We all know the drill.

The Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles belong to Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman.

The 2012 incarnation belongs to Nickelodeon.

The story on the otherhand and any oc belong to me.

Read, enjoy and suscribe.

It was late and most of the city was already home and in bed. On the roof tops of New Work both for patrol and for getting exorcise outside the Lair. It had been stressful for all the turtles. Not only had they found out about the Kraang wanting to kidnap April for an unknown reason but also lost Leatherhead. It has been a hard blow for the brothers and they have seen how things are getting more and more difficult. It would be a matter of time when the turtles might have to face the Shredder again. It was very disheartening for all the brothers. Especially Mikey sins he and Leatherhead had a strong connection with one another.

It was also frustrating for April, she was still training to be a kunoichi. The brothers wondered just how far her training had come. Haven the "luxury" of over 10 years of training gave them a great deal of advantage compared to the rookie kunoichi. They also wondered when or if April would receive a weapon.

"Mikey, we will get Leatherhead back. But you being sad about it won't help." Leo tried to reason with his youngest brother. Ever sins the unfortunate event at TCRI the young turtle had been less energetic. Michelangelo knew that him acting down in the dumps weren't helping anything, but he weren't in the mood just now. As emotional as Michelangelo was he did switch back to his joyful self very quickly, he just needed a small amount of time to miss someone.

The night was chilly and not meant for cold-blooded mutants to be out in.

"Can we go home now?" Michelangelo said slightly freezing.

"We still need to patrol this part of Manhattan then we can go back home." Leonardo said in a voice of a captain, meaning that none were to question him on that.

"Com'on dude we have been out here for hours already. I'm tired and cold and hungry."

"Said the turtle eating an entire pizza." Raphael added sarcastically.

"Alright a few more minutes then we can head home deal?" The younger brothers nodded. Agreeing and smiling Mikey began following his brothers.

"As slow as this night has been, what could possibly happen?" Donatello said and as a twisted joke they soon heard it.

The shrill sound of a girl screaming caught their ears and before Leo could even give the order to investigate the sound, him and his brothers were already on the move. They found exactly what they were looking for. It was the Kraang and they were trying and succeeding to get something into the van with them.

"The one known as the girl, shall be taken to Kraang by Kraang and will come with Kraang." The Kraang Bots in human disguise said as they tried to drag the struggling girl into the van. The van's doors were wide open and she had little to no chance of squeezing past the van even if the suited men weren't holding her.

"Rōkanā!" The girls shrill voice sounded again. The turtles may have no idea about what she said but they knew that she was in distress. With a very accurate leap Leonardo and Raphael managed to land ontop of the two robots, startling the Kraang. In surprise the robots lost the grip on the girl and she stumbled into the wall behind her almost knocking the air out of her. She felled to her knees and went into an almost fetal like position. Her hands over her ears, eyes closed and knees shaking she began mumbling a mantra none of the brothers heard before.

"Shaantam padmaasanastham shashadharamakutam panchavaktram trinetram,

Shoolam vajram cha khadgam parashumabhayadam dakshinaange vahantam;

Naagam paasham cha ghantaam damaruka sahitam chaankusham vaamabhaage,

Naanaalankaara deeptam sphatika maninibham paarvateesham namaami." Was repeated over and over by the girl that was pressing herself closer and closer against the wall.

After a short struggle and four ruined Kraang robots, the four brothers looked at the girl they had rescued. None of them understanding a word of what she was saying and turned to Donnie in hopes that the smart brother could translate.

"So what does she say brainiac?" Raph said looking at his younger brother expecting an 'understandable' translation.

"I don't know, it isn't English, I can't be Japanese, and it doesn't sound like Latin or Spanish."

"Then what is it!? We want to know what she is saying, not what language she is talking."Raph said

"Perhaps I can help. I speak "crazy" just fine!" Michelangelo said with a wide grim. The rest of his brothers looked questioning on each other wondering what their youngest brother where up to. Careful not to startle the girl he listened in on her mantra.

"Uhum. ok. I see." The freckled turtle said as he listened to the girl. Then turned around and walked up to his brothers.

"Well?" Leo asked looking curiously at the young turtle. Mischievously griming the orange wearing turtle began to speak as if he was very proud of himself.

"She said….. I have no idea." All of the other three moaned in annoyance.

"We better go. I mean she will get out of that funk soon." Raph said leaping up and landing on the fire escape.

"Raph she was terrified and we need to make sure she is safe and unafraid." Leonardo argued with the red wearing turtle. Standing his ground ready to lecture Raphael if necessary.

"Which is why we should leave. She will freak out seeing human sized turtles."

"Raph for all we know the Kraang might be heading this way!"

"Even more reasons to leave!" Michelangelo was watching interested as his older brothers were verbally attacking each other. Donatello knowing already that once Leonardo and Raphael started to argue they would continue until a big "issue" emerged or one stepped down. Donatello however decided to focus his energy on the girl that still trembling like a leaf and silently crying. With a gentleness and softness in his step he slowly approached. Just as if she was a wounded hind, if scared a hind could give itself a heart attack. Donatello hesitantly touched her arm. Careful not to scare her more than she already was. Donatello slowly removed her hands from her ears. Her eyes remained closed, as if not wanting to see the Kraang that had been after her earlier.

"It's ok now. You are safe."


"Do you understand what I say?" The girl nodded giving him an indication that she understood at least a bit of what he was saying.

"You need to leave; those things that almost kidnapped you might come back." Donatello said and once again the girl nodded and much to his surprise opened her eyes. With big dark doe eyes the young girl looked up at Donatello. She looked surprised but didn't show any kind of fear. Almost like a child that was experiencing something for the first time she leaned closer as if searching for something in Donnie's eyes. Donatello however stumbled back not knowing what to make of this girl that showed no fear of him. Something most humans usually was the first time they saw him or any of his brothers.

"Rukō! Maiṁ tumhēṁ cōṭa nahīṁ hōgā." Her soft shout got the attention of the bickering brothers.

"Oh great, just great. Now we will have an oddball that can identify us." Raph said looking irritated at the young girl.

"Dude that was mean." The young turtle pouted. Raph was about to answer Mikey's statement. Only to have an awfully familiar robotic voice interrupt them.

"The once known as the turtles, will surrender one known as the girl to Kraang. Or force Kraang to exterminate the ones known as turtles by the hands of Kraang."

"How about no!"

"The one known as the turtles, shall be incinerated by Kraang."

"Affirmative." The Kraang began shooting and in a swift move the four brothers and their salvaged victim were up on the roof.

Reluctantly Donatello hid the girl in the shadows. Hoping that she could at least stay out of Kraangs sight and leave unharmed. As if the girl was a young child Donnie quietly hushed her and left to join his brothers.

"Kachu'ōṁ, ina abhibhāvakōṁ kē li'ē viṣṇu dhan'yavāda." The young girl said as she watched the young turtles fight the odd men that had followed her.

The fight was between the brothers and several Kraangs. All of them in human 'suits' and for some reason they wanted the girl the boys found in the ally. Something was different this night a different type of gun was used as well. Instead of aiming at the turtles heads and vulnerable spots the kraang aimed at their feet and arms. Just like instant cement, the goo that came from the new gun force the turtles in place. Making it difficult to move and defend.

In the shadow the girl watched the fight in silence wanting to help but didn't know how. Soon another turtle was hurt and hit the ground. She gathered her courage and threw a stone at the man holding the strange gun and standing over one of her hurt saviors. It worked and the Kraang turned around temporarily ignoring the hurt turtle. They all at once turned towards the foreign girl as she took off.

When the Kraang bots saw the girl they began chasing after her. Their guns sounding as purple rays shot form the gun. She lead them to a minor water tower up on the roof and stood there waiting for them to fire. She avoided the blast and as the tower was hit a minor tsunami flushed the kraang bots of the building. The turtles felt the water weaken the goo and they broke free. Before the turtles could thank her Raphael asked the question all of them wondered.

Although much more irritated and not as thankful.

"So who are you?"

"Mērā nāma Nityā hai. Maiṁ mujhē bacānē kē li'ē dhan'yavāda. Yē lōga lagabhaga mujhē dūra lē gayā." She said smiling brightly and lightly bowing before the four turtles. Behind them was a still functioning kraangdroid and with a Taser in hand he was rushing forward ready to strike the young girl.

"Watch out." Leo managed to reach the kraang droid in time and cut of its head and left arm. This time the girl saw the action up close. But instead of hearing the man shout in agony or bleed, a pinkish Kraang left the now useless robot body and this being disturbing for anyone to witness, the girl shrill scream sounded again.

"AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEH!" The girl's eyes seemed to role to the back of her head and fainted. Mikey and Donnie managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Umm, Dudes I think we broke her." Mikey said as the girl was out cold.

"Great going fearless leader now we got an even bigger mess on our hands." Raph muttered his green eyes narrowed and looking at his older brother.

"How is this any of my faults, exactly?" The young leader asked his hotheaded brother.

"Well we could have left 'Oddity' back in the ally! I mean unless she is as dumb as Mikey."

"HEY!" Michelangelo said annoyed.

"She would have found a way out of her little panic attack and gone home."

"Raph I can't believe that you are so cold, this girl was attacked by the kraang she could have been killed if we didn't intervene."

"And now she has seen us and put our secret in jeopardy." Raph said pointing an accusing finger on the unconscious form of a girl. This was the first time the brothers could really have a look at the young girl they rescued. She looked to be about their age, braided dark hair, brown skin and dark eyes. Nothing about her screamed beauty, nor where she hideous to look at.

"Guy's we need to find a place where she can wake up. Too much stress and confusion could drive a person mad. She has been through enough for tonight. She needs to regain conscious someplace familiar to her and with as little stress as possible." Donnie said looking again at the girl that had shown no fear for him.

"True but where do we take her?" Leo asked the genius.

"Can we bring her home please?" Mikey said as if the girl was a lost puppy or kitten.

"Sure lets bring her to the lair." Raph said dripping with sarcasm. As he waited for his brothers to agree he saw them all giving the thought some consideration.

"You got to be joking."