In conclusion, this is mostly just a long as heck drabble. It's moving, but as far as a timeline I'm just winging it. I swear Jake and Piers'll stop being at eachother's throats eventually ." .

It had taken a good hour to convince Piers that he wasn't trying to kidnap him or anything and a good five attempts before reaching Sherry for her to tell him neither was allowed to kill the other. She was relieved however that Piers woke up, fully responsive. Yeah, Jake could've lived without that timing. It had taken another hour to clean the bathroom and the trail the two had left on the floor. At least Piers had been able to sit his ass down and change himself in the meantime, though that had meant lending him some clothes.

"You done in there or are you trying to climb out the window? Cause a two story drop would be pushing your luck!" He yells from behind the door to the guest room.

Silence. The back of Jake's head hit against the door with a small thud, "Piers!" He called out again. "Don't think I won't come in there and check!" He wished he was bluffing. Damn better not have went back to- He opened the door to see Piers-thank goodness with pants on-but a shirt half on him and half looking like it was strangling wherever his head had gotten lost in it. Jake just burst out laughing, "You find the circus in there?" He called, leaning against the door laughing for a moment more before debating how long he should leave him like that and whether or not pictures were necessary.

Piers just huffed, struggling more and more to get the damn thing on, Jake was roughly his size, though barely smaller, and getting on clothes was hard to get on with one arm. Sherry had assisted him with virtually everything that he'd let her help with, but putting on shirts had always been one of them. In fact, Sherry had invested in a good number of button ups for this reason since they were so much easier to put on. He was just tangling himself up worse. "Damn it!" Jake's laughter certainly wasn't helping. With a bit more struggling, he finally yelled out, "Shut up!" Sitting back onto the bed, now attempting to get out of the mess of cloth.

Jake raised a brow to him, going quiet and watching.

"Would you just get out of here Muller! I certainly didn't request your assistance or to be your entertainment!" Piers yelled, giving another futile tug at the shirt. He really shouldn't be yelling for him to leave, even Piers knew that, but both men went silent for what felt like an hour. Then, footsteps.

Jake placed a hand on Piers', pulling it from what he had gotten into the sleeve and tugging the rest of it off of his head, taking a moment to just look at the pup. Piers looked down for the first moment before glaring up at Jake, standing up abruptly though stumbling, "It was too small all right!" He snaps, going to face the window, watching as the sun hung lazily over the mountains. His sole arm crossed over his chest. Steely blue's just gazed down at him before huffing and shaking his head, going into his closet and digging for something a little easier to put on. Tossing him a black button up after a few moments, he leans against the closet's frame to make sure the pup got it on this time. "...Thanks."

They ended up sitting in his excuse for a living room, a couch and tv-the money having obviously gone into the tv and the game systems beneath it rather than proper furniture for the room. Flipping through channels, there was nothing on, so finally Jake offered the remote to him for the second time, "Sure you don't wanna look sharp eyes?"

Piers didn't even move, just his eyes glimpsed over, "I'm fine, I would've told you if I saw something," he replies calmly, the words lacking their usual aggression. So they remained in silence, Jake fighting the urge to just hit his head against the back of the couch to make some form of sound besides the drone of Fear Factor.

The question had been drumming on his mind since this morning. "So. You're afraid of water?"

"Shut it Muller," Piers growls, looking away, his hand once more going to where his other arm should have been. "Not like I didn't almost drown or anything."

Jake responds with a half-hearted sneer, leaving them in silence for a moment longer. "I didn't ask you to you know."

"What? Ask me to protect Sherry and you? To do my job? To fight alongside my Captain? How about you stop being selfish!" He snaps, standing up and turning to leave when Jake grabs him by the shirt and slinging him down back onto the couch.

"Why don't we start with you stopping being an asshole a'ight! I'm giving you a place to stay til Sherry gets back and I'm just trying to apologize!" Jake snaps back-the temper ran in the family.

"I never asked for an apology," Piers pulled out of his grasp, "How about you apologize when you're doing it for yourself and not necessity." They both had felt and done it, it came with the territory. Telling your partner's family or the few buddies that made it out of the crossfire in mostly one piece. Apologies meant so little to the two, and they both knew it.