WARNING: Contains spoilers!

All rights go to Ubisoft who created Watch_Dogs.

I see the hit men, the guns, her. She stands at Lena's grave, flowers in hand.


She turns, looking around her, until the first bullet finds her shoulder. We both take cover and I load my gun. Her eyes find mine, which have always been alert and teasing, are filled with terror and sadness. She falls, another bullet finding her. I notice the crimson blood on her hand.I take out the hit men, who attempt to take cover behind gravestones. There are at least ten of them with the same job; to elimate Clara Lille.

Damien. What have you done?

I approach her still lifeless body. Crouching, I move her onto her back were I can see her face and her wounds. Guilt fills my body as I touch her cheek; one of the few times I've ever come in contact with Badboy17. The flowers from her hand lay on the grass beside her. They're the same flowers that have shown up at Lena's grave since her death. It must have been Clara all along. I take them and put them on top of the stone, knowing she wanted Lena to have them. Her phone lays beside her neck, and I take it, knowing the power it has. A voice recorded message is loaded and I click it on. It beeps.

"Hello, Aiden." it's Clara, who pauses, taking in a breath. "I can't decide where to begin. The first time I saw you, you were playing chess with Jackson in the park. Both of you still very sad from the...funeral. I could see how you made him feel safe. In our world we hide in the dark, behind monitors. That's the only place we feel safe. It isn't enough to say that I didn't know. That lives would be lost," she must mean Lena. "or that it was only a job. I thought if I could help you heal, help you find answers, maybe I could heal myself." another pause, "But I can't. When this is all over, I hope we can at least talk. Or if not...at least I can disappear. That's something I'm good at."

The message ends and I leave her body, Lena's grave, and I walk. I don't know where. Just anywhere but here.

The Following Winter

Snow falls to the ground around her gravestone. I approach the stone, my hands deep in my pockets.

"Hey Lena. I know it's been a while..." I breathe, remembering Clara's body beside Lena's gravestone. "It's been tough."

I shift my weight, almost uncomfortable at being here once again.

This is where Clara died. On Lena's grave. How fucking disturbing is that? That bastard, Damien. Tried blaming me for Clara, and Lena.

What even happened to Clara's body? The thought had occured to me a lot. I assumed someone had ran into her a few hours later, called the cops and tried to figure out who she was. Nobody knew Clara; she was untraceable, unpredictable, unreadable. She was the reason I got answers about Lena's death.

But also the cause of it.

She ordered the hit on me and Damien. Did she fire the gun? No, that was Maurice. She traced us, for Quinn.

Yet she's the closest I've ever had to friend.

My eyes suddenly catch a spot of purple in the pile of snow on top of Lena's gravestone. I walk closer, brushing aside the snow to find the same flowers that Clara used to leave her.

But they seem pretty recent to me.