"Coming!" called Jenny when the doorbell rang. She had been engrossed in a webpage about new fandom group that were obsessed not only with Doctor video games, but locating the man himself. She smiled, since she had just posted a comment about an interesting cosplayer that dressed in one of the more eccentric descriptions of the Doctor, dressed in a tweed jacket, bowtie, and suspenders. She preferred her father's clothes of pinstriped suits and converse shoes, similar to her own style. Her face beamed at the memory of the father she knew only for a day, and opened the door…

…And felt her smile melt away as she saw Joe, the gamer who accused her father of doing something illegal. Not that she doubted it, but it just angered her that the man had said it so bluntly. Now that she thought about it though, he never directly insulted Brad, which stopped her from slamming down the door in his face.

"I know what you're here for." Curious, the man was at least in his late twenties, but the way he nervously held his hands behind him and a body that refused to stay still was similar to a small boy. Until she spoke, he was avoiding her gaze, and when he made eye contact, he made a sheepish smile.

Then he straitened up and got to the point, "I… wanted to apologize for yesterday, and would like to make it up."

He looked so sincere, guilty. But she had a feeling that guilt wasn't for insulting Brad.

"And how do you propose you do that, and at this time? You're lucky I'm an early riser."

"And why do you suppose that is, that you're an early riser? Why is it that you're so good at war games? Because I'm going to tell you why, and when I'm done you're going to know who I am."

There was a pause that seemed to last forever, and Jenny felt her heart beat flutter and a strange rush of excitement made her body feel like it was just flooded by adrenaline.

"You have a lot of running to do."

Sorry it's been a month since I uploaded, I forgot I haven't put up the Epilogue yet. It's just been a hectic month.

I am not going to be able to upload the next part for some time, since this is currently the busiest time of the year for me. I'm a senior who is not coasting in my last year of high school on top of marching band which I am in a leadership position. I am also planning on join the National Art Honor Society, which require service hours. All this will make me extremely busy until the beginning of December. For now I would appreciate if you follow this story in some way, and maybe checking up on it in a few months. It will only take a few seconds out of your day to add this story to your favorites, and it will mean a whole lot to me. Thanks!

Also when I do get around to posting again, the next part will be titled "Welcome to Bear Country".