Just like the last time it happened, the Doctor found himself pondering on Sarah Jane's words: "You always say you're so lonely, but look at you! You have the biggest family in the universe." At the time those words were brought up by the memory of Donna, or rather the memories Donna lost.

The Time Lord realized now why he was so lonely. It wasn't the long gaps—years, decades even—that he didn't have a companion that made him so lonely. It was when he wasn't rambling, laughing, or saving a planet that he looked at Rose, Martha, and Donna and realized the pain his future brought. In a way the feeling was like the beating drums of the master, a never ending rhythm. A pattern. A song that should have ended long ago and never even got a key change.

The fact was loneliness didn't come from having no one, but knowing and fearing that everyone you adored was going to leave you. That made the Doctor the loneliest man of all.

And once again the song was repeating. The Ponds were gone.

Then there was click of a lever and the whir of an engine. The Doctor looked up from the staircase he was brooding on. His feelings went through a loop as the old girl started to materialize on some foreign planet. He had just said goodbye to the ponds then River not that long ago, was he even allowed to grieve? Apparently not.

The Doctor smiled, regaining a little bit of his pizzazz, "where are you taking me now, old girl?"

This is a story I have planned out in full and have the first part completely written. Usually I'm reluctant to actually upload my fanfiction, but a good friend told me I should after I let her read it. So here it goes!