This little one shot idea has been floating around my brain for a while. Enjoy it I guess. –Kynita

Marceline Abadeer; age 23, currently working as a bouncer and part time fighter at the Ruffian Arena, was currently trying not to wake up her girlfriend as she entered their shared apartment. The key clicked loudly in the lock and she tensed, the door creaked and her heart stopped. She wasn't so much afraid as waking up Bonnibel but more so of the state Bonnibel might find her in.

Her girlfriend knew about the bouncer part of her job but she had not a single clue about the fighting part. Tonight, well shit, was a bad night. She came too close to losing the fight against a guy much, much bigger than her. He had her beat by almost two hundred pounds and almost another foot taller. But she'd rather not dwell on to many of the details.

Glancing around the main living room she gave herself the all clear. Gently closing and locking the front door she stepped out of her boots and began walking towards the only bathroom in the apartment. Keys were placed on the kitchen counter, a leather jacket draped on the back of the sofa, pants just discarded mid step followed by her tank top. By the time the yellowish fluorescent light in the bathroom turned on giving everything a sickly glow she was wearing absolutely nothing.

Her hair was in along braid down her back yet her bangs fell into her face. Her nose was offset by an inch or so and beginning to bruise. Some discoloration was beginning to appear underneath her right eye. Her grey eyes lingered the longest on the long spilt down her bottom lip, a few flakes of dried blood still lingered on her chin. "Fuck…." The word came out almost like a sigh.

How was she going to explain this to Bonnie, a few more wicked bruises decorated her ribs and arms but those never bothered her. Those always healed the fastest and where the easiest to hide. She turned the water all the way to left, waiting for steam to form she resumed starring at her reflection in the mirror. Long nimble fingers traced her jawline, then her lips wincing slightly as grazed the split.

Wrapped up in her reflection she didn't notice the bathroom door start to open until it was too late. "MARCELINE!" the fighter jumped and turned to face the other. Standing in front of her was Bonnibel; her girlfriend's short pink hair was tussled from restless sleep and her violet eyes full of concern and anger. "What the hell happened to you!?" Marceline looked at her, "What are you talking about love?"

"Wha….What am I talking about? Look at you! Did someone refuse to leave the bar? Did you crash your bike?!"

Marceline turned away unable to look her girlfriend in the eyes, "Finn….he asked me to fight tonight….and it was a big guy…" there was nothing but the sound of the shower water hitting the tile filled the room. "Marceline….Look at me"

She didn't, soft hands pulled her chin towards Bonnie, and "Hunnie look at me please." Reluctantly she caught violet eyes. Marceline didn't know what to expect but she planned for the worst but instead lips met hers. She flinched and took in a sharp gasp of air; Bonnibel jumped back, "are you ok? Shit, c'mon…let's just patch you up. We'll talk about my thoughts on your fighting afterwords." The fighter managed a small smile.

Marceline turned to enter the shower, "Aren't you going to wait for me?" She looked over her shoulder to see Bonnie in mid strip. "I see the way you are walking you can barely lift your arms higher than shoulder level you wouldn't even be able to wash your hair. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't take care you?"

To make her point the now nude Bubblegum walked forward and began to undo the Marceline's braid. The freed raven locks cascade all the way down to the top of her ass in such a wild fashion they almost looked like tentacles. Gentle hands guided her towards the shower. At first the hot water felt painful against her sore skin but as Bubblegum began to work out the knots in her muscles it became less and less painful and more and more comforting. A sigh of relief escaped her lips and she leaned back against her lover.

"Falling asleep on me?"

"No….just enjoying the moment."

A small chuckle echoed of the tile but the playfulness in the noise seemed a little off. It wasn't until Marceline became aware of her girlfriends hands that she realized why it sounded off. An arm around her waist held her close to her lover while the other hand had found its self in between the brawler's legs. She tensed and pushed against Bonnibel who responded pushing back. Her hands were outstretched before her gripping the tile to brace herself the best that she could.

Feather light kisses covered her neck and her back as her lover pumped in and out of her slowly, "I was so worried…..You weren't home when you said, I even called Finn and he said you had left already….I thought the worst." Marceline was silent. "That your bike crashed….or someone had caught you in the alley after work." A strong bite at the base of her neck. Marceline moaned.


Marceline's eyes were closed and she felt herself slowly drifting away. When she opened her eyes she wasn't in the shower of her apartment. Her girlfriend wasn't making love to her. No, instead she was back in the make shift cage. Finn was standing above her worry set deep into his face. Behind him were to EMT's.

"Thank god! Marceline your alive!"

She groaned her head pounded and her whole body ached, "Yeah…..what….what happened?"

Finn looked back at her after telling the EMTS she was awake, "He played dirty. He had some type of metal in his gloves. He caught you pretty good….Marcy you stopped breathing for like a minute….the Paramedics are even surprised you're this coherent…."

She groaned the dirty fucking cheat man if she ever saw him again he would regret it. She tried to sit up but Finn stopped her, "Hell no. Stay down. I already called Bonnie; she's meeting us at the hospital. Yes hospital….." he paused as the EMT's lifted her up on a gurney, she didn't even know they were patching her up as Finn talked to her. "I'm glad you're ok Marcy…" He sat in the ambulance with her but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about the little dream world she had visited. Maybe when she saw Bonnie she would be able to tell her all about it but for now the world was fading out and she was getting tired from whatever was in the IV. "Bonnie…."

Well there's the idea. If you feel like this should be more than a one shot comment and if enough vote towards it will continue. -Kynita