Good to be back, loving the reviews to this return.

Long time coming and sorry for taking so long to begin with.

Also, reminder since I haven't updated in a while.

No Atreus in this Arc, No Kratos. Period. They will never show up in this story. Sorry.

So yeah, Halsey, Thorne and Shress are here and in the words of one Jim Ross business is about to pick up.

We've officially entered the Norse section of the world of Midgard and we've got a lot to do. Realms to visit, monsters to fight, Gods to meet and greet and Valkyries to free. I don't really wanna withhold you guys from the adventure so let's keep going.

Rate Read and Review and as Always Have Nice Day.

Noble Justice Chapter 41: Lake of The Nine.

Noble Six stood before a vast land that had a thick fog hovering over the entire area, making it incredibly difficult to see. Even with his armor and eyesight enhancements. So this was probably a mystical fog. Honestly, it shouldn't be to far a throw in disbelief. He's literally standing in an alternate plane of existence connected to and overlapping 8 others all at the same time.

Magic, ladies and gentlemen. Never gets old really.

"So~." Wally said. "This is a lake."

"And a damn big one at that." Artemis added.

"Then is this it?" Dot asked, small version of herself hovering near Six's head. "Is this the Lake of the Nine?"

"Freya spoke of a temple being here." Kaldur stated. "The Temple of Tyr."

"Well I don't see anything." Wally said.

"Dot, Cortana?"

"Are scanners aren't picking up on anything." Cortana answered. "But this fog and environment is playing hell with our scanners."

"If there's that much disruption, perhaps we are near the temple." Donna mused aloud.

"Possibly. Wouldn't put outside that idea." Dot agreed.

"So, what should we do then?" Wally asked. "There's a rowboat over there."

The group turned to where Wally was pointing to seeing a rowboat that had enough room for about three or four if they squeezed in.

"Yeah, Wally, there's no way in hell Six is fitting on that." Cortana flatly declared.

"So then what should we do?" Artemis questioned.

"I can go into the lake." Kaldur said, stepping forward with his feet in the water.

Six however was not too keen on the idea. "Negative Kaldur, I'd rather not test the waters here. You may be Atlantean but we don't know what could be lurking beneath the surface. Right now we need to stay together."

"Then what are we gonna do?" Wally asked, mirroring Artemis's earlier question.

"The three of you stick to the boat for now." The back of Six's armor adjusted itself with two thrusters appearing. He hovered up into the air placing his Axe on his back while calling for a shotgun from his armor slip-space storage.

"Donna, the two of us will keep to the air. More maneuverability for you especially."

She only nodded, levitating up into the air. Aqualad pushed the boat into the water with him, Artemis and Kid Flash jumping in.

Since there were two paddles, Kaldur and Wally took to rowing with Artemis providing lookout along with Donna and Nathan who flew overhead.

The entire lake was silent, the fog thick and soupy with very low visibility. The water was relatively unmoving, the only ripples coming from the rowing boat.

"You know, I'd say I'd be feeling some real Friday the 13th kinda vibes but weirdly, not getting it honestly." Wally spoke up after several moments of silent rowing.

"Don't tempt fate like that." Artemis remarked. "I'd rather not a masked lunatic in a hockey mask start breathing down our necks."

"What is this Friday the 13th you speak of?" Wonder Girl inquired. "Is this a film or TV show I have yet to see."

"Yeah, it's a horror film." Wally said. "We'll show you later."

"There's something ahead." Kaldur's voice cut through the conversations with the group tensing up.

Drawing closer through the water and air, the group saw what appeared to be a rotting, molding statue though only the torso, arms with a sword and shield along with its damaged head was above the water.

"What's this?" Artemis inquired.

"It appears to be a statue but the rest of it is below the surface." Dot remarked.

"What's it doing out here though?" Wally asked, squinting his eyes at the statue.

"This appears to be the center of the lake." Donna noted, looking around them. Though the fog was still exceptionally thick, the Amazon was able to slightly make out what appeared to mountains and hills from all directions.

"Hey look." Wally pointed at the statues upper torso. "There's some runes engraved on it."

Six zoomed in on the runes via his helmet scope, Dot and Cortana outlining the runes for him.

"What's it say?" Artemis asked.

"Translating…" Cortana said, having been cyphering the runes. "Sacrifice your arms to the center so that you may again awaken the cradle of the world."

"And that's supposed to mean?" Wally said with a roll of his hands.

"It is asking us to relinquish our weapons to the lake." Donna surmised. "Or perhaps just one of ours."

"Well, I don't got any." Wally shrugged.

"And I kinda need my bow." Artemis said wryly.

"What do you think, Six?" Kaldur asked.

The Spartan was hovering in the air staring at the rune before reaching around and pulling out his newest weapon.

"Huh, you sure Nathan?" Cortana inquired. "I know it comes back but we really have no idea what's gonna happen if you do whatever it is these runes are asking."

"Hmmm." Nathan tossed his Axe into the air, the weapon flipping around once before returning back into his hand. "Only one way to find out I suppose."

Without needing any further incentive, Six reared his arm back and then flung his Axe far away from the group with its echoing splash being heard. Six felt the connection he had as he reached forth to recall it a moment later.


"It's not coming back." Donna warily noted.

"Well great, now we just lost a brand-new toy." Dot said exasperatedly.

Just as she finished that statement, the waters suddenly began to swirl about chaotically with a strange feeling that they were dropping in level so to speak.

Donna and Six were now hovering beside the boat as Kaldur and Artemis had their weapons drawn.

"We're detecting movement!" Cortana said aloud.


"All over the place!"

"GUYS!" Wonder Girl yelled out with her eyes wide with her sword and shield up and ready though in all honesty she had no idea as to how to handle this situation.

Because there was a giant moving thing that had paused and revealed an eyes that was larger than Six. And then it pulled away to reveal itself.

To say that it was gigantic would be putting it mildly.

It was easy to discern that it was a snake but the main driving force here was that it a GIANT FUCKING SNAKE LARGER THAN A MOUNTAIN.

Cortana and Dot had their digital jaws drop and their eyes bulge. The others had a similar reaction, jaws dropped with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Wh-What is that?" Artemis said with a squeak.

"Jörmungandr." Donna whispered in reverent, stunned awe. "The World Serpent. The Snake that coils around the Earth itself."

"Yeah~" Wally's voice was trembling at the sight and size of the gigantic head that looked down upon them.

The Giant snake let out a huff of air and something was coming right for them. Or more specifically, Noble Six.

Quirking a brow, Six held out his hand and grabbed the Leviathan Axe out from the air.

"It's your Axe!" Dot said in relief. "Wait, did the snake eat your axe?"

"Sacrifice your arms to awaken the cradle of the world." Six muttered beneath his breath until everyone quite literally held theirs as Jörmungandr inclined his head down right to them…

And then it spoke…


The entire area around them rippled and vibrated as the baritone and gargantuan voice of Jörmungandr.

"It can talk?!" Was the statement of several of the group with all just staring up at it in awe.

"What is it even saying?!" Dot said, still digitally slack-jawed.

Donna's entire being shook, looking up in wonder as the World Serpent regarded them all in an almost friendly manner before inclining back after a few more indistinguishable words.

"By the Gods." Wonder Girl had a small smile on her face as she continued trembling in disbelief.

"Holy fuck!" Cortana found herself exclaiming, startling many out of their stupor. "You know it was crazy enough when I got here but that? That right there takes the cake."

"Unbelievable." Kaldur murmured, when he noticed something. "Were those towers there before?"

The group saw several towers all along the lakeside, each being two pronged or pillared of sorts with a large emblazoned circle and Rune engraved upon its center.

It was then that they noticed a particularly large structure where the submerged statue used to be. And by that, the statue was now elevated high above standing atop a large….

"Temple." Donna muttered though she was heard by the others.

"So~ this must be the Temple of Tyr." Dot said.

The structure was large, slightly domed shape and circular with many staircases and pathways and a long large bridge that was connected to one of the towers.

"This was under the water the entire time." Kaldur stated, watching as water continued to flow out from the temple as a whole with seaweeds and fish of sorts were on the structure.

"The water sank when the temple rose." Six noted.

"This must be the cradle of the world then." Donna said excitedly. "The center where the temple of Tyr resides."

"But what does it do?" Artemis asked.

"Only one way to find out." Kaldur said, sitting back down and grabbing his paddle. "Come on Wally, there's a place where we can dock over there."

"Yeah, I see it."

Docking at the temple with Donna and Nathan landing beside them, all five turned back at the sound of the giant snake moving about once more.

They caught it gazing at them with a kind of curious intelligence that was both incredible and unsettling.

It eventually laid its head down to rest behind a mountain, disappearing from view yet if one were to look at the surrounding mountain range from above it was easy to see the surrounding body coiling around the place.

"That's just unreal." Artemis murmured.

"You're telling us." Cortana said wryly. "Our universe is used to big technology, not gigantic snakes the size of a planet."

"Well, you best get used to it." Wally said with a joking tone. "Who know, you'll have us to do it with you. God knows I do."

"Come on, let's go check this place out." Donna said with a sudden eagerness to here. She had been speaking much on the Norse Pantheon on what she did and didn't know but here was chance for her to learn so much about their worlds and realms and she was not going to pass it up.

As they trailed up the staircases, they stood in between the bridge of the temple and the temple itself. Which apparently, already had an occupant.

"Well if it ain't the bundle of freshly made sack seeds. Have we got somethin' special for all of you."

All heads swiveled around to see none other than Brok holding the doors open to the interior of the temple with Sindri guiding along their beast of burden.

"Brok, must you be so rude to our guests?" Sindri said exasperatedly. "They agreed to help us prevent Ragnarok, remember?"

"Gah, don't mean I got to change the way I talk." Brok waved off. "Come on you ankle biters, get in here. Been hard at work for some crap you'll need to be getting around for."

"Ankle biters?" Wally muttered. "He barely reaches our waists."

The group entered into the temple where four were met with a rather sweltering heat emanating around them.

"Been a while but now that this fuckin temples' out of the depths, we can finally re-open our old shop." Brok declared proudly.

"How'd you guys get this up and running so fast?" Artemis asked in bewilderment. "This temple just got out of the water."

"Nunya." Brok idly answered.


"Nunya fucken business." Brok said. "Trade secret. We dwarves have our ways."

Artemis only stared flatly at the dwarf, rolling her eyes when she felt her boyfriends hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine, Wally." Artemis assured.

"Just checking."

Artemis couldn't deny her heart warming up at her boyfriends show of care, pecking him on the cheek in appreciation.

"So what's this you have prepared for us?" Cortana asked, appearing in front of the work bench of the Huldra Brothers forge.

"A little something we whipped up for the five of ya for getting around." Brok explained.

Sindri had already brought forth a bag and spilled out its contents all of which being glowing turquoise rocks. Brok picked one up and tossed it at Six.

"Catch." The Spartan grabbed it out of the air with Brok going on to gesture to something behind them.

"See that pile a' rocks there?"

They all turned to see said pile abruptly form up into door of some kind with the stone in Nathan's hand glowing. In the center was an unidentifiable symbol none recognize.

"These magic stones here are Keys of the world tree Yggdrasil. With 'em you can open up magic doors to the branches of the World Tree." Brok explained.

"In essence, they're shortcut between realms." Sindri added. "Anyone that you find you can use to get back to the temple here in an instant."

"Useful." Dot remarked, her and Cortana scanning the make up of the rock in hand.

"Huh, Portals eh?" Wally said, taking one of the stones that Sindri had held up for him to take, a nod of thanks. "Any chance we'll run into a crazy AI named Glados in the tree branches?"


"Don't mind him." Kaldur said with a know smirk directed at his friend. "Inside joke back home."

"It's a one-way trip mind you." Brok added. "Straight back here and nowhere else. And when yer traversing the branch never, whatever you do never, never, never, EVER, never, ever throw yourselves over the edge of the path… Lest you want death."

"Duly noted." Dot stated.

Over by said pile of rocks that had remained in their door shaped form, Kaldur and Donna were observing the doorway with great interest.

"A shortcut between realms, huh?" Donna mused in wonder.

"Makes navigation a bit easier." Kaldur turned back to the dwarves. "It responds to our stones, correct?"

"Yeah." Brok nodded. "Just hold it up see and when it lets off a bit of a glow, yer good to go in."

"There should be branches scattered across here in Midgard and the other realms." Sindri said. "Though getting to those realms remain the problem."

"How so?" Cortana inquired.

"That there lay our biggest problem." Brok said, getting rather serious. "See, when Odin up and had a fucked "Vision" of the future went and cock-gobbled shit-pantsed sealing off access to all the other realms."

"We dwarves can get around our own way." Sindri stated. "But essentially, all the other realms have been completely cut off from one another and the Temple. Each realm is essentially on their own right now."

"And doesn't help that the fuckin winged harpies up and vanished to." Brok said with a grimace. "Means more undead assholes then usual makin a fuckin nuisance of themselves to all the realms."

"The realms are in chaos." Sindri said glumly. "And Ragnarok… it is coming whether we are prepared for it or not."

"Alright, so what should we do then?" Dot asked. "Cause it sounds to me like we're in for a handful."

"We need to reconnect the realms first and foremost." Sindri declared. "Within the next room over is the chamber in which one can traverse the other Realms. Did you notice some of those towers out there?"

He got nods of confirmation.

"Each represent one of the nine realms. Asgard, Midgard, Vanaheim and so on." Sindri rambled on.

"Cept we're missin one." Brok chimed in. "The realm tower and Rune to the Jötunheim, land of the giants."

"And the last of the giants made sure that no one could gain access to their home." Sindri said somberly.

"This is a lot to take in, if we're being honest." Artemis said.

"Oh, we're sorry." Sindri quickly apologized. "We forgot how you all came on such short notice and know so little."

"Well where do start then?" Cortana inquired, a questioned shared by the group.

Sindri and Brok shared a look, mulling over their words and problems.

"If only we could find one of the missing Sons." Sindri said frustratedly. "Loki, Thor and Tyr have all gone missing."

"And that horned headed know it all, Mimir." Brok added. "He knows more about all this then anyone else."

"But Odin's had him locked away in who knows where within the Nine Realms." Sindri said bitterly.

"All I'm hearing right now is we don't have a lot of options." Cortana said dryly.

"Sorry." Sindri held a sheepish expression whilst Brok just 'hmphed' grumpily.

"It appears we're at an impasse." Kaldur said with a slight frown.

Sindri hummed, racking his brain.

"Maybe not so." Sindri stated. "There may be one place you can go that has held a bit of our interest for a while now."

The groups' interest perked up as Sindri left the forge and gestured for them to follow after him. He quickly made his way over to where they entered, the doors still open.

Standing back outside, Sindri looked around and then let out an 'ah' and gestured upwards to the tallest mountain that surrounded the lake.

"See that mountain?" Sindri inquired with the team nodding their heads. "That is the mountain of the Giants. It's the tallest peek in all of Midgard and upon it, the last gateway to Jötunheim."

"And this is important." Six said, looking down at Sindri. "Why?"

"That one-eyed fuck Odin's got somethin up there." Brok chimed in, hobbling out from the temple interior. "Somethin that's enshrouded with a mist that's combined from the winds of Hel, Niflheim and even our home, Nidavellir."

"Something that only he and other select individuals from Asgard have access to." Sindri said. "And whatever that may be is worth looking in to."

"Ok~" Cortana said, holo-form appearing in full along with Dot as they both gazed up at the mountain. "What was that about a mist?"

"That there be yer main blockade of sorts." Brok sniffed, rubbing under his nose in thought. "But me thinks there's a way past it. Come back inside, I's gots an idea."

Brok then quickly made his way back into the temple, the team going after him.

He was moving over to the forge, round the back before he seemingly disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Dot asked Sindri who shrugged.

A moment later, Brok reappeared from behind the forge, walking back to the main work bench.

"Alright." Brok declared. "While we wait here a moment, how's about me and my brother help spruce up yer equipment to better suit yerselves round these parts."

The teens stared at him in bewilderment with Sindri clearing his throat.

"What he means to say is, we would like to help upgrade your weapons and other equipment since you five will be staying here for some time it would seem."

"Yeah that." Brok said, pointing at one of them. "Wondie, c'mere. Got something reals special for yer shield you got on there."

A brow twitched at the dwarfs blunt and rude request but nonetheless she approached the bench, shield in hand. Placing it on the table, Brok examined it from all sides with Sindri joining him a short moment after.

"My word, the craftsmanship on this is exquisite." Sindri praised. "The curvature is profoundly elegant."

"Balance feels a bit off though." Brok murmured. "You ever feel like it's not properly weighted?"

Donna opened her mouth to deny this when she thought about it for a moment.

"You know, I never realized it." Wonder Girl admitted. "It always felt slightly disorienting with the center not being properly weighted like the edged of the shield."

"Well that's what we're here for." Brok said, approaching the table with a gauntlet of some kind and hammer in tow.

Sindri had magically pulled out a whetstone that glowed with runes and in his other was a powder that he blew onto the shield. Glowing alight, Brok place the gauntlet on top of the shield directly in the center. Sindri quickly rubbed the whetstone on several corners and sides with the gauntlet now glowing. Brok finished off the process with an emphatic hammer strike.

The gauntlet and shield shuddered and vibrated rapidly until both seemingly fused together, with the shield disappearing into the gauntlet that clattered onto the table.

Brok let out a triumphant laugh. "There we go, good and better then new."

The entire team stared in wonder, silently enraptured by seeing the Dwarves do their handiwork.

Brok approached Donna with new gauntlet in hand.

"What's yer shield arm?"

Donna held out her left hand and Brok clamped the gauntlet around her wrist and bracelet, blending with the bracelet seamlessly.

Wordlessly she held up her arm and with a quick jolt of the wrist her shield appeared.

"Aw, that is just cool." Wally said aloud.

Wonder Girl's eyes glimmered in awe, with an excited grin stretching out her lips that couldn't get any wider.

"The weight, the sides, everything is perfectly balanced."

"I see you're all busy."

Everyone turned to see none other then Freya walking into the temple with an amused smile.

"When Brok came tromping into my home about a trip, I didn't realize it was a chance for him and Sindri to showcase their talents again." Freya said whimsically.

"Apologies, Lady Freya." Sindri said cordially with a bow. "It's just something came up that we could use your help with."

"And what might that be?"

"Something about a dark mist." Artemis answered vaguely.

"Dark mist?"

"Yeah, see there's this fog that blankets around the Jötnar mountain making it impossible for us to get around to." Brok quickly elaborated. "But I'z got an idea of bypassing said fog."

"And this requires my aid?" Freya said with a quirk of her brow.

"Sure does yer majesty." Brok stated. "Needin the light of Alfheim for this particular endeavor."

Freya's expression morphed from one of whimsy to stern wariness.

"Are you certain about this, Brok?"

"I'm afraid so, your majesty." Sindri said earnestly. "We believe that there is something on the top of that mountain that can assist our friends here and we need them to go to Alfheim and get a portion of the light."

Freya looked at the two Dwarves, turning to the team that had remained silent this entire time.

Letting out a sigh, she turned to the teens once more.

"I guess you'll be seeing the nine realms sooner than later." Freya said, moving past them towards the set of doors on the right-hand side when facing the forge.

The doors before her opened with the team piling in after her. They stood within a large chamber that was greatly darkened with Freya being the only source of light via a rock she pulled out until Six turned on his helmet lights to better illuminate the area.

"Where are we this time?" Cortana asked aloud.

"And why is it so dark in here?" Wally inquired with a weary look around the darkened chamber.

"This is the realm travel room. A room that has been asleep for far too long." Freya explained, walking forward to what appeared to be the center of the room. "The center point of the temple and what allows the ability to travel into all the nine realms. It only needs the light of a Bifrost to reawaken."

"Bifrost?" Dot perked up. "The rainbow bridge that connects the realm of Asgard to Midgard?"

Freya chuckled lightly. "Not really. Though I do recall that old mortal tale. No, the Bifrost is a relic all utilize in one-way shape or form that allows travel to the nine realms."

Donna saw white vines and branches that glowed with a blue hue, radiating ancient magic.

"These branches…" Donna kneeled down to one of them, gently grazing her fingers over the white and blue surface.

"Branches of the World Tree, Yggdrasil." Freya explained.

"The world tree that binds the nine realms together." Donna whispered. "Are we standing in the world tree right now?"

"No, the World Tree is much greater and grander in understanding in scope and in size." Freya stated. "The tree of life is bound to the fate of the world, just as we are bound to it. Or my people at least."

She stood upon a circled moat that separated her from the center of the room. and in the center of the room was an elevated table with pieces of the "World Tree" surrounding it and floating above it in a weird mystic mumbo jumbo type of way. Real beautiful, quaint and all.

Vines suddenly sprouted out from the moat to form a bridge for Freya to crossover and stand at the edge of the table.

"Come." Freya gestured for the teens to stand around the table, the five joining her with all staring down at the strange shimmering water.

Freya and Six stood side by side at what seemed to be the main control area of this strange table with a specifically made slot that jutted out from the circular table.

"So how does this work exactly?" Cortana asked in wonder, her readings picking up on energy fluctuations her coding couldn't even begin to think of. "Is it like some super portal like Slip-space or alternate dimensions?"

Unhooking something that was attached to the strap of her Quiver, Freya held it out for Nathan to take.

"Here, with this Bifrost, you can create travel between realms."

Six took the Bifrost in his hand, examining it carefully as it glowed with an ethereal white light.

"Bifrost's were made by the dwarves, blacksmiths and elves from their respective realms." Freya explained. "It can capture, hold and transfer the light of Alfheim which was used as one of the main sources of energy to power the ability for realm travel."

Freya pointed to the slot upon the table. "Insert the Bifrost here."

Six slammed it into the slot and sound of energy whirring with the distant sounds of gears whirring was heard all around them.

"So what happens now?" Kaldur asked.

"Give the temple a moment." Freya said with the entire room seemingly coming to life. "This temple needs a few moments to awaken from its long slumber."

As she spoke, eight small totems and a larger somewhat familiar statue and structure from the water.

Artemis blinked. "Hey is this the-"

"Temple?" Freya finished for the archer with a knowing smile. "Yes. What you see before you is a representation of the temple in which we stand…"

Suddenly, multiple doors began to alight with different colors for each one.

"As well as the realm towers that encircle the lake of Nine outside. All the realm exist in the same physical space, reflections of each other."

"So they exist on top of one another?" Dot said in bewilderment and intrigue. "How is that possible?"

"With the power of Yggdrasil and the ancient primordial energies of old." Freya explained. "These doors, the towers outside and all the realms are intertwined being able to all exist at the same time upon the branches of the world tree. The only thing that "separates" them is the Bifrost light of Alfheim. This room can focus and control that light."

As Freya spoke, energy swirled around in a brilliant display with nine large crystal orbs rising out from the front of every doorway with energy radiating and entering their centers.

"With the tree of Yggdrasil, it is the nourishment of our soils." Freya went on with energy seemingly working in tandem with her grand explanation. "The dew from its leaves feeds our valleys and rivers. The tree's very existence supports creation along its boughs-"

The wispy energy that surrounded them drifted upwards into the ceiling to create a kind of hurricane/vortex of pure energy that drifted and radiated all over the room.

"-its life energy interwoven into the tapestry of life, birth, growth, death and rebirth…" Pure white flowers began to bloom along the many vines and branches. "Transcending time, transcending space. Everything comes back to the tree."

With that final statement, the room settled with the ambient sound of the literal mystical energy permeating all around them being heard in a silent, gentle hum.

"Wow." Wally remarked. "You're really good at presentation. Ever thought about being a salesmen?"

"Wally." Artemis said flatly. "You're talking to the literal God queen of an entire realm."

"What? God's should have hobbies to you know." Wally stated which made the Goddess laugh.

"Yes, perhaps they should take that advice to heart." Freya said with an amused smile. "Being a gardener after all has helped me in my exiled times."

"See?" Wally shot his girlfriend a knowing smirk. She rolled her eyes which turned into a sly smirk at the quick peck he gave to her cheek.

"This place is amazing." Donna said aloud. "I can feel the mystical spring of Yggdrasil all around me."

"Indeed." Kaldur said with equal fervor. "This energy… it's astonishing. I've never felt anything like it."

The Atlanteans own tattoos were now glowing in a low blue hue yet they glowed nonetheless.

Six stood still, his eyes upon the temple model before him. His entire body was tingling with an immeasurable sensation of mystical energy. He felt his connection with his newest weapon, the Leviathan Axe seemingly snap perfectly and clearly into place.

"Six?" Dot spoke up, breaking the Spartan out of his trance. "Are you alright?"


"You kinda seem a bit dazed." Cortana said, her comment making the others look to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine just…" Six held up the Bifrost, gazing at the ceiling and then around the room. "Also feeling the effects of this room. It's… surreal."

Freya hummed in thought. "You may be new to the mystic arts of the world around you, but you appear to be adapting fast." The Goddess then frowned slightly, as if detecting something was off.

"Freya?" Donna spoke up, noticing her sudden silence.

"Ah, apologies." Freya said, returning her focus to the matter at hand. "As you can see, this model represents the temple and bridge right now. It is currently pointed to Vanaheim. To get to Alfheim, simply turn the wheel and align it with its realm tower."

As Six shifted the bridge, the room rumbled slightly.

"Wait, is the bridge aligning itself outside when we changed its path?" Cortana asked.

"Yes, the wheel upon the table turns the bridge and with it, aligns the temple and the bridge to the realm tower of our destination." Freya said.

"Then what about this one here?" Artemis said, pointing to distinctly noticeable gap between two of the realm towers signifying one is missing.

"That would be where the realm tower to Jötunheim once resided." Freya said. "With good reason, though I feel that is a story for another time."

Six aligned the bridge to the realm of Alfheim.

"In order to gain access to a Realm within this temple, you need the travel rune." Freya said, waving her hand horizontally with a small incantation muttered under her breath.

All five teens had their right-hand palms glow with them holding them up to see a rune in the shape of right-facing sideway stretched W.

"That is the rune of Alfheim." Freya stated. "This is what shall allow you travel to that realm at any time. So long as you have the Bifrost."

With destination in mind, the room brimmed with activity, the doorway to Alfheim glowing and its crystal orb rising up into the air.

"With the temple and bridge aligned, the realm between realms will open." Freya said, taking the Bifrost out from the slot and holding it out for Six. "Be sure to hold onto this. You'll need it for your return trip."

As the room swirled with energy, a small orb of concentrated power emanated above the realm table with the orb aligning itself with the Alfheim crystal.

"The crystal you see there is one that every Realm door has." Freya said. "They are used to amplify the power of the Bifrost, finishing the travel between realms."

A beam then shout out from the orb of energy, going straight into the crystal ball with it glowing brightly until everything subsided and the branches and vines of the world tree shifted. It now sprouted in the direction of the Alfheim.

"Wait, did we go anywhere?" Artemis asked aloud.

"Yeah, we're still in the room." Wally stated. "I thought there'd be like some changeup in scenery."

Freya chuckled slightly. "This way then."

"Hey, the Bifrost isn't glowing anymore." Dot pointed out.

"Yes." Freya nodded. "There's not much power left in it and it will need the Light of Alfheim to restore its lost power."

"So we're stuck here till we get this light thingy then?" Wally questioned with an affirming nod from Freya.

"It is good that you have come here for that very purpose." Freya said, walking up the realm doors that began to open on its own.

They saw the small corridor that lead to the Dwarven Forge with the clanging of a hammer upon steel echoing out from the next room over.

As soon as they crossed into the room…

"Hey, ya gone and turned everything back on now." Brok called out to them.

"And with impeccable timing." Sindri said, holding up his whetstone with pliers. "We didn't have time before you all went into the Realm Travel Room but now we can help with what we promised."

"Which is?" Wally asked.

"Glad ye volunteered, now step right up you quick little bastard." Brok said, waving the speedster to come over.

After an unknowing shrug from both Kaldur and Artemis followed by Donna holding up her newly shrunken down portable shield, Wally walked over with a curious look.

Sindri stood beside his brother and placed two metal items that looked like brass knuckles.

"These are for you." Sindri said proudly. "We call them the Zoran gauntlets since you utilize speed like she did."

Examining them curiously, Wally slid on the brass knuckles which then transformed and formed around his wrists and hands in a form-fitting manner. The metal was tinted red, gleaming against the crackling fires.

"Cool~" Wally said, holding up his armored fists and letting out a few practice jabs.

"They're inscribed with the fortitude of Asgardian steel, Jötnar boulders and Dwarven smiting." Sindri said proudly. "And since your power is an energy in it of itself, Brok and I were struck with inspiration."

"Yeah." Brok nodded. "Give those arms of yers a speedy shake."

Quirking a brow, Wally had his hands vibrate for a brief moment. No sooner had he done so were his gauntlets alight, brimming with crackling energy.

"Kinetic energy that can be stored and expunged in powerful bursts." Sindri proclaimed with a beaming smile. "You can build it up yourself. Just be sure to use up energy that you store for a while. Otherwise it won't dissipate from your gauntlets and will need to be physically

"Whoa" Wally said with a growing grin.

"We're still workin' on yer sets." Brok said, specifically to Artemis and Kaldur. "We'll find ye' when it's all said and done."

"We appreciate the gesture." Kaldur said earnestly with an agreeing nod from Artemis.

"Come on everyone." Freya spoke up. "Alfheim awaits."

Nodding in giddy thanks towards the Huldra brothers, Wally rejoined the others as they opened the door that lead to the outside of the temple.

Only this time, rather than finding the mountainous enclosing of the Lake of The Nine, the group was greeted with the site of flora and foliage of unknown origin that was brimming with magical energy.

Freya waved her hand out to move aside the branches of white flowers to display a wondrous canvas of a sky alight with brilliant colors.

"Welcome to Alfheim." Freya said with a grand sweeping motion. "Think you can… spot…"

Freya froze on the spot, startling the group as they looked to her.

"Lady Freya?" Donna spoke softly.

"The Light." The Goddess of Vanaheim said in an alarmed tone. "I can barely see it."

The team turned to stare ahead at what Freya was referring to and way off in the distance was a large pillar of faint light with four separate arches spreading out from the main pillar. It looked like it could go out at any moment.

"I knew things have gotten worse in the nine realms, but to think…" Freya mutter mournfully and in abject dread. "That pillar of light is the Light of Alfheim. That is where we need to go. The light is housed within the heart of a ringed temple."

Suddenly, wisps of light began to appear and float off of Freya's form back into the direction of Tyr's Temple.

"No, no, no, no." Freya cried out in sorrow and disdain. "Dammit, not yet."

"What's happening?!" Donna yelled out, reacting in time to grab Freya by the arm as the Goddess was being violently pulled back towards a portal that had opened up. The portal revealed itself to be a gateway to her home in the enchanted forest.

"My curse." Freya yelled out as the winds became stronger with now Kaldur and Wally grasping her other hand and Six joining Donna with the other.

"To restore the Bifrost, you must step into the light." Freya frantically instructed. "But you must take great care not to-"

That was all that she managed to state before being sucked in with no sign of her left behind.

"NO!" Donna yelled out.

"What just happened?!" Artemis yelled out.

The group was silent, taking in the fact that Freya was taken away like that.

"She said… something about a curse?" Dot said unsurely.

"A curse?" Six repeated. "A curse that keeps her from leaving her home?"

"Possibly." Cortana said though she wasn't so sure. Magic after all was still relatively new to her.

Six looked to each of the teen, all unsure of what to do.

He briefly gazed at Donna who had a worried look in her eyes before turning to face the light off in the distance in a realm that none of them knew how to traverse.

"Come on." Six said firmly. "Freya brought us this far. And we've only just begun. We can't let her down."

Letting the words linger, the teen heroes steeled themselves and nodded as all five face Alfheim.

Alright, let's end it here for now as I'll save the entirety of Alfheim for a chapter unto itself.

Hope you guys have been staying safe with this whole pandemic still.

Have you guys been playing FF7 remake or Doom Eternal these past few weeks to keep yourselves busy? God those games have been a fucking blast and a must to keep yourselves from growing bored.

So anyway, thinks are getting started now with the team arriving in the first of the nine Realms.

Stay tuned for more.

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