"HERONDALE. OPEN THIS DOOR BEFORE I PUT MY FUCKING FOOT THROUGH IT." The fiery red head was furious. Standing on the outside of an apartment with only one handgun as a weapon and one of her gang members next to her.

"I KNOW YOU HAVE TRENT. OPEN THE DOOR, I'LL TAKE HIM BACK AND I'LL LEAVE." She hammered her fist on the door that rattled on its hinges.

The door finally opened and a head of golden hair popped out. "Clary! Always a pleasure!"

Clary pushed him inside his apartment and followed him in, her gang member following them both. "What is this stupid game that you're playing, Herondale?"

"Game?" His voice was innocent but his eyes dared her to continue questioning him.

Clary sighed. "Listen, I know you have one of my men-"

"Your men?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not like that. We're not all as sex crazed as you. You have one of my gang members. You wouldn't bring him here if you really wanted something but you have so you must have wanted to lure me here. Aside from that, it makes sense for us not to clash. We're two of the biggest gang leaders in America, neither of us want reason for a huge 'war'."

"And how do you know he's here?" Jace eyed her suspiciously.

Clary rolled her eyes. "There were footprints in the mud outside that were his; I could make them out even though some were slightly smudged. Also, your little friend was way too reckless talking on the phone."

"My little friend?"

Clary clicked her fingers then tapped her temple. "Uh... Sam? I know it begins with S."


"That's the one."

Jace didn't reply for a few moments. "I did want to lure you here, that is correct. I have a proposition."

Clary seemed to hesitate. "Go on."

"Your body guard has to go. So does your weapon." He gestured with his head to the man standing behind Clary.

"Only if Trent can go with him."

Jace hesitated then nodded his confirmation. He yelled for someone to bring Trent in. He emerged, blindfolded, gagged and bound.

"Ma'am I really don't think you'd be safe-"

"Take him and leave." Clary said with removing her eyes from Jace. He took Trent then left after glaring at Jace. Clary removed her gun from her waistband and handed it to Jace.

"What and you're sure this could work out?"

Jace took a long drag of his cigarette and made smoke circles in the air when he exhaled. "I don't fuck around, when I say something will work out, I will make it work out."

"Yeah, well," Clary exhaled smoke and it danced with Jace's in the air. "forgive me but I've hardly been able to trust you in the past."

"I'm nothing if not trustworthy." He smirked.

Clary tapped her cigarette and the ash fell off, purposefully missing the ash tray by millimeters, spilling onto the coffee table. Jace just stared at it.

Clary leaned forwards across the table towards him. "I guess the real question is: could you handle me?"

Jace leaned forward so their noses were almost touching. "All that and more, baby." He winked.

She looked at him for a beat longer, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Okay."

"You're in?"

"I'm in." Clary stood and walked to the door of Jace's apartment.

Jace stayed seated with a smug grin on his face ."I knew it."

"Don't push your fucking luck, Herondale." She called, shutting the door before he could have the last word.

You and I against them all now, doll face. Jace smiled serenely to himself and lit another cigarette. Chain-smoking; a nasty habit he'd picked up somewhere along the way in his train wreck of a life. One of his many nasty habits. He hardly ever drank alcohol though. Too many memories, he supposed.

There was a knock at his door and he yelled his permission for them to enter. In walked Kaelie. Blonde, fake slut who annoyed Jace so much that he had contemplated throwing her out of the window once or 10 times. In a skirt barely covering her ass and a top that showed about everything there was to see, she walked up to Jace and sat on his lap, straddling him.

With the cigarette hanging out of one side of his mouth, he spoke first, none too kindly. "What?!" She didn't deserve to be treated kindly, he figured.

She brought her finger to his bottom lip. "You should quit that, it's dangerous. It could give you cancer." Everything she said was said seductively, it's ridiculous. She's ridiculous.

Jace took the cigarette out of his mouth between his index finger and his middle finger. "Did you know that- apparently- 24.4% of men that smoke more than 5 cigarettes a day will get lung cancer?" He exhaled into Kaelie's face and she coughed slightly.

"See! You should quit," She started undoing his top buttons. "You could die."


"And?... Well... I don't know but dying is bad."

"Ah, so that's why people commit suicide."

She scowled though he could barely see it through the make up. "That's not funny."

He looked down. "Are we going to fuck or are you just going to carry on playing with my buttons?!"

She grinned- more predatory than happy- as he took her barely-there top off.

Kaelie opened Jace's door to leave and squealed slightly. Jace was in the kitchen after telling Kaelie to leave.

Clary chuckled humourlessly, "Calm down, love, I wont kill you," She made to walk past Kaelie into Jace's apartment but stopped right next to her. She took the toothpick out of her mouth and whispered. "Probably." Then made her way to Jace, hearing Kaelie shut the door after gasping slightly.

"How long does it take you to have a shag?!" She said once she found him.

He turned, still shirtless with his black jeans zipped but not buttoned. "Depends on the girl."

"I mean, with... whatever the fuck that was." She gestured towards the door Kaelie had just walked through.

"It takes a while to climax with her. I have to close my eyes and think of England trying for my first while she's on her 7th." He winked.

"Yeah well, half of New York heard your panting and grunts so it couldn't have been that bad."

"I don't think they were mine."

"You say 'baby' all of the time. So did the mysterious grunting voice. Spooky, right? Besides, only you'd say that when you forgot a girl's name."

"I did not- okay, yes, I forgot her name. So what? She's nothing special." He shrugged. "So, you couldn't resist me. That's why you came back, right? Well, I'm sure I could go for round two." He walked towards her.

"I swear to fucking God, if you touch me without my permission, I will put a bullet between your eyes."

Jace smirked. "We'll have so much fun working together."

"Whatever. The reason I came over was to discuss who else will be in this."

"No one." Jace walked towards the living room and slumped onto the sofa.

Clary followed and sat next to him. "No one?"

"That's what I said." He shrugged and put his feet on Clary's lap.

"Just you and me?"

"I believe it's 'you and I'."

She pushed his feet off her lap so Jace sat up. He slung an arm around her shoulders. "Do you have sex on this sofa?"

"Mostly. Never in my bedroom anyway. Listen, doll face. We can do this without gangs. It's less messy that way; less ways to split the money, less people to keep quiet, you know, yadda yadda."

"Yeah, well, things could go wrong." She stared him down, unwavered.

"Another reason to go without a gang."

Clary looked at him. God, he was right. He was a dick but he was right. She nodded slowly.

"Oh and one more thing." Jace said. "We're going to live together."

SEX IN THE FIRST CHAPTER, I'M GOING TO HELL. I hope you guys enjoyed this because I am so freaking nervous, I'm not even joking.