"Umm... Hey i'm kirito" he said breaking the silence in the room

"My name is sachi " the blue haired girl replied.

Sachi was a a blue haired girl who lacks in physical strength and is a medium height she had this way of making people smile even at th hardest times but she was a little shy.

"And my name is lucy" the blonde girl joyfully said.

Lucy was much lik sachi in the way she could make people smile, but what she could do also is get information out of people. She was the same height as kirito( who is a little bit taller than sachi ) she did have physical strenght but not too much.

" So umm... Sachi, Lucy i think we should get to know each other better since were going to be in the same squad." kirito said

" Yea we should, how about you go first kirito?" Lucy answered smiling

" Okay, umm hi my name is kirito and I loved combat simulators until now but i'm really good at programming." he said ending in a smile

"Thats really cool i tried programming but I just got confused." Lucy said

"It's not that hard once you know what you're doing." kirito answered

"Okay, I guess i'll go next" Lucy said blushing

" Hi, my name is Lucy and I love video games and thats all i'm good at."

"Okay , your turn Sachi." Lucy continued

" I... Don't... Really want to... Talk."Sachi stuttered

"Oh, come on." Lucy said

"No, it's okay just give sometime and maybe she'll open up." kirito said

" Okay," Lucy groaned

Sachi blushed and then went back to looking at the ground. A few minutes of silence went by until there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it " kirito said

"Yes?" he said opening the door

" Private you and your team need to come with me." a soldier said

"Okay, may i ask why?"

" I was told to show you to your barrack"

" WHAT!?" kirito said" I though men and women couldn't share the same barrack?"

" That's normally the case but we ran out of room unless you want to make them stay with the men."

" No way, but why do we get our own barrack.?"

" Technically its more of a large metal tent that can hold three people."

"Oh... Okay, I guess were going. Sachi, Lucy you ready?" kirito asked

They both nodded and got their stuff and headed to the barrack. Once they got there they were surprised how comfy it was. They stayed up a couple more hours just minding their own business when they all decided to go to sleep.

"Hey Lucy and Sachi." kirito said

"What?" they both answered

" Good night." kirito whispered with a smile

The girls didn't respond but Lucy almost turned bright red from blushing so much she couldn't believe she was in a death game. When she fell asleep surprisingly she didn't have any nightmares.