She knew what this man was capable of. There would be no deals made today.

"My my Cora she is a beauty. Such a shame she is not the kings." He smirked.

Cora began to walk towards him slowly. She hadn't moved her gaze from him. "Details details." She said waving her hand. "What the king does not know will not hurt him."

"Oh how wicked." The man cackled. Cora had a slight smile on her face. She reached the crib and looked down at the sleeping baby not much emotion being felt. "So the name?" The man asked.

"Zelena." Cora said simply.

"Zelena." He repeated. He repeated it a few more times and then looked up at Cora. "I can sense great power. It appears she has taken the gift of magic from you."

Cora nodded. She looked up at the man. "It appears so. If it's a deal your angling at Rumplestiltskin then you can leave now. I have no deals to make with you." She placed a hand on the crib ready to move the baby if she needed to.

"I am not here for any such thing." He said walking around the crib, closer to Cora. "I am here just to lay eyes on the baby, to gather a name and just to see how much power the dear little one possesses."

"Well that might have to wait until later. She is only a few days old." Cora replied. She turned her head towards the door as she heard footsteps. She then turned back to where Rumplestiltskin stood. "Leave. You need to leave." She demanded. She knew if anyone walked into the room and saw Rumplestiltskin, the dark one, in the room it would not look good.

He smirked at her one last time. "Goodbye dearie." He said before he disappeared in the puff of smoke just as the king entered the room. The man walked over to the crib and leaned down picking the child up not even acknowledging Cora. He smiled down at the child. Cora didn't say a word. She knew she should probably feel guilty. Guilty for making this man think he is the father f the little girl in his arms. But she didn't. She wouldn't feel guilt. Not when she had gotten so far to get near to what she wanted and not when she would soon have everything she wanted. Even if she would have to live that through her daughter at least one of them would have the life and power she craved.

Four years later…

Zelena frowned as she looked down at the little baby in her mother's arms. She was not so sure she liked this. Over the past few days she had never seen her parents. They were too busy with this new baby to see her. That she didn't like. She was the certain of attention. She was the princess. She demanded attention and she got it when she wanted it. But now there was a new little princess and she demanded the attention and she got the attention. This did not happen in Zelena's perfect world.

"What do you think Zelena?" Henry asked looking down at Zelena. "What do you think of your baby sister?"

"I don't like her." She huffed folding her arms across her chest.

"Zelena." Cora scolded. "Regina is your sister you do not say that about your sister."

Zelena rolled her eyes. Regina this and Regina that. That's all I hear now! She couldn't help but feel angry at her little sister. The girl that stole everything from her. Her mother seemed to spend much more time with this baby than she did with her, even before Regina was around. Everyone wanted to see Regina, everyone talked about Regina. Well what about me?! Zelena frowned even more as the baby looked up at her. Staring up at her. She didn't like her little sister. She would never like her little sister.

"She's beautiful." Henry said as he looked down at Regina. Hearing this Zelena was even less happy. Stupid baby! The jealousy was rising up in Zelena. She moved away from the bed and stomped away. Reaching the door she turned round to see that nobody had noticed that she had left. Nobody seemed to care she wasn't beside them. This made her feel worse about her little sister. This was not how things were meant to be. She was meant to be the centre of attention. It wasn't fair. She didn't like it. Not one little bit. She stomped all the way to her bedchambers.

She threw things, she stamped her feet, she screamed. Anything to let her anger out. She moved her hand and objects flew across the room. As she had grown a little her power had grown also. She could move things, make things appear. She stopped and threw herself onto her bed. Life was about to get harder for Zelena and she wasn't a fan of it at all.

So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please leave a review to let me know what you think and what you may like to see happen etc :-)