Today was not as successful as Maleficent had hoped. She and a group of concerned citizens of the city of Moors went to the King Steel Industry building to speak to the board of directors. It was made up of men and women dressed in over-extravagant worth clothes and jewelry. Quite a glittering assemblage, but none of them were the wiser of the bigger problem at hand. There needed to be control taken of the pollution of the iron and steel company, and naturally their CEO, Stefan, wasn't there to attend. Afraid to face her, as usual. Good. He should be afraid.

Storming out of the room, along with a few others who decided not to linger, Maleficent went to her black hybrid car. Everyone else was starting to leave before they were arrested for something ridiculous, but she stayed in her vehicle for a few minutes to catch her breath. She had been mentally preparing herself for a debate with the entire board room and she had to slowly release all that pent up energy before she drove in a fit of rage.

She angrily poked the dragon charm hanging from her rearview mirror. Her word would be heeded. She would be listened to if it was the last thing she did. She cared about Moors too much to leave it in the state it was in.

The passenger side of the door opened, and Maleficent half-expected her partner Diaval to be the one hopping in. But to her surprise, it was a beautiful young woman with golden hair.

"Thank you for picking me up, papa, I thought you might have-" Papa? She was definitely meaning somebody else. The girl looked to her left and upon making eye contact with Maleficent gasped, realizing that she was indeed in the wrong car.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I mistook your car for my father's, he has the exact same one and I-"

Maleficent raised her hand, chuckling. "Please. It was an accident." She was charming to say the least. Very courteous and thoughtful.

The woman smiled, certainly relieved that she wasn't being yelled at. "I'm Aurora." She offered her hand.

"Maleficent." She put her hand out and gently shook the smaller hand in hers. It started coming back to her now. She recognized her from before. This girl had joined her on a lot of her peaceful protests. She never stopped to ask who she was because she simply assumed she was just being a normal rebellious teenager who didn't understand what she was protesting for.

"I know who you are," she replied, continuing with her contagious smile.

"Do you?"

"You're the head of the movement against the steel company. You've done a lot of good things for the environment." She explained. "I've been following your website and Twitter ever since I was in middle school."

So she was a follower of hers. It made this encounter slightly less awkward for the older woman. She thanked her for her support, and the two talked for a few more minutes until Aurora looked distressedly out the car window.

"It looks like my father really did forget about me." She sighed and looked down toward her feet, beginning to fiddle with her index finger. "He was supposed to be at the board meeting today. He knew you made an appointment, he told me."

He told her? "How do you mean?" How did this girl's father possibly know she scheduled an appointment with the CEO? Unless he was the-

"Oh, I'm sorry. My father is Stefan. That's why… he was supposed to be here. And I was supposed to go back home with him." Aurora frowned. The look did not suit her. "I guess I'll have to call him." She took out her light blue cell phone with pink flowers on it and started calling him. She could vaguely make out the sound of ringing through the plastic casing.

"If he's going to be picking you up, I'll just leave you here then." She certainly didn't want the gossip about her socializing with Stefan's daughter. There would be all sorts of talk of her trying to politically sway his kid, even when she seemed to be doing just fine finding out the truth for herself.

"Please stay! I don't want to be left here alone, you're the only one I trust." She looked desperate and near tears. It was clear to Maleficent that Aurora was upset about something more than just her father not bothering to give her a lift.

She slowly blinked and looked away. "Very well." It wasn't like she could say no to a face like that. This girl could smile like that and get away with murder. If she could even bring herself to hurt a teensy little bug. "I'm sure your father isn't very happy with you joining my protests. I have a mind to forbid you from them."

Would she really do that? Could she? Aurora stared at her in disbelief. Even Maleficent couldn't believe what she was saying in that moment. It really was for the girl's own good. If she got too caught up in the protests, Aurora would likely be put in jail.

"But I believe you're old enough to make your own decisions. So I wouldn't keep you from fighting for what you believe in." Even if you're making enemies of your own family, Maleficent thought. But Stefan was doing a good job of it himself by leaving his only child to fend for herself in an area she didn't feel completely safe in.

Aurora's smile grew larger than before, so big and genuine it made her eyes squint adorably. "Thank you, Maleficent." Her eyes snapped to her phone. It must have gone to voicemail. "He's not picking up." She sank back in the car seat. Now what was she going to do? She lived too far uptown to walk.

After moments of silence, Aurora softly spoke, "I don't suppose you could take me home?"

There it was. The beginning of the rumors would start here if she answered yes. People would say she took Aurora for ransom in the name of bringing down her father's company. And she would be arrested for kidnapping. Granted, she broke a couple laws in the name of protecting the environment, but nothing that drastic.

But again. Maleficent couldn't say no to that face. "Of course." How did she manage to stand her ground for all these years when she couldn't oppose this young woman for even a second?

And again, Aurora smiled brightly at her. If something so simple made her this happy, she wondered how happy she'd be were she offered something truly amazing. Perhaps one day, when all of this was over with and the pollution in the city ceased, Maleficent could ask to spend more time with her outside of these demonstrations, and get to know her better.

Despite the agreement to familiarize herself with Aurora after the rioting, they continued to talk on the long car ride to Stefan's estate. She got to know the girl more as they spoke to each other. Aurora was truly remarkable and smart. She was kind and gentle, loved birds and animals. Enthusiastic about what she loved.

Part of her wondered how such a wonderful young lady could be the offspring of such an ignorant fool. But the bigger part of her was relieved at her brilliance. And ecstatic to have met her.

She felt purpose in her actions before, but now to share them with Aurora renewed that passion she had. Already she was growing to care deeply for her.

While the drive was long, it sadly had to come to an end for them both. It was minutes of sitting in the driveway, smiling at each other, before Aurora even attempted to reach for the car door.

"If you're ever having troubles at home, please call me." Maleficent offered.

"Thank you. I will." She said. "And thank you for bringing me to my dad's." Maleficent observed that Aurora didn't say "home" this time. She didn't think it had a deeper meaning, but it was still a change she noticed.

"Anytime." She nodded, lips lifting at the sides.

Aurora again gestured her hand for a shake. Maleficent took it, but instead gently kissed the back of her fingers. She felt the young woman gasp, and looked up to see her cheeks a darker shade of pink. And again she smiled big and honest.

"I'll see you again." She didn't take her hand back right away.
