AN: sorry, theres been some trouble uploading. i shall fix it right away. and thank you all for all of your wondorful reviews!

Sealand sat in England's living room uncomfortably. Across from him, England could be seen reading a very old book, impatiently, as he was tapping the Master's drum beat from Doctor Who with his fingers. He seemed rather inpatient for Sweden to pick up his hyper younger brother.

Sealand on the other hand was only sitting still out of nerves. He had never met Sweden officially before, but he had seen him at meetings, and knew him to be one of the scariest nations out there. Right next to The Netherlands and Germany. When he heard that he was adopting him, he was terrified.

There was a sharp rap on the door and Sealand jumped slightly. England put his book down with a huff. "Bloody hell, it took him long enough." He grumbled, answering the door.

On the other side was none other than Sweden. Dressed, slightly less casual than normal, bangs messy and over his eyes, intimidating nerd glasses on, and a "Scary" expression on his face. Not that this surprised England, it simply startled him.

"Ah. Well hello, Sweden." England said uncomfortably.

"'Lo. Is Sealand ready to go?" He asked. Sealand appeared next to England, suitcase in hand. Sweden could see the striking resemblance between the two. Sealand seemed quite eager to leave.

Once they were settled in the car, there was an awkward silence, which Sweden had no clue how to break. Sealand ended up doing it for him.

"Uhm... Mr. Sweden?" He asked tentatively. Which was unusual for the hyper little micronation.

"Ya don't have t' call me something so formal." He replied. The last thing he wanted was Peter to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh um. Okay. Where will I be living?" He asked.

"With me and the other Nordics. Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Finland. Have you met them before?" He asked.

Sealand smiled and nodded, and Sweden took this as a good sign.

"Just Iceland. He helped me sneak into a world meeting." He said sheepishly. Sweden chuckled.

"How old 're ya?" He asked curiously.

Sealand smiled happily. "I'm 47! I'll be 48 September 2!" He said.

Sweden smiled. He was very young, for a nation. "Really? Th'ts very soon. Ya planning to do something special?"

Sealand thought for a moment. "Well... Maybe a party with the other Micronations, and Latvia... Or go back to the fort, and see my boss." He considered. "What about you? How old are you?" He asked.

"617. 'm an old man." He said,smiling ruefully. Sealand shook his head.

"No no no. I bet there are plenty of Nations older than you. It's how you act that makes you old. Do you act old?"

Sweden considered this. No. He came to the conclusion quickly the he acted like a teenaged boy.

"No. I don't act old."

The car lapsed into comfortable silence.

"What do you like to do?" Sealand asked out of the blue. At Sweden's confused look he elaborated. "Like, besides, being an all important Nation and all of that boring work, what do you do?"

Sweden smiled. "I like to play video games."

Sealand smiled. "Wow, really? I didn't expect that."

"No one really does." Sweden laughed. "Do you?"

"I wish, but England doesn't have any and I never have any time for that on the Fort. America let's me play with him sometimes though." He replied.

Sweden smiled, thinking of his gaming partner, Cry. Who also,kept his identity a secret, in the form a white mask.

The conversation continued, jumping to different subject, and generally learning about each other.

Sweden to himself as Sealand fell asleep, curled up in seat, after a while of driving.

Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.