Chapter 1:


This is set in Kickin' It in China but for this story Jack, Kim, Grace, Milton, Jerry and Eddie are all 16.

Jack's POV:

China! The tournament! This is what I've been working towards for so long. I feel really nervous and like I'm going to throw up. The guys aren't here but Rudy, my sister Grace and Kim are. Kim. I want to make her proud. I can do this.

My name is called and after Rudy accidentally smashes a few things I go to the middle and wait for my opponent. I can do this.

Suddenly my opponent is announced and I gulp. I can't do this! Its Kai. The only person who's ever beaten me. The boy who made me give up karate. My cousin.

"Kai?" I ask and I hear another voice ask along with me. I turn around to see who said it and see Kim looking shocked.

"Hey babe." Kai says shooting a grin at Kim. What the hell is going on?!

Kim's POV:

K-K-Kai. I can't breath. He grins at me menacingly and I feel faint. I fall backwards and before I black out I see Jack run over.

I wake up and Jack's there but we're not on the Great Wall of China anymore. We're back at the hotel and Jack and I are alone in mine and Grace's room. Hold back your T rated thoughts Kim I think as I remember what happened. Kai.

Jack's notices I'm awake and passes me some food before asking me if I'm alright. I nod and say that I have no idea why I fainted but I don't buy it and neither does Jack. He gives me a look and says "Kim, seriously. How do you know Kai?"

"How do YOU know Kai?" I ask in return, thinking back to how we had both said "Kai?" simultaneously as that stupid boy appeared.

"I asked you first." Jack says and I groan. I can't tell Jack. I can't. I don't want to worry him. Or make him jealous. We're getting closer and I kinda hope he might ask me out soon. "KIM!" Jack shouts, snapping me out of my daze.

"Fine he was my ex-boyfriend okay? Now you."

Jack takes in my information, looking upset before answering my question. "He's my cousin." Oh great. The guy I like is that devil's cousin.

"Why did you guys break up?" Jack questions and I lower my eyes to the ground. I don't want to talk about it. I've never told anyone, my older brother and my mom are the only ones who know and they found out on their own, but I feel like I can trust Jack. He's my best friend and my crush. I slow my breathing down as I reply.

"He hit me. A lot. And-" I pause. Jack already looks horrified but I have to finish. "And he raped me a couple of times."

"He WHAT NOW?!" Jack's yelling now. I try to calm him down but he won't. "When?"

"A couple of years ago. I was 14. He was 15." I say it nervously. I'm really worried now. "Jack don't do anything you'll regret."

"I won't regret killing him at the reset match tomorrow."



"I like you. I like-like you. Please stay away from Kai, unless you have to fight. I need you." I have tears in my eyes. I've lost the advantage now. He knows I like him (heck I love him) but I don't care. I do need Jack.

He stops pacing and yelling and sits down on my bed. "I like you too. Do you want to be my girlfriend Kim?" He whispers. "Totally" I reply and before we know it we're on the bed making out passionately and moaning. There's a knock on the door and Jack tumbles off the bed in shock as I giggle, smooth my hair down and yell "come in".

Milton, Jerry, Eddie, Rudy and Jack's twin sister and my best (girl) friend Grace walk in. They raise their eyebrows at Jack and I's messy hair and the way Jack is trying to look casual lying on the floor before sitting down.

"What happened?" Grace mouths at me and I mouth back "I'll tell you later". Then all seven of us talk about if I'm okay and Jack's match tomorrow but when Eddie asks why I fainted Jack gives him a death glare and no-one else asks again.

After the guys (including Jack) leave. Grace sits down on her bed and we start talking. I don't tell her about Kai because I don't feel quite ready yet but I tell her about kissing Jack and she laughs but looks a bit disappointed. When I ask why she says "it only took 3 months since we made the bet!"

"What bet?" I ask and she replies that Eddie, Jerry, Milton, Rudy, Julie and her made a bet on how long it would take me and Jack to get together. It appears Milton won and Grace said she guessed four months and we both start laughing for what feels like years but then I sarcastically say that if Jack hadn't told the guys I would be willing to keep our relationship a secret for another month!

She kindly says I don't have to. Honestly I love Grace but she needs to understand sarcasm. Does she really think that now I've got Jack I'm gonna let him go!

After that the two of us go down to meet the boys.

Kai's POV:

Kim and Jack. One place. Time for my revenge.