A/N: Welcome to my new story. Based very loosely on Alfred Hitchcock's movie by the same name and it picks up right after Blue Bird. Trying something new with this. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Mentalist or Rear Window, nor do I make money from fanfics.

Chapter 1

His foot wasn't broken. Jane knew that for a fact, had gone to a doctor and everything. Sure, it had been at Lisbon's insistence, but he'd done it. So what if it was swollen to the size of an orange; sprains sometimes did that!

He wiggled on his couch, causing it to squeak, and stared at his foot propped up on a chair Wylie had dragged over for him and glared in the direction of Abbott's office. He knew he should be more charitable toward the man who had pushed him in the right direction in his relationship with Lisbon, but he had the sneaking suspicions that Abbott hadn't just done it out of the goodness of his heart and on top of that, the man had forbidden him from leaving the office until his foot was better. Instead he was being forced to look at cold cases. Didn't Abbott know that sprains could last weeks! He could go crazy in that time—especially if Lisbon got to go out on a case and he got stuck here.

He was still planning his revenge against the traitor Cho for siding with Abbott when he'd stated that he got chased enough to need his ankles in good working order. Fischer and Wylie had both laughed out loud at that, and Cho had had to suppress a grin. He'd glared at them as Abbott crossed his arms in victory over him. They were all on his list now.

Lisbon had been the only one who had taken pity on him. As a matter of fact, she seemed to regard his jumping a fence and illegally boarding a plane as something almost heroic and very romantic forgiving him for his shenanigans in Florida without another word about it. She'd always been loving and caring toward him, but it was different than now. She'd been downright demonstrative lately and he loved it. How he'd missed being in a real relationship and the fact that it was Lisbon made it all the better. The idea that he got to see her this way was heartening.

He hadn't thought of his actions as heroic or romantic at the time, had only thought of his desperation to get to her before it was too late. He was glad she was so flattered by it. He liked her knowing, to an extent, the lengths he'd go to for her. Of course he hadn't told her that he been coming up with back up plans as he was running around the airport, jumping over the fence and running up the tarmac.

It'd briefly crossed his mind, when he'd wondered if the flight attendant would open the door, to shout "bomb". Then he would have had to come up with a plan to get out of jail and chase her to D.C. and of course get her away from Pike long enough to confess his love without getting a punch in the nose from said fiancé. He didn't want a punch in the nose. Although, he would have gladly accepted one from her if it'd meant them ending up together. Never from Pike, though. He'd taken enough of an emotional beating because of that man to last a lifetime. As a matter-of-fact, it was two days after she'd chosen him that he'd found out she'd agreed to marry Pike and the very idea, even now made him feel beyond queasy.

He shook his head, releasing all those unpleasant thoughts and decided he'd keep most of them to himself. He and Teresa had been officially a couple for five days and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her and her flight reflex away. Although, and admittedly, it hadn't been the best idea to bring up marriage last night over dinner, but the idea that she'd been engaged to another man mere days before had it on his mind.

On Lisbon's part, and aside from a slight stiffening of her posture, she'd handled it like a pro. He was in uncharted waters here though and nights with her where all he had to look forward to right now, even if they were spent on the couch in her house—being sequestered from real world work, stuck in the cold FBI offices, bored out of his mind, from eight to five. Blah. Really, he could not afford to alienate her.

He looked at his foot again. Okay, so it'd only been three days since he'd gotten back to work and admittedly having the back of Lisbon's head to stare at was a comfort. She'd even brought in a cushion for him to prop his foot up on and would periodically, throughout the day, change out icepacks. She'd even dropped a kiss on his lips the last time she'd done it an hour ago. That had been nice, and slightly unexpected. He knew the last thing she wanted was to get the gossip mill turning, and she was at a bad start, but he could see her mulling it over before she'd actually done it. She'd wanted that kiss and the very thought made him warm all over.

He smiled just thinking about it. Then looked at his watch and sighed. It was only three. Two more hours before he could leave and another hour before, by his count, Lisbon would replace his icepack again. Would this nightmare never end? He sighed again—loudly.

Lisbon turned in her seat and looked at him, brows raised with an amused smirk on her face. "What?"

He shook his head and looked away evasively. He made a noncommittal sound.

"Okay…suit yourself." She turned back to her computer and started tapping out something dull and probably meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Jane shrugged. She had been effusive and tender, but she was still Lisbon and even being in a romantic relationship with her wasn't going to get her to beg him to tell her what was wrong. It might have worked on Angela at the beginning of their relationship, but they'd both been much younger than he and Lisbon were now and Lisbon had never liked games. At least not those kinds of games.

"I'm bored," he confessed.

"I'm shocked," she said trying to feign indifference, but he could sense a smile in her tone.

He let out a grumble. "What if we took the rest of the day off? We could go do something touristy and then get takeout to share on the carpet in your living room in front of the T.V., watch an old movie and then maybe a little something else after that," he laced his voice with innuendo.

She turned in her seat and looked at him, face crimson and with a scowl firmly in place. "Stop that, we're at work."

He chuckled.

"I'm serious."

"So am I," he told her raising his eyebrows up and down several times.

She held back a grin. "If I take any time off it'll be to unpack all of my belongings and besides, you can't do touristy things with a sprained ankle."

He felt his smile widen and opened his mouth to remind her of his other suggestions, when she smirked, forced a frown and whispered a firm "no."

He shrugged.

"Tell you what," she said with clear adoration that made him shiver, "you behave yourself and I'll…"

"We're up!" Abbott announced walking into the bullpen.

"Not now!" Jane snapped at Abbott before looking back at a perpelexed Lisbon with a grin. "You'll what?"

She scoffed. "Don't be rude." She spun her chair around to look at Abbott and Jane followed suit. Abbott's attention was clearly on Lisbon and Jane could feel the hair on the back of his neck go up. "Don Matthews is requesting our help."

Her chin pulled back. "From the Serious Crimes Unit in D.C.?"

"Yes," Abbott breathed out. "Apparently five agents were murdered last night and he's short staffed at the moment. Agent Pike told him you were the one for the job."

Jane pulled his leg down from the spot on the chair and sat up straight. He'd not even had a week with her yet, and already Pike was looking for ways to get her to D.C. He felt sick with jealousy, but if he was being totally honest, he was also a little impressed. "They don't have agents in D.C. that they can call in for this?"

He saw Lisbon look at him then back to Abbott.

"They have every agent working on it. The son of the Director of the FBI was one of the agents killed," Abbott addressed Jane, then looked at Lisbon. "They wanted the best and that's you."

"Sir," Lisbon stuttered. "I-I'm not sure it would be the best idea to send me out there right now."

Abbott nodded. "I understand your situation, but you're going to have to put your discomfort aside…"

Jane stood up and made his way to Lisbon's desk, trying not to limp too much and placed a hand on her shoulder before addressing Abbott. "She is the best, but you can't be serious—you can't send her to D.C.," Jane tried to protest.

Abbott's brow furrowed for a moment and then he smiled. "I think you misunderstood me. Agent Pike told them to request both of you and I volunteered the rest of the team. We'll all be going."

"What?" Lisbon choked out.

Jane looked down and was surprised to see her face had blanched and she looked as though she might be sick.

"We fly out tonight at seven," Abbott said. He then turned and walked back to his office.

A/N: If you are following The Closet Effect the last chapter will be up tomorrow.

Reviews are always appreciated!