A/n: Thanks so much for all of the reviews, follows, and favorites! I really didn't expect that much feedback on only the first chapter! Anyway, sorry this took so long. I'm currently in the process of moving to a completely new town, and packing my entire house is very taxing but I will not forget you or this story! Anyway, sorry in advance for any grammar or spelling errors or if I chop Bunny's and North's accents too badly. Please review, follow, favorite, and request!

This is the second part of the first chapter. To be honest, I didn't expect to write another part to it. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians nor do I own the Guardians of Childhood Series. They both belong to DreamWorks and William Joyce. I only own my OC's, plots, ideas, and text. No copyright infringement intended. This is purely for my own entertainment and the entertainment of others. I do not own Emma or Tempest Storm. Emma belongs to Qwerty124 and Tempest Storm belongs to Time to Be.


One might say that Mother Nature was the most amiable spirit to ever exist. Some would argue, and retort that she was dangerous, unpredictable, and powerful beyond imagine. Those points were both true but no one had truly seen Mother Nature in her overprotective mode, which was usually brought about whenever someone she looks over as a child gets hurt – and even then she manages to curb her emotions significantly.

However…this…this was drawing the line entirely.

She had spent how many decades making sure that those two troublesome, volatile Sprites were metaphorically beaten into submission with her punishment of taking away their powers for an unmentionable amount of time. The female – Seva – had seen the errors of her ways and was put on a different probation, one that gave her temporary control of her abilities until Mother Nature either stripped them away again or gave it back to her in full.

Even though Mother Nature was merciful in that aspect, Seva's Queen, Merida, was not.

But that was a story for another day.

Mother Nature stormed onto the frozen lake and knelt down next to the limp body of her youngest Spirit to ever live – Jack Frost. She gritted her teeth in rage as a red fog fluttered over her stormy eyes. She was livid, and the whipping winds that were swirling around furiously were only a part of the depiction of her ire.

She turned her attention towards the appointed guards assigned to, supposedly, keep the Winter Spirit from harm at all costs.

Yuki and Hadrian flinched as Mother Nature rounded them with a hardened glare. "What is the meaning of this?" hissed Mother Nature. She leant forward and grabbed Jack out of Yuki's arms, curling him into her protective embrace. "You were supposed to protect him."

Hadrian trembled but it didn't defer his speech in any way. "We did what we could, my Queen. Jack Frost had sent us on a goose chase around the world until we finally caught him here – but that hooligan Heath had put some unusual enchantment on him, causing him indescribable amount of pain."

Mother Nature turned her attention to Yuki, expression never once veering in any other direction except rage. "Well?"

Yuki gulped. "I healed the residual damage the best that I could, my Queen. This magic was nothing I had ever seen before and I'm afraid I don't know if I had wiped out all of it."

"And where is Heath?" questioned Mother Nature.

"I have placed him in one of your dungeons." Hadrian muttered.

Mother Nature smiled, pleased. The temperamental winds had died down to a serene breeze as Mother Nature stood, still cradling the tiny spirit as if he were a babe. "Well, I'm going to take him to the infirmary – please make yourselves useful, and inform the Guardians of Childhood of what has taken place."

"As you wish, My Queen," the two bodyguards muttered, never once moving from their positions.

Mother Nature looked at them before nodding at whatever she had seen before disappearing from Jack's lake within the blink of an eye.

Mother Nature lived in a castle that was obscured by Magic. Of course, her castle floated midair in what most would call the Bermuda Triangle, and no vessel or plane had ventured there in fear of never returning. She chuckled – humans and their fear of the unknown were fickle at best.

The castle was and surrounding grounds were vast enough to occupy all of Northern Britain.

She raced through her many hallways and staircases that moved in all sorts of directions, whizzing past Spirits, Sprites, Nymphs, Dryads, and all other sorts of creatures and mythical beings as she made her way to the infirmary.

"Willow!" yelled Mother Nature as she burst through the infirmary doors. "Willow!"

The infirmary was one of many, and this one was much colder than the others. It was to the point where Antarctica had absolutely nothing on it. It was safe for Jack, of course, since he loved anything and everything that had to deal with the cold, not to mention the fact that he was winter personified. Mother Nature gently deposited Jack on one of the beds.

"Willow!" she screamed again.

There was a short rustling behind a closed curtain when a tall, scrawny Spirit scrambled to attention. The girl's hair was as white as Jack's with pale skin, and dainty features.

"Yes, My Queen?" She asked breathlessly before her eyes fell upon Jack's unconscious form. Her hand fluttered to her mouth in shock as her eyes widened considerably. "What happened – who – who did this?"

"And idiot named Heath," muttered Mother Nature darkly.

Willow blinked before she ushered Mother Earth out of the infirmary with polite pushing. It left Mother Earth chuckling since no other Healer I the vicinity was as enthusiastic or overprotective as Willow when it came down to her patients. Willow wasn't a winter spirit or sprite exactly but she could withstand the frigid coldness that Jack mostly surrounded himself with.

Willow waved her hand over Jack's still body, blinking as information revolving around his current status flashed into her head. A dark look passed over her face.

"Dark magic…" She muttered angrily underneath her breath. "…what idiot…"

After some minutes flew by, Willow sighed and said, "He'll be fine. He's just exhausted, right now. When he wakes up, he'll probably want to burrow himself in a snowdrift. Let him. It'll make his reenergize faster."

Mother Nature nodded. She opened her mouth to speak, but the hospital wing doors slammed open, and a blur of colors sped into the room.

There was an influx of voices that cried in different tones.

"Jack ‒ oh sweet tooth,"

"Wha' the bloody hell happened to Frostbite?"

"Jack Frost ‒ is he okay?"



Everything froze as Willow's loud voice boomed overhead. Tooth was anxiously fluttering above Jack's head with a few of her baby tooth's surrounding her in the same fashion, Bunny had his arms crossed over his chest as he glared around the room, North was staring down at Jack's pale face, and Sandy was on his cloud, dream sand messages flickering above his head, and Emma was by the doorway, floating in the air as she peered at Jack's form.

Silence filled the room.

Willow cleared her throat, adjusting her white overcoat jacket. "Thank you." She said. "As you can see, this is a hospital wing, and I have a patient, who, by the way, is asleep and doesn't need you ruining it ‒ so, if you would silently leave my wing I would appreciate it."

Bunnymund opened his mouth to object, as did Tooth, but Sandy threw a ball of his dream sand at the both of them, causing them to fall asleep immediately, dropping to the floor in heaps. Emma snickered at the sight of their dreams flickering above their heads. As usual, Bunny dreamt of carrots and Tooth dreamt of teeth.

Sandy then made two makeshift clouds and carried the two of the sleeping Guardians on their respective cloud before tipping his hat to Willow and Mother Nature, making his way out of there with Bunny and Tooth floating behind him. North shuffled his way out of the room quietly ‒ he could tell that now wasn't the time to protest in a loud, booming voice.

Emma gave the two women a soft smile before flying away. She knew her way around the castle, and soon found one of the libraries to coop herself in as she waited for Jack to awaken from his long-needed slumber.

Jack awoke with a groan.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," a voice piped.

Jack groaned again through the suffocating haze of grogginess. He felt weak in many ways. His limbs were numb and Jack felt as if he could drift off and sleep for centuries.

"Oh no, none of that, now," the voice said again, this time gently hoisting him up. Jack groaned in protest. "Hush. You've been unconscious for two days, Jack."

His throat was dry and it burned as he croaked, "…what…?"

Jack blinked away the blurred figured in his vision, and he noticed that he was in an infirmary, and that Willow was hovering over him. She smiled.

"Hey, Frost."

"Hello," Jack mumbled before wincing as he managed to stretch, hearing his muscles pop. "I was out for two days?"

"Yup," hummed Willow. "You gave everyone quite the —,"


Jack groaned.

He really wanted to go back to sleep now…