Wow, long time no post eh? Well, back swinging with some Jake Muller and Piers Nivans. I hope you guys enjoy!

The deal was supposed to be a simple one: keep an eye on the pup until Sherry returned from her mission back in Lanshiang. This was mostly simple due to the fact that the pup was out of it as he had been for the entire week, he'd apparently gone through several of these phases, but while "normal" he kept demanding she not send him back to the BSAA base, and reluctantly she agreed and made Jake swear to the same terms.

"Supergirl, this is not what I agreed to!" Jake growled as he lifted the pup's surprisingly heavy dead-weight self. "You said watch, not freaking feed and bathe and be a damn babysitter-" he continued as he threw him over his shoulder like a ragdoll, heading for the bathroom.

"Jake, you can't just expect him to lay there gathering filth, he needs a bath or he'll wreak-" "Why can't you do it then if you find it so important?" He retorted with as he heaved him into the chair he'd dragged into the bathroom.

"Jake. I'm in China and will be for another week at least," she reminded him with a sigh, "Please Jake? This is important, and I have done it before."

"It can wait a week!"


It had been worth a shot. "Can I at least leave his clothes on? I mean they could use a wash t-" It took the merc a moment to process what she'd said earlier, "Wait! You've seen the pup naked!?" Jake half yelled through the line.

"Listen Jake, I gotta go okay," she replied with a sigh, "Just don't drown him please?"

Jake simply growled a reluctant aggreement, "Mhm. Be safe Supergirl."

"Thank you, Jake, and always!" Beep.

Closing his cell, he hit his forehead against his hand, How in the hell do you get yourself into this bull shit anyways? He patronizes himself, glimpsing over to the zombie like Piers slumped in the chair. He hadn't even been briefed on what had happened to the mutt, afterall, Jake had went off on his own after the deal was completed with Sherry with his blood. Honestly, he was surprised to hear he had lived, afterall, Redfield making it out of there was surprising enough with the size of that piece of sushi Sherry and him had left them to fight. Imagine the look of surprise on his face when he get's a call from Sherry saying Piers made it too, but to not tell anyone. He hated to say it, but he didn't feel bad for Redfield, now he finally got a bit of a taste of his own medicine.

He shakes his head, looking at himself in the small mirror hung above the sink. He takes a breath before setting down his cell and turning to lean against the counter, just staring at the soldier in the torn up uniform. Since he was taken into Sherry's custody, the two of them had been giving him doses of the newly developed vaccination of Jake's blood. The antibodies had been extremely effective, but couldn't give him back his arm. His arm had been amputated at the shoulder and his face was still scarred despite the skin graphs over the larger ones. According to Sherry, if he snapped out of it, maybe being in his uniform would help him remember what'd happened. Rolling his eyes, he pushes up his sleeves, "You're getting in the tub first. You better appreciate this, pup," he grumbles, half tossing him into the shower-tub and undoing what remained of the vest and removing the shirt, tossing it into the corner before giving a sigh and looking at the kid's pants. "Yeah...what Sherry doesn't know won't hurt her."

With that Jake snatched the detachable shower head, turning on the water at Piers' feet and adjusting the temperature on his hand to what he considered warm. He sat on the edge of the bath, spraying down the pup til he was soaked head to toe and spraying him overhead to get his now pretty damn shaggy hair wet enough to wash.

"Aaahhh!" The yell jolted Jake back, almost making him drop the shower head on Piers' head as Piers seemed to half seize, jerking abruptly away from the water and smacking at Jake's hand, his feet slipping as he struggled to stand. Steel blue eyes watched him in confusion before dropping the shower head and grabbing the pup's shoulders, "Piers! Piers! Calm down what the hell!?"

The soldier was shoving Jake back in a panic, his hazel eyes looking around frantically for something recognizable, "W-wa-water!" Chapped lips finally choked out, still attempting to stand when Jake turned off the water and returned to Piers' side only for Piers to grab onto him.

"What the-" Despite the on-off modes with him, he was still a strong little shit, Jake stumbling back as he accidentally pulled Piers out of the tub and thanks to the soldier's weight, he toppled over, back slamming on the tile, taking all the force of the fall. "Son of a bitch-" Jake huffed, rolling onto his side as he coughed, trying to restore the air to his lungs, making the still frantic Piers roll off of him.

Piers continued with the motion, army crawling to the sink and pulling himself up, stumbling as his out of practice feet tried to support him when he darted out of the room, tripping on his own feet all the while, slipping a bit at every few steps.

"Piers!" Jake yelled his head rolling for a moment before he pushed himself up and out of the bathroom, "You're really gonna test my patience pup!" He yelled, managing to tackle Piers to the floor just before he reached the door. Christ he was glad he lived alone or the cops would be at the door in minutes. Wrestling with him for a moment, he finally managed to pin his wrists, "What the hell's your problem?" Jake yelled at him, receiving a blank stare in response.


It was more a question than a greeting, making Jake cock his head, "No Piers, fucking Santa Claus." The look the pup gave him made Jake only more concerned as it looked like Piers actually had to consider the likelihood of him being Saint Nick. "Yes, I'm Jake you idiot. What the hell was with-that?" He asked, his voice calming to a normal tone, taking a hand to motion to the bathroom, both him and the floor soaked.

"W-whe-re am I?" Piers muffles, hand pawing at Jake's chest to get him off of him, which Jake reluctantly obliges too. "W-whe-re's C-Cap-tain?"

Jake rubs his temples, this was going to be one hell of a long week.