"So what you're saying is," she said, staring at the Pharaoh matter-of-factually "it wasn't just a puzzle."

It's not like Naoto never took a trip to the core of her soul/mind/it wasn't clear before, but she usually had the TV's help for that. Even if that sentence made no sense, that's just how her world was. But right now she was staring at the tall, handsome Egyptian while standing in an infinite, impossible maze, with no television in sight.

"No. It wasn't."

"I see."

The detective looked around again, trying to absorb the alien geometry and overall lack of logic of the place. Stairs went up and down and down again, but a different down. Doors opened to different places than you'd expect, and then you would try again and they would go to another place you didn't expect. And to think all she had to do to access this impossible plane of existence was to… what had she done, again?

Ah, yes. The puzzle.

"I believe I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Naoto Shirogane."

"Ms. Shirogane, it's a pleasure. My name is Atem." The name sounded familiar. Not as familiar as Cleopatra or Tutankhamen, but still sounded related to Egyptian royalty. His skin tone and clothing didn't match any Egyptian period she knew of, though. In fact, it looked like last year's Domino City fashion. "Is something the matter?" He probably noticed her staring.

"Your name sounds Egyptian, but…"

"The clothes." She wasn't going to mention his ethnicity like that, so she just nodded. "They are… a vestige of my last partner."

"And the hair too, I suppose?" There was also the amazing multicolor crowd of purple, black and yellow hair adorning the man's head that was NOT natural, no matter how much-

"Oh no, that's mine all right."


"Well, it's been a pleasure Mr. Atem, but could I please be either escorted out of here, or given a reason as to why you have summoned me to your…"

"Millennium Puzzle."

"The puzzle I just completed? I am inside of it?"

"I'm afraid so. When you complete it, you gain the ability to directly tether with my spirit and mind. To become one with and access the skill of the King of Games, to be the very best, like no one ever was, in the most noble of sports."

"Chess?" She risked.

"Duel Monsters."

Naoto stared at the Pharaoh.


"Excuse me?"

"You said Duel Monsters?"

"Well, yes, it's an ancient game of-"


"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Atem looked flustered and mildly offended that someone wouldn't think Duel Monsters is the greatest thing ever. Naoto had seen that particular look before.

In Teddie's eyes.

"I am not interested in a children's card game, Mr. Atem, and I would like to leave now."

"But Mr. Shirogane, it's not-"

"It is." She'd had this argument before. With two of her best friends. At the same time. "And, as I said, I am not interested, in the slightest, on participating on such trivial hobbies."

"But apparently watching Transformers cartoons is a respectable occupation."

Her eye widened, but she managed to keep her composure.

"Get out of my mind!"

"I'm afraid I cannot. Even if I don't approve of your words, I must at least try to convince you to listen to me, since a great danger has come to your city."

Naoto sighed, not sure if she should believe the Pharaoh. Or if it even mattered. She and her friends had beaten great dangers before. In fact, they were a great danger to great dangers at this point. What could this card game aficionado possibly say to convince her?

"Fine. Go on."

"My Millennium Puzzle has detected another one of the Millennium Items on the proximities of your city, and it also harbors a spirit. Not quite like me, though. It is a dark spirit, and if it manages to possess an innocent soul, the consequences will be severe to all life."

"That does sound incredibly important and quite alarming."

"To prevent that, we must beat this evil spirit in a fair game and-"

"Oh my God." Naoto pressed her temples in an attempt to quell her annoyance at the man. He had no idea the hell she had had to support in the last few days because of that stupid game. "Look Mr. Pharaoh, I understand you mean well, but please, keep the card games to a minimum. I am not interested in them at all."

"But you don't understand, we've played this game for over three thousand years and it is the only way to defeat him!"

"Have you won a duel against him in the last three thousand years?"

"Yes, of course! I am the King of Games."

"And yet, he's back."

Atem was taken aback, but he looked more embarrassed than angry.

"Well, he's smart. He always manages to come back somehow."

"Maybe because your method of dealing with the problem is to play a children's card game."

"It is NOT for children!"

"Look in my memories and search for Teddie."

"I… look Naoto, I need your help here, okay? Yugi's too busy now that he's a teacher at Duel Academy, and I can't do this on my own. You're easily the smartest person in this town, I know it because you actually took the time to solve my puzzle…"

"I thought it was for kids."

"… the point is, your city is in trouble and I would like your help to save it."

As much as she disliked the idea of getting involved in Duel Monsters, Naoto had to admit it was still her job as regular heroine and all-around badass to save Inaba whenever the city needed her. Because of that, she sighed and extended her hand to the man.

"I accept the case. However, I would prefer if we kept card games out of this. We do things my way."

"I accept your conditions." Atem said, squeezing Naoto's hand with a firm grip.

"So, do you know where this other item might be?"

"I already know it, actually. Remember when you asked me to look for this… Teddie… in your memories?"


Atem waved his hand by his side, materializing a tridimensional image of Teddie on his human form. Naoto wanted to ask what was wrong with Teddie, but then a shiny outline slowly became clearer on the general area of his chest.

"That right there is known as the Millennium Ring." Atem said, his frown suddenly very serious. "And your friend Teddie has it."