Chapter 7: Coming to Kalos!

The rest of the trip went without much hassle, although mine and Streak's interactions were somewhat brief and awkward. I couldn't bring myself to talk to her properly after that one night. So I went back to my more isolated lifestyle, spending my days at the stern, in the cabin or, mostly, in the salon. I had taken a shine to their services. I just loved how they treated me with respect and gave me my space while still working on my fur and claws to keep them in top shape. Of course, I preferred doing that myself but there was some inexplicable charm about the salon. Maybe it was the treatment, maybe it was the calm and quiet ambience, or maybe it was the feeling of solitude I experienced there. But that all ended when we arrived to Kalos.

After they pried me off the salon door, which I hung on to nail and tooth, they walked down the ramp with me frowning in the back of the group, and Rosa put us in our Poké Balls, to which I had gotten somewhat used to by now, though I still didn't like the empty interior. If there was at least a pillow, maybe some water, maybe a salon… I'd have be fine. Regardless of being in our Poké Balls we could hear everything Rosa and Arian were saying.

"It's unbelievable that we're actually in Kalos, the region of fashion!" Rosa squealed. She could barely contain herself, which Arian noticed. He chuckled at Rosa's excitement.

"Alright, let's check out the shops!" He said, gesturing towards the multitude of fashionable clothing boutiques and hair salons. Rosa squealed once more and they rushed off to the first shop. Then, the cloths fit began.

The first boutique was a hat shop. Arian picked up a black fedora for himself and added a nifty pair of matching sunglasses on it. Rosa on the other hand spent maybe hours trying on different combinations of hats and accessories and we had to be the judges. Though she still checked herself in the mirror so I didn't know why we even had to bother. But Arian didn't seem to mind. After what felt like days we left the boutique, Rosa having bought herself a large straw hat with a pink band tied around it and red feather accessory attached to it. Next we headed for the clothing shops.

We ended up going through multiple stores because of their different selections based around different styles, like street fashion, everyday gear, sports gear and sophisticated attires. Arian ended up getting his clothes from the everyday gear boutique. His new attire consisted of a pink striped shirt on a black and white striped T-shirt, brown cargo shorts and brown short boots. His fedora was a bit too fancy to fit with that attire in my opinion but I wasn't there to judge. Audibly.

Rosa decided to get her new clothes from the sophisticated attires boutique. Her new attire consisted of a red pleated kilt skirt, a red and black tie-neck blouse, white tights and white saddle shoes. She also bought a silver necklace with a Poké Ball symbol on it. I sighed in relief, thinking the shopping spree was over. Oh how wrong I was. They still wanted to get their hairs done. Darn kids.

Arian's hair was a bit too long and messy so he had it cut to medium perm. He also had his natural brown dyed with honey color. He carefully placed his fedora on his head and was pleased at how his hair supported the hat. Rosa had her hair tied to a ponytail, dyed from blonde to burning red and sideswept at the front. She was partially unsure of how she looked, the mirror in the salon having been unfortunately busted by a previous customer.

"So… How do I look?" She asked as she fidgeted with her skirt's hem. She was blushing slightly, much to my confusion.

"You look great, Rosa!" Arian said and gestured towards the door.

"Come on, we need to reserve a room from the Pokémon Center." Rosa nodded and we all headed out. I sighed in relief because the shopping trip was finally over. But on the way to the Pokémon Center Arian noticed an accessory shop for Pokémon.

"Rosa, we could check one more shop out. I mean, our Pokémon deserve something as well, don't they?" Rosa nodded and I groaned very audibly to show just how frustrated I was about Arian's little idea. But my frustration would soon vanish as I witnessed the Dark-type section of the shop. It had accessories of all sorts that fit the image of a Darkling such as myself perfectly. There was a black and blue scarf that had a distorted spiral symbol in the front. I was immediately drawn to this particular item and poked it with my claw to show that I was interested in it. Rosa soon noticed, picked one up and tied it around my neck loosely so as not to disrupt my breathing. I viewed myself in a mirror and I liked how the scarf looked on me. I also ended up getting a small, marine blue slash symbol tag attached to my blade. Umbra was choosing his accessories with Shiva, go figure. He got himself a blue tail band and the same scarf I got. Gale got himself a golden talon ring and a red and black striped cloth that covered his whole back. Streak on the other hand was not sure what to pick. Either she didn't like any of them or she liked too many to choose only one. I decided to go help her, if only to speed this shopping session up. I looked around and saw Arian's Pokémon choosing accessories for themselves. Alpha also got himself one of the scarves I did. I felt like I was being copied left and right. Haven was trying on some talon rings but when he realized Gale had gotten one he put it away. Shiva had gone crazy with her accessories. She had a red necklace that had a blue flame symbol on it, a black and red scarf, a white bow on both of her ears, a red tail band and silver ankle rings on each leg. She winked at Umbra, who in turn blushed but didn't hide his face. This indicated to me that their date had gone well. And then there was one more Pokémon whom I hadn't seen yet but it was very keen to Arian, so much so that it hid behind his leg the entire time. It was a small Ralts. It was very timid and shy so I figured it must've been a baby. And my assumption was correct. Arian kneeled and gave Ralts a gentle push.

"Go on, little guy. I know this is your first time really being around the others but I encourage you to be brave. I'm sure they'll gladly have you", he said and the Ralts smiled and let out a cheerful cry that I couldn't decipher, meaning that it hadn't learned to talk yet, not completely at least. The Ralts inched forward, crawling along the ground. We didn't stare because we knew it would just make Ralts feel uncomfortable. But when it came to me and hugged my leg, I felt its slightly slimy baby hands wrap around my leg and, as much as I tried, I could not resist it. I lifted my paw.

"Hey! Get your baby hand off my paws!" I immediately realized just what I had done. Ralts swiftly escaped back to Arian, who in turn shot me a very judgmental stare, much like most of the others.

"Riku! I would expect you to know better than to yell at a baby!" Arian scolded me. I shot him a look but didn't say anything so as not to upset the baby any more than I had already. I made a mental note to apologize to Ralts later if I got the chance. After that we left the store and headed for the Pokémon Center once again. But when we got there, we ran into some familiar faces. Those men from the ship that I and Streak had run into were there. The one I had tackled down noticed me and pointed at Rosa.

"You! Your Absol attacked me on the ship! I want you to make up for your stupid Pokémon's actions!" Rosa glanced at me but I didn't care. I was giving the man the meanest, most bloodthirsty snarl I had given to anyone in my life. Mu hackles were rising and I let out a very low, threatening, blood-stopping growl. Rosa noticed this and, for once, acted in my favor.

"I don't know what Riku did to you but you don't seem to have any wounds. Also, he seems very hostile around you. I would imagine you've done something to him to get him to act this way towards you. Pokémon don't attack people without a reason, sir." The man was fuming with rage, the only thing on his mind being payback.

"I want to have a battle with you tomorrow. One Pokémon, you're using that rotten Absol. Understand?" Rosa nodded and walked past him, her face stern and emotionless. I growled when I passed the man.

"I will skin your Pokémon alive, slice it in half and use it as a rug", I said, but of course it was all growling to him. The rest of the group didn't acknowledge the man at all, of which I was thankful. After we got into our room Rosa pulled the others into their Poké Balls but left me out. I felt as if I was about to be scolded. But instead Rosa knelt down and asked me a question.

"Riku, is what I'm suspecting true? Has that man done something to you?" I nodded in response. Rosa stood up and sat on the bed.

"Riku, since that man is obviously someone you despise, I want to make a contract with you. How about we tear him and his Pokémon to shreds?" I glanced at Rosa as she said that last bit, completely surprised by her wording of it. I certainly wasn't expecting that kind of talk coming out of Rosa. But regardless of that I nodded in response to show that I agreed with her idea. Every fiber in my body craved vengeance on that man. And if I were to get a chance to tear up his Pokémon in the process, it would be all the more satisfying. I grinned and sharpened my claws and Rosa joined the grin. The next day was going to be good.

We walked into the arena the morning after and noticed the man was waiting for us. He stood at the opposite side of the arena and had the referee there, ready to judge the battle. Though the referee looked very uncomfortable and scared. I couldn't imagine what that man had done to make him so on edge. But it was soon revealed as the referee started stating the rules of the battle.

"This match will be one on one. Though instead of the usual, the battle will be over only when one of the battling Pokémon is…", he paused, glancing at the man, who in turn gave him a terrifying look, making the referee sweat. He pulled on his collar and then continued.

"… Dead." The man smirked. Both Rosa and I were terrified at the fact that this was actually a death match. And no doubt had the man chosen the best possible Pokémon to go against me. But Rosa wouldn't have it.

"What? Dead? You can't be serious! How can an employee of the Pokémon Center allow this kind of outlandish rule? This is outrageous!" Then, the man spoke.

"This Pokémon has disgraced me. I will have its head as payback. I am the head officer of the hunting division of Team Dimension, Havayah! I will not have a hunted Pokémon tackle me down!" Rosa's resistance stopped at the mention of Team Dimension. She was looking at the ground, not in desperation, but in anger.

"Team Dimension? We ran into one of your commanders on the way to Hearthome City in Sinnoh. His name was Saturn. After our encounter my friend was very quiet and wouldn't tell me what was wrong. But it was obvious he bears a grudge towards you guys. Anyone who makes my friends miserable will pay. Prepare to lose your Pokémon, Havayah! I think Riku will be more than glad to send it to an eternity of hell! Riku! Let's go!" I rushed to the arena, still completely amazed and slightly terrified of the pure magnitude of violence in Rosa's speech. But I liked this side of her. I felt she would command me a bit less and let me have some free will in the battle, as this was revenge from both me and my Trainer. Havayah threw a Poké Ball and, to our surprise, another Absol emerged from it. But this one seemed… Different, to say the least. Its face wasn't the usual, calm one. Instead it bore an extremely hostile snarl and it showed its fangs ti every person in the room, including me and Havayah, who gave Absol a demeaning look.

"Absol, your first assignment is to destroy and utterly murder this other Absol." I heard Absol whisper something to me before the referee reluctantly started the match.

"Please, Riku… Kill me."

I was wide-eyed at his request. Never before had I met or even imagined meeting a Pokémon who would willingly be asking me to end their life. I had no words for this situation. Suddenly Havayah called out a command.

"Absol, Slash! Slice that rat in half!" Absol sprang forward but just before he swung his claw he shouted.

"Dodge, Riku!" I heard the same phrase coming from to different directions, from the Absol and from Rosa. I acted in a split second and sidestepped so that Absol's claw hit the ground.

"Riku, use Quick Attack!" Rosa commanded. I set a surge of energy to my legs and shot forward like a white bullet, slamming into Absol and knocking him back. I had questions I wanted to ask, though.

"How do you know my name? Why do you want me to kill you?" Absol stood there, his face showing a clear hint of sadness. But before he could talk Havayah gave another command.

"Absol, use Slash again!" Absol sprang forward, but this time Rosa acted quicker.

"Riku, intercept with Quick Attack!" I sprang forward as well, clashing with Absol's Slash attack. We clashed over and over again, talking simultaneously.

"I want you to kill me because you cannot let this man continue his campaign. He's planning on wiping all Absol off the face of the land because he believes we cause the disasters we try to warn people about. I want you to win this battle so you can put an end to Havayah, preferably as bloodily as possible. I'll be watching him scream in agony from below. And as for why I know your name… Time will tell, Riku. Time will tell. Just remember my name for now. I'm Angelo. It was an honor to have made your acquaintance, Riku." Then he let his guard down on purpose, allowing Rosa to call the finishing blow.

"Riku, Night Slash!" I charged my blade with dark energy and rushed forward, cutting through Absol like a hot knife through butter. His two halves fell on the ground, his blood flowing on the ground very quickly, forming a puddle. I stood in front of my victim, sending him off with a salute only we Absol know. I stomped the ground twice and then howled in a saddening way, like when a Mightyena howls at the moon. And for the first time in my life, I shed a tear after killing. I slowly walked away from Angelo and Rosa came to me, noticing my sorrow. We left without saying a word and headed to our room. She sat on the bed and I lay next to her, my eyes slightly watery. She took out her brush and started stroking. But I just wasn't feeling as euphoric as I usually would. I had slain one of my brethren. How was I supposed to just be alright with that? Then, after a short silence, Rosa spoke.

"Riku… I don't know what to say. You won, and I'm proud of you. But I sense that you're not the slightest bit happy about it. I know I wouldn't. Killing another human, or a Pokémon for that matter, is nothing I would ever consider. Just the fact that you managed shows how much you care about this team. I'm grateful for you being here, Riku." I sighed silently, showing that her speech wasn't making me feel the smallest bit better and that it never would. Rosa just smiled and got off the bed.

"Alright, I'll stop bothering you. I know you need your own space, especially now. I'll tell the others to be careful around you for now." I was thankful about that, at least. I took my usual corner spot and lay down there for what seemed like hours. But even my dear, sweet silence was soon broken by a certain Linoone. Streak approached me carefully and spoke rather meekly.

"Riku? Can I join you there?" I glanced at her, not lifting my head. I sighed but gave a small nod so as not to seem completely anti-social again. She scooted over but didn't get too close, which I appreciated.

"Riku, I heard what you did today. I didn't think… I didn't think you had it in you. You slayed your comrade. It must have been awfully tough, even if he was in the control of an evil human. I just want to say… Uhhh… If there's anything you need, I'm here for you. We're teammates. We stick out for each other and help each other in the time of need. I just want you to know that we'll support you through any sort of problem you might have. And right now you seem very depressed, and for a good reason. Is there anything I could do for you, Riku?" I was grateful for Streak's offer but at that moment I felt like solitude was the best cure.

"Streak, I appreciate the offer. But right now, I believe the best way for me to get over this is for me to have some space and for me to be alone for a while. So if you could leave me be for now, that would be great." Streak nodded, her face full of understanding instead of disappointment, the latter of which I was expecting. She got up and hopped onto the bed. I turned my head so I wasn't facing her and just lay there, in my thoughts. At some point I fell asleep. I went to Darkrai again.

As I arrived to the Ruins of the Night I saw Darkrai pacing back and forth, not nervously, moreso waiting. I approached him and he immediately stopped. I figured he was waiting for me.

"Ah, my child. You've come to me again. Tell me, what are you so sorrowful about? You've committed a crime against your own group today, haven't you, Riku?"

"Y-yes, Darkrai. I have slain another Absol and I don't feel at all glad about it. What do you think?" Darkrai sighed heavily and turned his back to me. I was feeling the pressure.

"Riku. Darklings have certain… Guidelines they have to live by. These guidelines are "For thy own benefit, don't get attached" and "Thou shalt not slay your brothers". You have disobeyed the second one. As the elder of Darklings, I could punish you. But seeing as you didn't know about these guidelines, I'll let you off the hook this one time. But remember, if you ever find yourself killing another Darkling or getting too attached to your team, I will personally end your life. Understand?" I was speechless, my mouth hanging half-open and my eyes wide. I nodded, fearing Darkrai.

"Good," he said, "I hope your visits become more frequent. I wish to hear more from you, Riku. Just remember, don't get too attached to your team, for it is dangerous for a Darkling to have attachments, as I told you in our Shaden conversation. Now, I need to go, as my nemesis is once again here to pester me. Until we meet again, Riku." He melted through the ground and, as if on cue, a bright light blinded me again and I shot awake. I glanced around the room, as if Darkrai would be there. But, obviously, he wasn't, so I went back to sleep.

After we all woke up I stayed at my corner, still upset about what had happened the day before. I still hadn't completely gotten over the fact that I had literally murdered another Darkling, another Absol, no less! I could never have imagined that I would end up killing another of my species. I was grateful that Rosa understood how I was feeling and kept the others out of the room for as long as I was there. I eventually decided to put it all behind me. After all, I didn't want to worry my Trainer or my team. Wait, what? Had I actually gone that far already? I could feel Darkrai's presence behind me, haunting me, making sure I wouldn't get too attached. But regardless, I still exited the room and searched out the rest of the group. They were all fitting on their clothes and accessories. Oh, that's right. I didn't mention what Streak got for herself, did I? Well, I saw her new accessories just then, I figured it would be best to keep the story completely chronological. I didn't want to tell anything in advance.

Streak had gotten a new red ear bow and a matching tail band that made her tail look like a ponytail. When Rosa noticed me she instantly slapped my scarf on me. The symbol tag had been on my blade for the entire time after we got out of the shops. As much as I hated Rosa's enthusiasm about my accessories, I had to admit that I liked them, they fit me and my air very well. Then Rosa spoke.

"Alright, everyone! I'd like to announce our very first contest will be in Laverre City! I hope we can do even better than we've done before! Ooohhh, I'm so excited!" She was jumping up and down in excitement. I noticed all of Rosa's team smirk happily while I simply stood there, not particularly excited. I was just hoping she wouldn't say-

"And I want Riku to participate!" I lay down and started hitting the floor with my head. Though when I felt a large amount of stares on me I stopped and got back up. Rosa was understanding, though. To an extent.

"Riku, I won't force you to do it but I would really appreciate your help with our first contest in Kalos. Please?" The rest of the team was obviously on her side so I figured my only real option was to agree to do it. I nodded, suffered from a bad case of the cuddles and then proceeded to mentally kick myself for my decision.


Riku: Just do it so he'll shut up about it.