Beginning Notes: I haven't written anything substantial for over 10 years, I have felt the desire to write and I have been plagued by muses but as soon as I put pen to paper all of the words flee refusing to be written. I want to thank badly-knitted for inspiring me, reading The Torchwood Drabble Files gave me inspiration to write again and the idea that I could start writing again by writing drabbles.

11/07/14 - I just realised that I haven't put a disclaimer up. I don't own these characters or setting, I am not making any money from the use of these characters or setting etc. etc. etc.

Title: Operation: Distraction

Author: Daashi

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones

Pairings: Jack/OMC, Jack/Ianto

Rating: 13+ (just to be safe)

Genre: Drabble, Crack, Humour

Warnings: Allusions to m/m sexual situations.

"Jack what is this stain?"

"Ianto, did I ever tell you about this time in '41 with a . . ."

"Is this a coffee stain?"

"handsome British officer . . ."

"You spilled my coffee?"

"who could do the most amazing thing . . ."

"You can't distract me Jack!"

"with a bugle horn."

"You tried to feed your coat coffee again, didn't you Jack."

~ End

Word: Bugle Horn

bu - gle (noun): a brass wind instrument resembling a cornet and sometimes having keys or valves, used in typically for sounding military signals.