Author's Note: Hey, this is a fic requested ages ago by sadlyhuman1997 which I'm finally starting, thank you for your patience! I also want to thank you for the great ideas on characters and stories, and for being so cool about the wait, I hope this makes up for it! There'll be a bit of a love triangle going on in here, but it's primarily a Dwayne/OC fic but with a bit of Paul, because who does not love that guy? ;) Anyway, like I said for the other fic I started today updates will be a bit slow (especially seeing as I'm on holidays this week) but as soon as I get the chance to update, I will! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Lost Boys, just my OCs.

"Are you ready?" My mother's voice asked, excitement clear as a bell. I nodded and the hand that had been covering my eyes lifted away for me to see it.

"It's awesome!" I cried and ran inside, the bare walls and wide-open space made the vacant shop look huge, it was as if they had knocked three stores together.

"What do you think of it?" My father asked, I turned to see him and my mother stare proudly around the space they had worked towards purchasing for I don't know how long. It was always their dream to open up a music store.

"I'm home!" I proclaimed with my arms stretched open to indicate the wide open space. I took a deep breath sat in the middle of the room, stretching my legs out and leaning on my elbows as I surveyed it all. My father walked in through the open doorway and looked around with an approving nod.

"The guys we hired to gut the place out after the last place closed did a good job. The counter will be going here, the guitars on the wall behind it. Shelves along the walls and four rows equally spaced down here to hold all the good music. Posters and t-shirts down the back, we're putting a bit of a small stage up so anyone that wants to try the guitars out or jam up there is welcome." He explained, indicating around the room.

"And the name will be on the back wall, The Music Box." My mother said as she came in, holding both hands out to help me off the floor. I looked at the back wall.

"Whoever's doing it better make the name big so everyone knows it, that little wave of genius I had needs to be visible from the end of the boardwalk." I grinned, after a half an hour of us brainstorming at the kitchen table; I went upstairs to my room to grab some magazines I had for inspiration. I spotted an old music box my grandma had given to me, and I hadn't heard the melody inside in years. When I opened it and the sweet chimes were heard, I knew it'd make a great name.

"About that…" my father trailed off, he and my mother shared a glance between them that had me raise an eyebrow in suspicion at their secret smiles.

"What?" I asked and my father nodded to my mother.

"We thought since we had a daughter that was so good at art, who came up with the name and who hasn't stopped going on about colour schemes for the place since we told her we were getting this place that we'd let you do it." My mother explained, I clapped my hands and jumped up and down, I didn't think they'd let me loose on this place!

"Thank you!" I cried and grabbed each one of them in a crippling hug.

"Just don't go too crazy, okay?" My father pleaded and I glanced around the store with a smirk.

"That's like asking water not to be wet, dad." I told him, "Don't worry, this place will look un-freaking-believable when I'm done!" I told them confidently.

"Is that the same thing you thought when you decided to paint the skirting boards in your room neon pink one night?" my mother asked with a sceptical eyebrow and I shrugged casually.

"That was just a whim, this I have had ideas about for months. I was actually going to ambush whoever was doing the decorating about the name." I said and unzipped the messenger bag with my sketchbook in it that I carried everywhere. It was well-worn by now but I was too proud of the noses winding through the skulls I had painted on it to part with it.

I opened the sketchbook to the right page and my parents walked closer to see what I had come up with, my mother took the book for a closer look and I grinned as they looked up with approving smiles.

"When do you wanna start?"

"Uh, now!" I told them, obviously a blank canvas this size was my dream come true. Off to the paint store!

"Are you sure you don't want any help?" My mother asked later when we got all the paint set up on a table and they taped the skirting boards and covered the floors with big sheets so I wouldn't get paint on anything. I had tied my long red wine-coloured hair into a high ponytail and opted to change out of my beloved Demonia boots and purple skirt with my Journey t-shirt and leather jacket into an old sweatshirt and baggy jeans my mother lounged about the house with.

"No, no. Go! Leave me in my kingdom to paint it the colours I have chosen!" I ordered and shooed them with the large brush I had been given. There were rollers with long handles that would reach to the roof and a step ladder for doing the difficult bits up high.

"Bryn, at least let us help you paint the-" my father went to insist, eyeing the step ladder with apprehension but I put my hands on his back and pushed him out the door.

"Nope! I have my music and my designs, one night in here should finish everything. Seriously guys, go have a nice meal and celebrate." I told them and my mother turned from where she had followed my father out to point a warning finger.

"No dancing on the ladder." She told me and I scoffed as if I was outraged at the suggestion, but a pointed glance form her had me smile sheepishly. Dancing on a ladder would be the exact thing I'd do when a good song is on.

"Okay, fine. Go." I ordered and waved them off as they walked back to the car. I stared around the open space and clapped my hands together before skipping over to the work bench that the paint tins had been piled on to. I grabbed the longest rolling brush for painting up high and then opened the tins of paint that would be the base paint. Black, of course.

I turned the stereo on that sat in the middle of the room and the sound of Def Leppard's awesome sound filled the room as I started to work. Only a short while later I had successfully painted each of the walls black with only space for the name left on the back wall. The music kept playing and I continued on my craze, choosing to draw the name on the back wall before painting it and then go around it with the black to get everything right, I didn't want to risk messing it up.

But I was good at freehand sketching and I could almost copy a design with one glance at it, so I kept my sketchbook handy as I climbed up to start sketching. My pencil had barely made contact with the wall when a deep voice from the doorway had me turn.

"Everything alright in here?" I climbed down the ladder to see a boy a little younger than me glance around the room that was newly painted before he walked in and stared up at me, the shaggy blonde hair that hung in his face fell back as his eyes met mine from where I perched on top of the ladder.

"Yeah!" I told him happily, there was a lull between songs before another started loudly and he winced at the noise. Poor boy, not used to my level of rocking. I loved listening to music up loud, best way to appreciate it if you ask me.

"What's this place supposed to be?" He asked.

"An asylum." I stated with my best serious face and he raised his eyebrows. I finally allowed the expression to slip and my usual smile crept back, "Just kidding. You are looking at what will be a realm of poetic chaos, a universe of sweet melodies and enriching sounds." I proclaimed grandly and gestured around, I looked down to see one of his eyebrows cocked as if wondering was I meant to be in an asylum, "A.K.A a music store. The Music Box." I told him, he nodded in understanding.

"Sounds cool. My brother and I work at the comic book store across the way for our folks. If you need anything or anyone bothers you, come and get one of us. We'll take care of it." He said ominously and I smiled politely.

"Awesome, I'll remember that. I'm Bryn." I said and leaned down with the hand out-stretched that wasn't covered in paint.

"Edgar Frog." He introduced and I grinned.

"Pleasure. Well I better be getting back to this." I said and made a gesture to the wall. He nodded and without a word of goodbye left the store. I had never seen the boy before, mostly because I didn't read comics so why would I visit the store that sells them? Nick, my best friend, would probably know him. He was a die-hard surfer that was probably passed out somewhere until the sun was a long-time gone at which point he'd go out to party. More often than not I'd get dragged to go with him, but I never drank or smoked.

I broke out of my musings and went back to tracing the outline of the logo. I had a box with cool designs on it that was opened. From the box spilled music notes and various instruments, with the words "The Music Box" done like graffiti flowing along a stave. Once I had the design blocked in with the basic neon green and pink I shaded it and added the outline. I outlined the lines of the winding stave with white so they were separated from the black background and I filled the rest of the wall in black until the logo was successfully surrounded.

At this point it was getting late but I still had some final touches, my favourite part actually, to do. Problem was I needed clean hands to do it and my hands were already destroyed. I grabbed the bottle of water I had been drinking from and walked out to the front of the store. I poured some of the water over my hands and worked on scrubbing the paint off. I glanced around at all the people crowding the boardwalk and smiled, some looked like they were heading to one of the many concerts the boardwalk held. I knew the boardwalk would be perfect for opening a store. Everything from the cheesy funfair music on the rides to the rock music played down at the bandstand, this place was all about music.

I went to get the bottle from where I had it under my arm and cursed quietly as it fell from its place between my elbow and my stomach to roll away from me. I hurried after it in fear that someone would trip on it, and pushed my way through the crowd. No sooner had I spotted it than someone kicked it off in a random direction. When I finally located it in a gap in the crowd, I bent down to get it when a boot settled on top of it and stopped it.

I waited for them to lift their boot as I bent down to get the bottle, and when their foot stayed I raised my eyes up their tall frame to meet their eyes.

"Can I have my bottle back?" I asked politely and the blonde grinned at me from where he towered over me. In one swift movement he was down to my level and plucked the bottle easily from under his boot. He stood up again and I did too, although I barely reached his shoulder when I stood to my full height. It is times like these when my boots come in handy; I always got extra height from them.

"You'd have thought this was the last bottle on earth from how you were chasing it, girl." He laughed and I grinned sheepishly and raised my hands to show him the paint still on them.

"I needed to wash these. Still got some painting to do." I told him, he nodded and went to pass the bottle back to me. Just as my hand was about to make contact he raised it up out of my reach and I pouted before making a jump for it, but he held it even higher and grinned.

"Can't get it, shorty?" he asked teasingly and I pouted.

"I'm not short, I'm fun size." I informed him and he chuckled before lowering the bottle slightly. I eyed it for a few seconds before my hand shot out and seized it in a flash; he made a show of shaking his hand out.

"Damn, I think you took some skin off with that swipe." He teased.

I stuck my tongue out playfully and glanced back to the store, "Well, I better get back to it. Thank you for saving the bottle." I said politely and turned, eager to get back in to the store and finish. My parents would still be out for their meal but they'd want me home at a reasonable time, so I needed to get finished and quick.

No sooner had I got to the door and began to wash my hands again than the guy from before walked past and straight in to the store. I raised my eyebrows at his casualness and finished washing my hands before following him inside.

"The Music Box." He said almost to himself and turned to me with a grin which I returned, he walked to the middle of the room and I was able to see him better with the lights in the store above us. His long black coat trailed to the backs of his knees and his white jeans and boots looked like they had been running through sand many a time. He had a netted top underneath and a large chain trailed from the shoulder of his jacket. His messy blonde hair trailed down his back and he brushed a hand through it, his bracelets clinking together as he did so.

"Is it a music store?" he asked and spun round to face me, I nodded and walked from where I had been leaning on the door to the middle of the room.

"It will be. I still have some stuff to do on the walls before I can leave." He raised his eyebrows.

"Did you paint that?" he said and pointed over his shoulder to the wall behind him, I smiled proudly at my design before nodding. "You got some serious talent." He told me and I blushed slightly.

"Thank you. Still a lot of work to do." I said and went over to the work bench to open the tins of paint.

"Want some help?" He asked lightly and I glanced back at him and eyed his outfit.

"You'll get paint splatters on your clothes. I had to change in to these and they're past rescuing." I told him, gesturing to the clothes I wore. He shrugged and took his jacket off; I raised my eyebrows at his toned arms which were bare and his torso which also appeared toned under his netted top.

"I don't mind. Anything to help a pretty girl out." He said with a wink and I held my hand out.

"Bryn." I introduced myself.

He took my hand in his much larger one and shook it, "Paul, babe." He smiled and I walked over to the table and grabbed the tin of neon green paint and a paintbrush, dipping it in to the vibrant colour and lifted the dripping brush out to hold it out to him.

"Let's get cracking." I told him and he took the brush but scratched his head awkwardly, narrowly avoiding giving himself a green streak in his hair.

"Nothing too complicated, I can't even draw my breath, girl." He admitted and I burst in to laughter before grabbing the neon pink and dipping the brush in much like I had done with his.

"It's not complicated at this point, watch." I told him and stepped a few feet back and held the brush behind me before swinging it towards the wall so splatters flew out and a trail of pink went up the wall.

"Awesome!" Paul said and I giggled before walking over to the stereo. I flipped a tape in that I knew would provide good music. Soon enough Jukebox Hero by Foreigner was cranked up and I turned to see Paul hooting from where he had just sent a made splatter of green up the wall.

"Good job!" I told him and started opening the other tins of paint. I stood beside him and turned towards the other wall, dipping my brush in the vibrant purple and soon the wall had a line of purple across it. I bent down again but squealed lightly in surprise as Paul's arms locked around my waist and he sang the current line of the song in my ear. I laughed loudly before joining in.

"A girl who has great taste in music and is letting me help her splatter paint over the walls of a new music store. Where have you been all my life?" he asked teasingly as he let me down and I shrugged as my face heated up. I glanced at my brush which still had paint on it before I swiped it over the skin of his arm and left a purple trail.

"Waiting to do that!" I said triumphantly and he went to grab his pot of paint for retaliation.

A short while later I lay breathless on the floor at around midnight, the walls had been splashed with every vibrant colour under the rainbow. I had painted music notes through all the gaps of the paint splatters whilst Paul had simply put his handprint over the walls. I swear letting him know I had bought a small pot of silver paint was both the best and worst decision I had ever made.

"So when's this place opening?" he said as he lay beside me, not even one bit out of breath.

"Soon." I shrugged, "We just have to get everything fitted and it should be open in about a week. My dad hired some great guys to work on it so they'll get it opened quickly." I explained, he pumped his fist in the air.

"Sweet. This boardwalk needs somewhere where you can buy decent music. Me and my boys will probably be regular customers here." I leant up on one elbow.

"Where are they tonight?" I asked and he mimicked my action, his multi-coloured arm supported his head as he stared out the front of the store.

"Just around. I'll see them at home later. You wanna meet them?" He asked excitedly and I wrinkled my nose.

"Another night? My parents will want me back home soon." I told him, he nodded and stood up.

"I can drive you home, my bike's just down the boardwalk." He said, I raised my eyebrows and held my hands up for him to help me up.

"A bike?" I asked with a grin tugging at my lips, he nodded with a proud smirk.

"Think you can handle the speed?" he asked, I nodded with a clap of my hands and we hurriedly cleaned the store up before I fixed the covers over the front to hopefully help it dry but keep people out. The numbers on the boardwalk were dwindling as it got closer to closing time, but seeing as it was summer and the weather was so good, people stayed out later. I hadn't seen Nick even though he said he'd stop by, but he was probably too busy partying.

Paul's hand slipped in to mine as he led me down the boardwalk. I linked my fingers through his and decided it was cool to hold hands; we got to the other end of the boardwalk to where a lone motorcycle gleamed in the moonlight off the waves.

"That is so cool!" I said as I ran ahead to run my hand over the handlebars. He climbed on to the bike and held his hand out again to help me on.

"You might wanna hold on tight, this thing's faster than the wind." He warned lightly and I wound my arms around his waist. Before I even had time to ask about helmets he revved the bike off and we sped down the boardwalk on to the road. He followed the directions I gave him easily when I wasn't too busy squealing in exhilaration as we flew down the streets.

Eventually he stopped in front of my house and I climbed off, he chuckled as I wobbled slightly on my way to the pavement.

"Thanks for the ride. And for helping me tonight." I told him, he waved it off.

"It was a blast, can't wait to see what the guys think when they see my arms. David will think I got the weirdest tattoos ever." He said and I giggled at the thought.

"How many friends do you live with?" I asked.

"There's me and David, Marko and Dwayne." He said, all the names individually sounded unusual, but together as a group they seemed to fit. They all sounded interesting, the name Dwayne sounded particularly interesting to me.

"Sounds awesome, I'll have to meet them sometime."

"I'll make sure of it." Paul promised and revved his bike again, "See ya shorty!" he called as he sped down the street, I grinned and waved a coloured arm as I watched him go. The grin seemed to last even as I scrubbed the paint off and tip-toed past my parents who were sleeping, right until I closed my eyes.

I couldn't wait to see Paul again.