Hi! I'm Write and read forever I write A LOT of TMI fanfic! For quite some time now, I have been shipping Jordelia! I also have had a question about them answered by Cassie!

Instagram account:City_ofrebelwhovans



Okay here! Please review!

-write and read forever

Chapter 1

The Party

Paris, 1903

Anyone's POV

Cordeila Carstairs sat in her room, eyeing the blue and silver ballgown that her mother, Colette had laid gently on her bed over an hour ago. She knew she had to change eventually, slip on the corset, slip the dress, slip on the small silver pumps, comb and try to manage her bobbed, curly red hair. Try to do something to bring the color in her pale, sullen face. Try to be interested in everything and anything Fredrick Aldertree (OC) says and does. She hated him, but her mother was quite fit on her marrying him, because know one else had any interest in her. She would pretend to smile, pretend to giggle and understand. Watch as Lucy gave her pitied looks and Cordelia would face her biggest fear, the thing she cried herself to sleep every night because of. James Herondale and Grace Cartwright. Everyone loved them, adored them, but Cordelia, who had been madly inlove with him since she was ten. She watched him adore Grace, practically drool over her. she was beautiful.

Long white curly hair, perfect ice blue eyes, pale skin, perfect body. Image of grace and perfection. It killed Cordelia. She longed to be the one who reflected in Jamie's perfect amber eyes. Cordelia didn't realize she was crying until she felt tears hit her lap. She wiped them quickly, grabbing the Cortana out of the vanity drawer, the blade gleamed in her hands. She held onto it, as she sobbed at the numbness in her heart. The blade sliced her hands, but she didn't care.

Cordelia Carstairs was a broken hearted girl.

An hour later, she was perfectly dressed and done up. Wiping the Cortana off, she slipped it into the shelve on her thigh. She pretended to smile as her brother walked down the stairs, Alistair Carstairs was quite the young man, looking like his father, Elias and graceful like their mother Colette, she was the image of a perfect gentleman. His lovely girlfriend, Helena Braham (OC) walked with her arm lace around his. The two made the image of a perfect couple walk away crying. They were absolutely perfect. Helena's gold hair was piled upon her hair in delicate curls, secured with lovely pearl pins, her dress adored with pearls that made the pink satin jump in grace.

Cordelia and her brother had a rockey relationship, and hardly agreed on anything. He didn't agree with her choices and often got angry at her for her childness. He only wanted best for her, and he didn't mean to hurt her feelings, he just did.

"You look lovely, Cordelia." He smiled, trying to cheer his sister up, he knew going to the Herondale's parties was always a painful thing for her. Cordelia thanked him quietly, before heading to the carriage.

"Oh Alistar, I hate seeing her this way." Helena cooed, a sad look upon her face. "I know, but she has to learn that this is just the way it is." Alistar finished before pulling Helena into the second carriage.

Colette Carstairs sat a crossed her daughter. Trying to lift her spirits, but it was hard. Colette had her own problems, this was the first year that she would have to attended the party without her husband. Elias had died four months ago, although it was hard for the whole family, Colette was taking it the hardest.

Colette pulled at one of her long dark red curls, who matched her daughters, before sighing. "Dear, I promise it'll be okay. Just please, try for me and your father." she gave her a small smile. Cordelia, looked at her mother, tears threating to spill, before nodding, wiping them away for the second time that day.

Cordelia would try for her mother, and her whole family.

like it! please please please review and follow the accounts I gave at beginning! thank! the more reviews that faster the next chapter! -write and read forever